Here's your chance, RINO sleepers! Hope you are happy with yourselves.
via WLS “Quotes from Illinois Primary Voters”:
“If a frog was running against Obama, I’d vote for the frog.” - Richard Zellers, 66, retiree from St. Joseph who voted for former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.
This is typical of how the Liberal RINO's win; they can't carry the Conservative voters, they carry the parasites.
If I recall correctly, Santorum was not on the ballot in six congressional districts in IL.
I am not a big fan of Romney but am now ready to crawl across broken glass to vote for him. The longer Republicans spend time talking about birth control instead of the economy and our debt, the more likely obama is to be reelected. These primaries need to end.
It can’g be!
The trees are not the right size.
Not a surprise that liberal/”moderate” Romney won in the state that elected Obama.
Levin just said a little bit ago that Romney has a real problem because it isn’t like his winning in blue states is some big accomplishment. He was never NOT going to win the POS state I live in. It’s too far gone liberal. But he only barely wins in red states. His machine has spent too much money attacking other Republican nominees and not enough trying to connect with conservatives. The reason...IMO because he isn’t one.
I am worried that this same vicious underhanded-ness will not translate to attacking Obama when he becomes the nominee. THAT is when he will really need it.
I have never liked Romeny and like him SO MUCH less now. But, if he picks a strong and I mean STRONG VP running mate, that will be his only saving grace.
I heard on the radio that Turnout was very low. Chalk that up to a lot of people who are not going to vote For Robama or any of the GOP choices that we have been given for that matter. It was all part of the plan.
I hope Santorum realizes how stupid he was wasting all those days in Puerto Rico!!!
I'm a realist and sadly I think we have Mittens vs. Saul Alinsky Jr.
We really need to take back the party from the Roves, Drudges, Fox News talking heads, ect...
I don't regret voting for Santorum, I will always choose conservatism over settling...
I like Newt, but it's clear that he can't attract votes in places other than the Deep South -- and not enough, even there. And, sorry -- Santorum makes my skin crawl; a lot of Republican primary voters apparently agree, and I don't want to imagine how many states he'd carry in a general election against Obama.
And now, Romney wins Illinois in a massive rout. Mitt wasn't my favorite; he wasn't in my top ten. But he'll be the Republican nominee. So, now what? Do you vote for a third-party candidate? Abstain from voting for President? Or do you vote for the only person who can remove Obama from the Oval Office?
I keep hearing how Romney won’t perform well in the southern states. Does anyone really believe that Obama will win the South over Romney?
the hallmark of all Romney primary victories... record low turnout.
If the RNC insiders can’t see what a desaster this is in the making they are blind.
Most of White Glove’s support comes from Crook County, and it’s been counted already. Santorum is gaining and is within 14 points with 48% tabbed. Glove will probably win, but by about 7%.
Don’t look at me! I voted for Santorum in 2012; Fred Thompson in 2008; and Alan Keyes against Barack Obama.
Sigh. Not enough people agree with me.
RND and FR Project Loss fo Conservatives
Is anybody really surprised that the same morons who elected that scumbag faggot Mark Kirk to the Senate would vote for a lying, unprincipled liberal like Mittens?
This chart tells you nearly everything you need to know about why Romney wins or loses.
Romney loses every time the percent of evangelicals exceeds 50% of voters.
Even with 100% of Newt voters going to their sainted salesman, Rick'd lose to Romney 47-43.
Polling in several states over the past month showed--in his best case--Santorum takes just 57% of Newt supporters. If he had 6 in 10 of Newt votes in Illinois, Rick gets to 40% and Romney passes 50%.
In some states that matters. For example, five Super Tuesday states (ID, OH, OK, VT, VA) had rules were a candidate exceeding 50% won all the delegates. The runners up get nothing.
The fastest way for Romney to sew this up is for Newt (or any of the others) to leave the race.
Santorum "supporters" demanding Newt exit with full knowledge of the fallout outlined above are really trolls for the establishment.