Posted on 08/06/2009 9:59:36 AM PDT by IrishMike
People need to understand that the KKK was always the paramilitary wing of the Democrats.
Nathan, what say you?
I wonder why an organization like the Klan arose? Was it due to an innate maliciousness found only in Southern whites? Did the Klan arise in response to external factors such as Reconstruction? It is easy just to say it was naughty-which it was.
In Indiana in the middle of the 20th century, the Democratic legislature and governor were CONTROLLED by the KKK, if they weren’t outright KKK members.
Legendary stuff here in Indiana.
It is more accurate to say that they were founded (and functioned for a very long time) as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.
“People need to understand that the KKK was always the paramilitary wing of the Democrats.”
And they need to understand that NAACP was started by a white man, that Martin Luther King was a Republican, and that the Civil Rights movement was started by Republicans and hated by Democrats. All true, but the truth never seems to get out.
Presidents who were members of the KKK:
Warren Harding, Woodrow Wilson, McKinley, Calvin Coolidge, and IIRC Harry Truman.
Also Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, appointed by the radical leftist FDR.
You’re right,their first mission was to suppress the black vote by any means-including murder.
They were insurgent terrorists in the reconstruction South.
No one on the Left wants to proclaim that the Civil War lasted for over 100 years.
But no one on the Left wants to admit that the “Iraq war” ended with the capture of Saddam Hussein.
World War II was immediately followed by the Cold War.
Sometimes related events have different enemies and combat. It is in error to call them ONE event.
This will be much better than that documentary I watched on the history channel about the KKK. In the KKK a Secret History, they only mentioned one party being associated with the Klan - The Republican party. I watched it in amazement, because it was a complete re-writing of actual historical fact. The biggest secret of that documentary was not one word regarding the Democrats and their role in creating the KKK being uttered.
Much like the IRA was to Sinn Fein.
Also, Democrats have supported abortion for a long time -- Planned Parenthood began as a eugenics campaign to diminish the number of blacks being born.
The Democrat Party is suffused with policies aimed at keeping blacks in a subservient position in society. They used to rely on paramilitary groups like the KKK, but nowadays they just use Congress and the White House.
Thanks for posting! I have to find this book.
Republicans were anti-slavery and were targeted by the KKK.
Democrats were pro-slavery, used the KKK terrorists to further their cause and are still racist to this very day with their obsession with Affirmative Action and their willingness to play the race card at any opportunity.
Conservatives don't care what race or color you are, we care about your actions, your ability and strength of character. We're the least racist group of people as we simply don't care about race in the first place!
It's testament to the GOP’s ineffectual leadership, weak attacks on the biased MSM and lack of a clear presentation of its core principles that has lead to today's sorry state of liberal falsehoods masquerading as facts to the majority of American citizens.
We need a strong Conservative force and we need it NOW!
From Section 5, First Reconstruction Act. March 2, 1867: “And be it further enacted, That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elected by the male citizens of said State, twenty-one years old and upward, of whatever race, color, or previous condition, WHO HAVE VEEN RESIDENT IN SAID STATE FOR ONE YEAR PREVIOUS TO THE DAY OF SUCH ELECTION, EXCEPT SUCH AS MY BE DISFRANCHISED FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE REBELLION...” (emphasis mine)
Southerners were treated as “conquered subjects,” even though we were supposedly Americans. First the Yankees said we were Americans who had left the Union and had to be forcibly brought back, then they said we were a separate Nation and deserved to be treated as conquered. So which was it? It can't be both at the same time - but both arguments were used by the “Northern Elites” to try to force us to live our lives according to their rules - just as they are doing today.
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