To: 2ndDivisionVet
It has no force of law without the Senate ratifying it and no matter what anyone says... that is the truth. I do not think that they have nearly enough votes to pass it in the Senate.
5 posted on
06/03/2013 12:43:51 PM PDT by
To: LibLieSlayer
2/3 vote needed to ratify.
Even if ratified, the notion that a treaty overrides the Constitution is just plain untrue.
2A is unaffected by a treaty.
To: LibLieSlayer
Further, no treaty does anything without enabling legislation, and that requires the House to get involved.
8 posted on
06/03/2013 12:47:12 PM PDT by
To: LibLieSlayer
And one of the biggest gun grabbers in the Senate assumed room temperature today.
18 posted on
06/03/2013 12:56:34 PM PDT by
(Liberals don't get it. Their minds have been stolen.)
To: LibLieSlayer
Since when has the law stopped this tyrant? He has utter contempt for the law if it gets in his way. Executive orders or out right ATF enforcement through policy changes. The tyrant king and his pack of henchman will turn far more nasty and brutal before this is over.
26 posted on
06/03/2013 1:04:25 PM PDT by
To: LibLieSlayer
It has no force of law without the Senate ratifying it and no matter what anyone says... that is the truth. I do not think that they have nearly enough votes to pass it in the Senate.
does the house have to vote also?
To: LibLieSlayer
It has no force of law without the Senate ratifying it and no matter what anyone says... that is the truth. I do not think that they have nearly enough votes to pass it in the Senate.
Sorry to disagree with you, but in case you haven't noticed we are no longer a nation of laws - unless the law or the Constitution works for the left - e.g. Lois Lerner still believes in the 5th Amendment.
Baraq Husssen Soetoro will enforce this UN law and challenge anyone to stop him. Don't believe me?
Obama and Holder: Stop us if you can!
101 posted on
06/03/2013 10:52:51 PM PDT by
(Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
To: LibLieSlayer
Even if they ratified, how can any treaty supersede the Law of the Law...the Constitution?
If they pass a U.N. treaty that says all power belongs to the U.N., that’s the ‘new law’? What other Rights do they think they can give away w/out Our say? Don’t think so.
129 posted on
06/04/2013 2:32:46 PM PDT by
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