2/3 vote needed to ratify.
Even if ratified, the notion that a treaty overrides the Constitution is just plain untrue.
2A is unaffected by a treaty.
you mean the same way the state department ordered the 3d printer designer to stop all distribution of PLANS due to an arms TREATY?
It's been done for over seventy years, Reid v. Covert notwithstanding.
Your statement is true, right up to the point of willingness to use force to keep it that way.
Right. But IIRC, it takes 2/3 of the members present.
I can see Dingy Harry pulling some shenanigan at 3am where there are just enough for a quorm, mostly Dems, of course, and then calling for the vote.
That would be no more of a dirty trick than the way he got nobamacare passed.
Unfortunatly cities, states, and the Congress/President enact laws that overrides the 2nd Amendment all the time.
The left hates the Constitution and see the 2nd Amendment as the most vulnerable part if it because they can get an emotional reaction against it by demonizing it.
The left will never give up on overturning the 2nd its the cornerstone for their agenda against individual liberty, and the limitations on government.