Posted on 12/31/2009 10:06:18 PM PST by 4rcane
Maybe it’s a reminder for Arizona voters. I don’t know. If its to help JD I understand.
All part of his “destroy America” policy.
We are doomed if we can’t unload these RINO pantloads!!
“Hes teeing up McBama Amnesty for 2010.”
I wouldn’t be surprised at that, but he’s not doing so in this article. It was printed in 2006.
“...feed ourselves...”
Not really, probably not very well, and not for long.
Many Americans would like to become a US Senator for $50/hour, and actually be required to write, read, and comprehend the legislation they vote for.
Hey, I'll do that, suckbag.
I make more working 7 days a week in Iraq and having to duck rockets and mortars on occasion (less now than the early years), but this would probably be safer and fewer hours. Oh, and I'd likely be able to go wherever I wanted (like a grocery store or a cafe) on my off hours.
Point me in the direction where I can get this kind of gig, Scumbag McCain.
$50/hr for manual, unskilled labor?!!! He has got to be joking!!!!!!!!!!
Sad. These pols really show how truly out of touch they are when they say something like that!!!
If he does win re-election [incumbency is hard to defeat], look for him to do a 180, stick his middle finger at conservatives again, and reach across the aisle to assist his ‘friends’.
[I didn't trust him before he ran in 2008. I didn't trust him when he got the nomination. I didn't trust him after he lost to Obama. I don't trust him now and certainly not if he wins re-election.]
The latest primary poll out there indicates he’s successfully pulled off the RINO shuffle, tacking just right enough just in time to secure a primary victory in September.
If this article is from 2006, then the $50/hr is now $75/hr.
“What an idiot! Thats more than I make as an IT Director with an MBA for normal work hours of 2080 hours a year!!! Now add in all of the overtime I work, unpaid since I am salaried, because I work in a 24x7 office environment and I am working approx 3100 hours a year. I would certainly pick lettuce for $50 an hour.”
Been there, done that. The last year I worked for IBM I figured I made around $10 an hour. It was still too expensive for them.
What ever happened to obeying the law?
The illegals think we are stupid for letting them in over and over and over!! Many game the system, and the true cost of obamacare is with the illegals, their offspring and those who game the system. Take that out and there is no health care crisis if there ever was!
When you consider crime,the fact that we now let in lettuce pickers instead of rocket scientists from the orient, the costs, and many other variables of the illegal issue you have to be crazy to advocate amnesty.
Chat with someone who really knows the immigration issue inside out and those promoting it always lose the argument and just as we have just seen on c-spam only minutes ago. The argument usually dissolves into well he's just racist,he hates third worlders,and that's because they have no argument!
The left has,with the aide of the DBM created a situation where if you have an opinion on race, immigration, etc. etc. you are a racist simply by voicing your opinion, Fascism mandates everyone move in lock step. That's what they want. It shows over and over and over.
Of course with the rat/commies it's all about staying in office, buying more votes and the slow but sure(not so slow now) destruction of free markets and the country as we know it.
Bring in enough illegals that have no plans whatsoever to be part of the melting pot,who want only to create a new "Mexico",have sharia law,create another third world country on our shores, right here in the US, get them voting and you have a built-in constituency forever. If they reproduce at 10X the rate of Conservatives we are a minority in no time at all.
It doesn't stop at picking fruit either a large number of illegals are working in construction, home building, and factories. or worse yet not working and sucking the blood out of the public coffers.
This guy is great on TV but not for obvious reasons, listen to his voice some time. He has an awesome radio voice! That’s at least half the reason he is there.
If I could get $50.00 an hour for picking, I and many (americans) people I know would be doing it.
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