How do they get this without the Senate? Buehler? Buehler?
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
No worries, it’s just that 2 time gigolo Kerry.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
They (the president) can sign wall paper for all I care. Without senate confirmation, the signature is meaningless.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
(D)istrict of (C)riminals
4 posted on
06/03/2013 12:42:55 PM PDT by
(Inbred, pedophile-worshipping, misogynists (mozlums) offend me.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
It has no force of law without the Senate ratifying it and no matter what anyone says... that is the truth. I do not think that they have nearly enough votes to pass it in the Senate.
5 posted on
06/03/2013 12:43:51 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Must be ratified. It is not ratified
6 posted on
06/03/2013 12:47:02 PM PDT by
(Don't pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I am sure someone, somewhere, at some time, has been killed by ketchup.
Time for a national registry....
9 posted on
06/03/2013 12:47:43 PM PDT by
(If we don't change directions soon, we'll get where we're going)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
They can pass all the frakking treaties they want. I am not bound by anything that is an abridgement of my natural rights.
10 posted on
06/03/2013 12:47:49 PM PDT by
(Refuse; Resist; Rebel; Revolt!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I swear, it often seems as if the left in this country wants us to water the Tree of Liberty.
13 posted on
06/03/2013 12:49:15 PM PDT by
2nd Bn, 11th Mar
(The "p" in Democrat stands for patriotism.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
"How do they get this without the Senate? Buehler? Buehler?"
They don't. It's just like how Clinton signed the Kyoto global warming treaty but the Senate went on to reject it 98-0. Budda's signature was meaningless.
A traitorous agenda in my opinion.
29 posted on
06/03/2013 1:11:29 PM PDT by
Gene Eric
(Don't be a statist!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
0bama is hardly incented to sign treaty that would outlaw arming his jihadi buddies in Syria.
30 posted on
06/03/2013 1:12:35 PM PDT by
(Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I don't know how many SEAL teams there are, but they are now needed to take action against the treasonous insurgents in our gov't. The country our brave servicemen have fought and died for is being turned on it's head.
Did these men die so we could be stripped of our God-given rights? HELL NO.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
No doubt that a national registry would save lives. Don’t take this as a government takeover of a free nation, THAT is just VRWC talk! It’s been proved time and time again that government confiscation of human freedoms saves lives and if just one life can be saved...
39 posted on
06/03/2013 1:26:21 PM PDT by
(Trust in God, question everyone else)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
And it doesn’t matter that the Senate will never ratify the treaty.
The Migratory Bird Treaty was never ratified, but we enforce that.
UN Agenda 21 was never ratified after Herbert GW “Daddy” Bush signed it, but it is being implimented nation wide.
This will be implemented to, without any Senate retification.
42 posted on
06/03/2013 1:30:55 PM PDT by
(Free goodies for all -- Freedom for none.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Could lead to massive non-compliance!
44 posted on
06/03/2013 1:34:41 PM PDT by
G Larry
(Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Psalms 109:8)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I am more concern with that pos treaty LOST passing the senate. Thing just will not die.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Let’s hope Odumbo is this stupid - to sign an EO which “ratifies” this illegal treaty. At what time does anyone think the lead will begin flying if this happens?
52 posted on
06/03/2013 1:53:36 PM PDT by
(Proud dad of an Army Soldier who has survived 24 months of Combat deployment.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Obastard can do some things by issuing orders to the ATF and FBI, but he can’t order them to ignore the law. As much as he would like to, his signature on the treaty means noting without the votes of 2/3 of the Senate.
53 posted on
06/03/2013 2:06:00 PM PDT by
Blood of Tyrants
(Inside every liberal and WOD defender is a totalitarian screaming to get out.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
This from the same man who said “Reporting for duty” at the convention? And when he was the leader of Vietnam Veterans against the War, discussed assassinating politicians? Left a sick dying woman for a rich widow? When I look in the dictionary under traitor, I see his ugly mug!
54 posted on
06/03/2013 2:06:17 PM PDT by
(Tea Party since 1976)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
The Senators of either at their Brothel or their Banks
working on ways to SCREW Americans and help al Qaeda.
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