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D.C. Dem Eleanor Holmes Norton: Iraq was ‘the most catastrophic war of the 20th century’
Canada Free Press ^
| May 1, 2014
| Robert Laurie
Posted on 05/02/2014 9:16:57 AM PDT by Cheerio
Eleanor Holmes Norton is the Democrats non-voting congressional observer from the District of Columbia. You may remember her as the genius who claimed that people didnt know they had to sign up for ObamaCare because evil Republicans had convinced everyone it had been repealed.
Well, Democrats, congratulations. Your brain trust is at it again. This is a woman you actually elected and shes dropped another nugget of wisdom in your laps. An incensed Ms. Eleanor Norton wants everyone to know that the Iraq war was perhaps the most catastrophic war of the 20th century.
Heres the clip:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Government; US: District of Columbia
KEYWORDS: abortion; benghazi; benrhodes; deathpanels; demagogicparty; dems; districtofcolumbia; eleanorholmesnorton; iraq; jaycarney; libya; memebuilding; obamacare; partisanmediashill; partisanmediashills; susanrice; vietnam; zerocare
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Unfortunately, as usual, Ms. Norton is a bit confused. We know these people cant get in front of a microphone without making some sort of inane blame Bush comment, but come on. Cant they do better than this?
First of all, the Iraq war took place in the 21st century, not the 20th. Oops.
However, even if she was right about the 20th century, the rest of what shes saying would still be wrong. Vietnam was far more catastrophic for the United States, and World Wars I & II were vastly more catastrophic for pretty much the entire planet - by virtually every possible metric.
What any of this had to do with todays House Oversight Committee Benghazi hearings, I dont know. The only way I can tie the claim to the consulate attack is if I assume that the Iraq war was catastrophic because it set up a situation where Barack Obama and his inept regime could get elected.
...But I sort of doubt thats the point Ms. Norton was trying to make.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:16:57 AM PDT
To: Cheerio
Poster Girl for the total failure of the government school system.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:19:26 AM PDT
Iron Munro
(Malaysia Flight MH370 Black Box signals reported in Bermuda Triangle)
To: Cheerio
posted on
05/02/2014 9:21:29 AM PDT
doug from upland
(Obama and the leftists - destroying our country one day at a time)
To: Cheerio
What any of this had to do with todays House Oversight Committee Benghazi hearings, I dont know. It doesn't. But it does have to do with her 69 IQ.
To: Cheerio
Per her web site, she is a “tenured law professor”.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:24:16 AM PDT
(Mr. Soetoro, we regret to inform you that your race card is over the credit limit.)
To: 17th Miss Regt
I don’t believe that she actually has one IQ point for every year I have been on the planet, that sounds too high.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:25:37 AM PDT
To: Cheerio
It says more about the constituents that elect her than it says about her. There are idiots in every district in American, not every district in America will elect them to public office.
To: Cheerio
What can be expected from someone who thinks she’s living in the 19th Century and just got freed from the plantation.
To: Cheerio
GHW Bush’s war to free Kuwait from the invasion by Saddam Hussain?
[Poor ole gal is confused. Aging can be rough.]
posted on
05/02/2014 9:26:59 AM PDT
To: Cheerio
The personification of an Affirmative Action Jackson
Thank God she’s not allowed to vote
To: Cheerio
At the House committee hearings yesterday, where even Elijah Cummings fell silent, Delegate Norton trembled on the edge of declaring that the real reason for these hearings is because Republicans control the House and a black man is President.
I at least thought Ms. Norton smarter than, say, Sheila Jackson Lee. Oh, well.
To: Cheerio
The Iraq war took place in both centuries, unless you can show me where the United States Senate ratified an armistice after the 1991 truce (Hint; you can’t) so in a way she is only half as stupid as you are thinking.
Another failure of Clinton. Keeping an open ended war on pause.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:36:15 AM PDT
(Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.)
To: 17th Miss Regt
“It doesn’t. But it does have to do with her 69 IQ.”
It is THAT high?, Color me astounded.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:42:02 AM PDT
(Revolution ver. 2.0, just a matter of when, not a matter of if!)
To: A_Former_Democrat
“Thank God shes not allowed to vote”
All democrats should be non-voting observers.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:43:04 AM PDT
(You can't fix a broken washing machine by washing more expensive clothes in it.)
To: Cheerio
It is just the latest Dem talking point. Obama recently pivoted back to the Iraq War in an attempt to get his base off the Benghazi story and re-riled about Iraq. Ignore them, they are all political hacks with no conscience.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:43:30 AM PDT
(Moderation in temper is always a virtue; moderation in principle is always a vice. Paine)
To: Cheerio
Perhaps this quarter-wit was referring to Desert Storm commencing in 1990 and ending in 1991. I believe the US lost 245 valiant warriors, tragic surely but ten times more were lost at Pearl Harbor.
She’s an idiot. That’s being kind.
posted on
05/02/2014 9:49:14 AM PDT
(When I first read it, " Atlas Shrugged" was fiction)
To: mongo141
It is THAT high?, Color me astounded.Bear in mind that the voters of her district may have elected her as the "Smartest Woman in our district". That may explain a lot.
To: Cheerio
She’s a 20th century dunce.
posted on
05/02/2014 10:05:25 AM PDT
To: Cheerio
Guess she forgot the Blackhawk Down incident.
posted on
05/02/2014 10:07:20 AM PDT
(Bill Maher, the 21st hijacker.)
To: Cheerio
On day one, Harry Reid was on the Senate floor saying the war was lost. The Left did its level best to demoralize this nation and any semblance of accomplishment to do good.
The Economist asks, ‘What will America fight for?’ I say there’s nothing left because of the Progressive agenda.
posted on
05/02/2014 10:07:50 AM PDT
(I was born here in America. I will die here in a third world country. Obama succeeded.)
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