Posted on 12/31/2009 10:06:18 PM PST by 4rcane
McCain responded by saying immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona. Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job offer. “I’ll take it!� one man shouted. McCain insisted none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season. “You can’t do it, my friends.� Some in the crowd said they didn’t appreciate McCain questioning their work ethic.
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Is this for real? Unbelievable how out of touch Mccain is with working Americans. $50/hour is alot of money
He’s teeing up McBama Amnesty for 2010.
His legacy, sorry people, should have ended in the Keating 5 and a rich 2nd wife.
i’d pick it for half that
McCain has a side that is definitely windbaggish- this isn’t the first time I’ve wanted to put my foot in his can for taking it upon himself to incorrectly define my work ethic.
My mother and her family, did it for a lot less.
If this is real, let’s count the ways he is out of touch. 20 million illegal residents and their families are NOT picking lettuce.
Even in NJ and PA, there are huge communities of illegals. They are working everywhere, in the public schools, libraries, in restaurant kitchens, construction, everywhere.
These are jobs Americans DID do and jobs they need. Americans are out of work and need these jobs.
Down here a lot of people would be more than glad to do that...
I think most FReepers remember this. The problem that came to light was 40 years ago. Immigrants would cross and work the Gila Valley then go home. No harm, No foul. The rules were broken and nobody cared. Now it has become a major breach by miscreants that have only harmed these migrant workers.
I think he meant you wouldn’t do it even for $50 an hour. $50 an hour is $100,000 a year.
Many Americans would love to do the jobs taken by illegals and for considerably less than $50 an hour.
“Hes teeing up McBama Amnesty for 2010”
Indeed! He said pretty much the same dang thing the last time amnesty came up. He needs to get better writers. Whatta maroon.
When will McMoron just STFU? I don’t earn $50.00 an hour as a EE. Sure I’d pick lettuce for $50.00 an hour or even quite a bit less, depending on my circumstances. It certainly sounds like McQueeg wants to ensure Democrat political dominance for the next few decades with idiot talk like this.
This is almost 4 years old, is this supposed to be in current?
WOW - sounds pretty racist to me! - so only people from south of the border will?
I’m glad he came out with this - only adds fuel to the fire that is going to burn him here in AZ in 2010!
The illegals around here don’t pick lettuce, they run every restaurant and fast food place in town. I’d gladly pick lettuce for $50 an hour, all season long.
This article is from 2006. =
Still $50 allot of money. These people are so out of touch with real America.
Wonder what he pays per hour for pickin’ cotton?
I remember Mccain define rich as someone who makes $1 million. To me, anyone who makes $60k+ is rich
That's why it sounded so familiar to me!
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