To: Alberta's Child
To: wille777
Seriously? If Jeb is anywhere near the ticket.. I dont vote
To: wille777
Walker/Jeb 2016NNNooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
1,863 posted on
11/04/2014 7:53:16 PM PST by
(Vote for Conservatives not for Republicans)
To: wille777
Walker/Jeb 2016 Step away from the crack pipe.
1,866 posted on
11/04/2014 7:53:30 PM PST by
(crossed fingers & dry powder)
To: wille777
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET JEB OFF OF THERE!!! NO JEB NO JEB!!!!!
1,882 posted on
11/04/2014 7:55:20 PM PST by
( " O thou who changest not....ABIDE with me")
To: wille777
Jeb? Really? I can’t stand him and would never vote for him. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson