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Freepers who want Sarah Palin to be President in 2012. Please all other stay out
Posted on 11/27/2010 12:56:43 PM PST by factmart
This thread is only for freepers who want Sarah Palin to be President in 2012. Please all (TROLLS)other stay out.
TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 2012; 33moviesofelvis; allenwest2012; andykimcheckhimout; angrypalinbots; anothervanity; arrogance; awomanreagen; bigots; blindworship; cultofpalin; cultofpersonality; cults; dcrealityubetcha; derangement; divisive; dontmatterwhospotus; election; embarrassing; emoting; esthersarah; factmartvanity; foolishness; frankieandannette; godspick; greatgams4prez; haters; hillarypalin2012; johnnycarson; mcpalin; moderndayesther; mywayorthehighway; narcissism; no2008retreads; nomorecultworship; noobs; noobsworshippalin; notthisshitagain; numskulls; palin; palin2012; palinbotshearttsa; palincult; palinistas4mccain; palinkoolaidfactory; palinodonnell2012; palinworship; personalitycult; prettyisenough; reaganreaganreagan; rinos4hillary; rinos4obama; rockhudsonwasntgay; sarah2020vjjacksonjr; sarahmcpalin; sarahpalin; sheshotthatswhy; silliness; sillynoobs; stupidisasstupiddoes; timefornewblood; trolls; trolls4palin; vanity; wouldntwinalaska; yetanothervanity
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To: SumProVita
I am interested in understanding the root causes of Karl Rove’s misogynistic behavior. If you’re not, that’s your right.
To: factmart
posted on
11/27/2010 2:47:50 PM PST
(Starve the Beast!)
To: Ethrane
Do you have any recollection of how thoroughly Reagan was trashed in the media? Have you happened to notice that the economy has already tanked?
To: EternalVigilance
Whirled Peas *gulp* What have peas ever done to you?
posted on
11/27/2010 2:49:18 PM PST
(Pester not the geek, for the electrons are his friends.)
To: FreeReign
Some Politicians wait until they have won a new political office before they quit their old office. I believe that to be unethical. And some like Biden and Leiberman run for VP and Senate in the same election year.
posted on
11/27/2010 2:50:07 PM PST
(Forward With Confidence!)
To: ohioWfan
I didn’t attack Palin or Palin supporters... I did attack the original stupidity of this thread, so maybe you are conflating the two... deliberately? In order to endear yourself to the “Palin supporters” on this thread so they will turn and rend me...
An attempt at engineering groupthink perhaps?
posted on
11/27/2010 2:50:17 PM PST
(I'm not a preacher of anything; I'm just a recipient and unworthy steward of God's grace.)
To: ColdOne
Rubio....balanced ticket with needed voters coming it... JK
To: Jim Scott
If you are in this thread without wanting Palin, you are a TROLL by FREEREPUBLIC RULES AND GUILDLINES!
If the ROMNEY people would start a thread like this I would say 99% of us Palin supporters Would stay out of their sandbox!
Palin Freepers can't have a Thread to get ready for the primary fight ahead?,
Can not the Greenbay Packers have a meeting place without the Dallas Cowboys being in the same room or vise verse! IF I wanted Romney like some of them do I would start Threads for Him! What is their problem?
To: Eddie01
posted on
11/27/2010 2:52:52 PM PST
(There is nothing that Communists do better than winning in a morally relativistic universe.)
To: factmart
If the ROMNEY people would start a thread like this I would say 99% of us Palin supporters Would stay out of their sandbox! LOL...if Romney people started a thread like this they would get banned.
posted on
11/27/2010 2:54:01 PM PST
(There is nothing that Communists do better than winning in a morally relativistic universe.)
To: jimbo123
If you are serious read his book. Read between the lines. Very enlightening. I know people who grew up with him. They all say he has been that way for years.
posted on
11/27/2010 2:54:24 PM PST
(V for Vendetta.)
To: Mark was here
You keep scratching. Others will do as they see fit.
posted on
11/27/2010 2:57:28 PM PST
presently no screen name
("Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down.." Mark 7:13)
To: mad_as_he$$
If you are serious read his book. Read between the lines. Very enlightening. I know people who grew up with him. They all say he has been that way for years.
Which book? I'll definitely check it out. There's definitely something going on behind the scenes with Rove and his issues with women.
To: factmart
Can not the Greenbay Packers have a meeting place without the Dallas Cowboys being in the same room or vise verse! IF I wanted Romney like some of them do I would start Threads for Him! What is their problem? The internet is a big place, and anyone can start their own site with their own rules for participation.
We could help you come up with some possible URLs if you would like.
How about...
That one comes to mind because on another site earlier I was told not to discuss Sarah Palin's pro-choice for states position on abortion, or her judicial supremacist views, or her support for a "pathway to citizenship" for illegals, or her support for the Law of the Sea Treaty, because to do so would be an attack on "one of God's Queens," for which He would severely punish me.
posted on
11/27/2010 2:58:25 PM PST
(There is nothing that Communists do better than winning in a morally relativistic universe.)
To: factmart
posted on
11/27/2010 2:58:36 PM PST
(Don't tell God how big your storm is... tell your storm how BIG your God is!)
To: 9YearLurker
Oh, I sure do...but CNN and the like were in their infancy, and there wasn't 24/7 political coverage then either.
And, while the unemployment rates are now similar, and we are probably headed toward inflation/stagflation, we aren't near as bad off yet, and gas is still in supply.
Like I said, by election time my reservations might not matter if things get desperately worse...because at that point the people will be clamoring for anyone BUT Obammy.
We'll see...I like Sarah a lot...but I'm not ready to coronate her as nominee just yet..politics is WAY to fluid these days IMO.
posted on
11/27/2010 2:59:04 PM PST
("obsta principiis")
To: jimbo123
“I am interested in understanding the root causes of Karl Roves misogynistic behavior.”
I am interested in the substantive, fact-based reasons for your assertion as to his condition and its root causes.
posted on
11/27/2010 3:00:17 PM PST
(Cogito, ergo...Sum Pro Vita. (Modified Decartes))
To: factmart
If you are in this thread without wanting Palin, you are a TROLL by FREEREPUBLIC RULES AND GUILDLINES! So, could you link us to these "GUILDLINES"?
I never knew FR had "guildlines."
Shoot, I didn't even know FR had guilds...
posted on
11/27/2010 3:00:44 PM PST
(There is nothing that Communists do better than winning in a morally relativistic universe.)
To: Truth101A
Great post, Really, will anyone get people to work for them like Palin Will?
Dems know this!
To: diverteach
This is one of my very favorite pictures of Sarah....I find her a combo of Reagan and Truman...a woman of substance...and for all of us...Dems and ‘Pubs and those who follow the path of knowledge....independent thinkers....
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