Here's your chance, RINO sleepers! Hope you are happy with yourselves.
Come on. Be honest. You don’t believe that Santorum bears any responsibility in this?
Poser backstabber at work:
"I bet you $10,000 I can glue this thing on the roof
of my wifes second Cadillac."
I agree. I am very suspicious of people who went from thread to thread every day simply bashing Santorum. Some attacked him with such fervor that it’s as if he did something personal to them. They claimed they supported Gingrich, but Gingrich is conservative, so why bash a conservative man like Santorum just because he was doing better in the polls?
Instead of whining, why don't you name names? Accuse them directly of being a Romney-bot.
I will not vote for Romney if he is the nominee.
I sincerely believe JR will not go there.
But, I do agree, although I'd get great satisfaction out of being banned instead of resigning.
So true. Sort of surprised the moderator allowed the continual negative toxic comments from these guys, horrible. Probably did their share of damage on various boards. People can only take so much of that crap and they give up.
You nailed it .
The non stop Rick bashing by Romney bots playing the lame Newt supporter was sadly obvious .
They played the same game using Cain to destroy Perry etc..
Mittens is going to loose Big in the general .
The most ugly nasty primary campaign by Mittens ever seen in modern times has turned off the base .
I thought that this would be the first time my vote in this hell hole state would matter, and once again it was irrelevant. The fix was in on this one just like it was in the 2010 Governor Race which was stolen leading to the worst gerrymandering in American History!
To those Newt supporters they see a a compromiser rather than a fighter of principles when they see Santorum you know "well, we didn't get what we really wanted but at least we got SOMETHING done".
So, if anybody is in hiding as a Romney supporter but masking as a supporter of somebody else that Romney supporter would most likely be claiming to support Santorum and NOT Newt Gingrich.
Santorum never had a chance. He should have stepped down long ago and let Newt tackle Mitt Romney. But he didn't. We can look for Santorum to be endorsing Mitt Romney AGAIN sometime soon, I suppose. many believe that was his plan all along.
Your theory just does not hold water.
I have no earthly idea what you could possibly be yammering about. I’ve supported Newt since he was an asterisk in the polls and could gladly vote for Santorum in the general election even though I think Newt is vastly preferable. Most (though lamentably not all) Newt supporters are in the same boat.
I will not vote for Myth in this or any other election.
Put down the hash pipe.
The truth is that santorum, Gingrich and their supporters split the conservative vote and helped romney win. Conservatives as a group “own” this defeat.
That’s really not fair to say that and stop assuming and accusing please. Past posts speak for themselves. I haven’t endlessly bashed Santorum, but I will admit I don’t like him because he voted to raise the debt ceiling and I think he’s an arrogant jerk just like Mittens who is o bama lite.
I wanted Sarah, she was my first choice. Then I jumped on the Cain train but that fizzled out. Newt was my third choice and is who I voted for in my primary.
I decided to not bash any of the candidates anymore on FR because I didn’t feel like getting into it and I refuse to help the DNC, Obots and Axelrod with their talking points, because in the end, I will vote for whoever has an R beside their name because none of them are worse than the Marxist in Chief.
I detested John McCain, I held my nose and voted for him because of Sarah. I think Hussein stole the election with illegal campaign donations and massive voter fraud. A write in vote or not voting may make people feel better but it’s still the same as a vote for the Kenyan any way you look at it.
If anyone thinks the first term was bad.. the executive orders, the czars, the spending, the takeover of private industries, the bailouts, the bogus stimulus, the unemployment rate, the deficit, the payoffs and kickbacks, the mob tactics, the constant vacations on our tax dollars, YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ COMPARED TO A 2ND TERM FOR BARRY HUSSEIN SOETORO OBAMA AND HIS FAT A$$ WOOKIE WIFE.
I guess I could sit home, not vote and then sit here and b*tch for the next 4 years as Hussein destroys this country, changes the supreme court for decades and wonder if we can ever turn it back in my lifetime. I choose to not do that. I’m not convinced Mittens has secured the nomination, things happen, it’s a long way to Nov. however, I will vote in NOV. and I will be voting for Mr. or Mrs. Anyonebut Thekenyan.