She is completely against Cap and Trade. and see here -> The 'Cap And Tax' Dead End
Go to the 10:00 minute mark in the first link/video to see her DENOUNCE cap and trade.
And before you deceitfully bring up her stated position FOR cap-n-trade WHILE she was a VP candidate for John McCain, let us all remember the context;
She was the VP for John McCain who was a whole-hearted believer in Man-Made Global Warming and Cap-N-Trade.
As any person who has any knowledge of the history of Presidential Politics understands, the VP must agree to promote the positions of the POTUS candidate.
So VPs have to balance their position on the issues and priorities they personally put on those positions with the stated positions of the POTUS candidate.
Context is King EternalVigilance!
She Made these statements on July 8th, 2010 and the editorial was released by the Washington Post on July 14th, 2010.
Now, if you can provide a link to any comments she has made since she staked out her position AGAINST cap-n-trade where she has changed her position or waffled, you may have a point and I will be willing to listen.
You won't be able to find anything.
Eternal Vigilance, you should probably do your homework before you post.
Your PDS is showing again!