Posted on 11/21/2010 12:47:36 PM PST by ponsdorf
Does FR or any other group have a response planned? If so count me in.
A response to what????
I love these threads. I’m waiting for the picture of the bunny with a pancake on his head.
Here kitty kitty.....
I just wanna give a shout out to all viking kitties!
Here’s the article:
Veterans to march against White House for Peace
November 21st, 2010
A group of anti-war veterans have signed on to march against the White House to demand peace on Thursday, December 16th, probably hoping to avoid counterprotesters who have jobs and cant show up on a Thursday. They compare themselves to the Bonus Marchers of the last century who marched after World War One for their benefits;
In the early thirties, WW1 vets descended on Washington, D.C., to demand their promised bonuses, it being the depths of the Depression. General Douglas MacArthur and his sidekick Dwight Eisenhower disregarded President Herbert Hoovers order and burned their encampment down and drove the vets out of town at bayonet point.
We are todays bonus marchers, and weve coming to claim our bonus-PEACE.
Well, here are some of the people whove signed on to the above statement and with whom weve discussed over the past few years.
Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition; as you can imagine, Brian isnt a veteran, just a Maoist bomb thrower. He runs ANSWER along with his brother also not a veteran.
Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder, CODEPINK for Peace; yeah, shes not a veteran either yet there she is listed with veterans.
Elaine Brower, Anti-war Military Mom and World Cant Wait; Shes not a veteran, but her son was deployed to the GWOT three times voluntarily. Shes fond of calling soldiers baby killers and murderers but exempts her son from such caricaturizations and throws her sons service in the face of detractors at every opportunity.
Scott Camil, Veterans For Peace; Camil was known as Scott the Assassin during the Vietnam War days because it was his idea to assassinate politicians who didnt oppose that war. He was also one of the Gainesville Eight who plotted to disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami by attacking the police and firebombing stores. He was also shot while trying to sell drugs to the DEA.
Matthis Chiroux, Iraq War Resister Veteran; What can I say about Matthis you dont already know. Hes not a veteran of GWOT.
Bill Perry, Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Bill Perry was one of the original VVAW members who testified at the first Winter Soldier hearings. He admitted to me last year that his testimony at those hearings was bullshit to please the hippie chicks and John Kerry.
Mike Prysner, Co-Founder, March Forward; Mike ran for office in the Party for Socialism and Justice. He ran for the Board of IVAW even though hed left the organization to form March Forward because IVAW wasnt radical enough for him.
Ward Reilly, Veterans For Peace; Ward is a big fake. he walks around in boonie caps and tiger stripe uniforms to give the impression that hes a Vietnam veterans, but his entire tour in the military was spent in Germany during Vietnam. He wears a Ranger tab on his boonie cap to give the impression that hes a Ranger even though hes never been to the school.
He once questioned me on how I could justify my CIB since I earned in Desert Storm while he was wearing a Ranger tab. Hypocite.
Cindy Sheehan, Founder, Peace of the Action; Not a veteran, just an old hag in the final throes of her fame.
David Swanson, author; Swanson is professional crybaby. He founded AfterDowningStreet which has morphed into an Arrest Bush and Cheney organization. Mostly he whines that the left isnt Left enough. Hes not a veteran.
Debra Sweet, National Director, World Cant Wait; Sweet is everywhere a lame protest erupts. Lately, shes taken to following Matthis around NYC-area schools.
Col. Ann Wright, Veterans For Peace; she famously resigned from the Bush State Department to protest the invasion of Iraq. Shes a liar, when it suits the cause and she alternates between Code Pink and Vets For Peace. You can see her service record at the link.
Doug Zachary, Veterans For Peace; Zachary was booted from the USMC before he could be deployed to Vietnam, but, like Reilly, he plays the part of a Vietnam veteran. Imagine how screwed up you have to be to kicked out of the Marines in 1968. Zachary loots every anti-war he can get his paws near.
There are more signatories, most of whom I dont recognize by name. I only saw a few IVAW members on the list, but Im sure theyll be there. know.....uh..uh........a response, man.
Pinging Kristinn, leader of DC FReepers.
I usually jump up and down on one leg while tilting my head and slapping the side of the skull to get the water to drain out of my ear.
Ponsdorf, I hope some locals will post any plans on FR so that you can make plans as needed. I am too far away to join you. If something evolves, do have fun!
Thanks, I don’t always observe proper protocols, But I understand this just popped up on the radar and figured speed mattered.
I talked to Kristann...
And...? What did he say?
what the hell dude.
ping Trooprally. I think I did so?
This really is new stuff.
We’ll see what shakes out. I’m also contacting other groups with likely interest in this.
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