To: Cheerio
Perhaps this quarter-wit was referring to Desert Storm commencing in 1990 and ending in 1991. I believe the US lost 245 valiant warriors, tragic surely but ten times more were lost at Pearl Harbor.
She’s an idiot. That’s being kind.
16 posted on
05/02/2014 9:49:14 AM PDT by
(When I first read it, " Atlas Shrugged" was fiction)
To: muir_redwoods
Desert Storm commencing in 1990 and ending in 1991. I believe the US lost 245
Resulting in 148 U.S. battle deaths, and 145 nonbattle deaths, including 15 women. Wounded in action: 467.
23 posted on
05/02/2014 10:26:34 AM PDT by
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