So, what would a Treason/Trial/Convict/Sentence bumper sticker do?
My bumper sticker to Obama:
You Obama are a true piece of crap. take your socialism, your big government , your freedom robbing government regulations, take your tyranny and go f yourself.
Paul V. Guaschino ..... what’s his freeper name?
It was the middle finger, not the bumper sticker, that led to the stupid attack
I wonder if the bird flipper will be less quick to randomly throw his finger up at people he does not know. You catch an angry person on a bad day and that finger may cost you your head.
Love the sticker. But a finger should not begat a baseball bat attack. A physical attack should cause the sticker owner to bring out the bats etc.
A return bird would have been acceptable and had that precipitated a physical attack, defending himself would be appropriate.
I wonder if all is being reported here?
Sounds like a ‘flip and run’ accident to me. The flipor should be hunted down and prosecuted.
I had a hunch this happened in a gun-free state. It’s not a good idea to be flipping the bird when you don’t know who might be carrying. An armed society is a polite society and all that...
Wish I could shake the hand of the guy with the bb bat.
If someone flips you the bird like this the correct response is to just laugh at them. Point and laugh. That ticks them off to no end and you win.
I thought the guy with the bumper sticker got his car bashed...
so the liberal OBot gives you a odd salute ??
Who cares ???
Just laugh at them...
The old man is 61 and can claim that he thought the middle finger was a weapon.
In NJ, baseball bat laws are sort of like the gun laws.
Its unlawful to have a baseball bat in your car unless traveling to an organized game. I think the only exception to the rule is if the bat is a “collectable bat”.
Unfortunately in this state (Connecticut) if you needed a bat for every supporter of the Marxist-in-Chief you’d personally float Louisville Slugger for the decade. It’s no surprise that the leftists here are out in force and gloating, as there are far more Obama bumper stickers evident after the election.
Thin skinned, oversensitive A-hole with a baseball bat couldn’t keep his fragile ego in check.
So the Impeach Bush bumper stickers were okay then ....
By age 61 a person should learn the art of self-control. And not be shocked that such a bumper sticker would provoke this kind of response.
Now he gets to pay the price for being stupid.
He should have to pay for damages. His right to respond and take action against the flipper ends at the flipper’s property line.
He needs to shut up, call his lawyer, and get the best deal he can get. He's screwed.