I don’t think thats the reason its a bust....
Obama and Oprah can’t seem to get the message from America....GO AWAY!!!!
Hmm, you’da thought she would have just switched her show over to her network to gain an audience. I guess it makes more sense to focus on re-runs where we already know what’s happened.
Drift away? This turd never had any viewers to begin with. Oprah sucks and everyone knows it.
Maybe she can have a new show on FOX. Some thing like...When Talentless Cows attack!
Oh it’ll be a huge success because Rosies gonna have her own show on O’s network...< /sarcasm >
If she wants to waste her money...its her bidness....but...she shoulda just bought a boat.
She ain’t been doing so good since she helped to inflict Obama on us.
I understand her show took a ratings hit due to her political advocacy, even before she left ABC.
Fat ugly sow can go to Hell for all I care.
she need to stop being greedy by investing her money. She need to spend it to help grow the economy
Younger daughter is doing something with her cheer group tomorrow for a show on the Oprah Network called ‘Buckets of Money’ or some similar name. It’s supposed to be raising money for a teacher at their school that has cancer and other problems and his whole family is suffering. I haven’t watched a single minute of the Oprah channel and don’t even know what the channel number is on my cable system, but it sounds like something good is coming from it, from a local perspective.
Not sure if this is either here or there in a ‘big picture’ sense, but I felt like sharing. Have a great weekend.
The Lesbo network.
She’s doubling down. Good. I hope she spends her last nickel on this albatross.
No offense meant to loud mouthed overweight Black Women that loathe Obama who shop at Walmart.
When Glenn Beck launched his GBTV, it was said that had more paying customers than Oprah has viewers.
Oprah’s ratings went south when she actively campaigned for the Commie Kenyan.
She’s been Dixie Chicked and doesn’t get it.
I’m glad Ms. Piggy retired and Americans are no longer taken in by her. Most of her audience can’t afford cable.
Hard to imagine an Obama-worshipping liberal network isn’t swamped with viewers.
After all, they have that market all to themselves...