Posted on 10/29/2008 2:12:34 PM PDT by libertarian9
I have been an Independent for most of my life but this year I registered as a Republican.
A have a friend who I've known for 22 years. He is an Obama supporter.
He has ended our friendship because I am supporting McCain and not Obama.
He has gone so far as to say that I'm not the person he thought I was all these years. I am angry and sad and a little stunned.
Anyone else having similar experiences over the election?
Sorry, but this indicates that he/she was never your friend.
I be a girl.... :O)
RE:”My dog has left me ...I had no idea he was for Obama”
Obama told him that after the election he was going to “redistribute” your wealth... your dog gets to sleep in the bed, sit on the couch and have unrestricted accces to the refrigerator... the offer was too good to pass up.
That’s nothing. I’m being shunned by half of my large family!
When your friend thinks about it some more, he’ll be back, just like my siblings. If Obama wins the election, we’ll be fighting a common enemy someday. They just can’t see it now. (Blinded by the One.)
Ask your liberal son which conservative non-profit he’d like his inheritance donated to when you and your spouse pass away. Tell him that you’re considering “redistributing” it to a charity.
What do you think his reaction will be?
Yes, according to my sister, Sarah tried to ban books from the library; joined PTA to push for abstinence only sex education programs; she never holds her baby Trig; she probably did something with the money from selling the state’s private jet.
I tried to tell her she’s wrong about these things, but she questions my sources.
I’m going to miss my sister lot.
That p.o.s. was no friend.
Look at it this way: Democrats walk into the polling place and vote for big government to confiscate MORE money.... from their friends and neighbors and people they don’t even know. Can you imagine any act more rude and selfish?
You’re lucky to be rid of that sick, rude scumbag.
It’s better to be “active aggressive”, if such a word exists. Be honest and polite, but stand firm and let them know how you feel. Honesty really is the best policy.
If you’re truly being passive aggressive about it then stop. It’s a sickness and can quickly get out of hand and ruin you. Don’t be afraid to make a stand for what you believe in. If someone doesn’t like it then oh well.
My nephew was a Republican. He married a liberal chick and he was upset about the spending under Republicans. Now he’s a Democrat and I’m not on speaking terms with either of them.
Did you meet Rev Wright, Obama's Grandmother and Tony Rezko while you were under the bus?
Just wondering?
Anyone else having similar experiences over the election?
A: McCain and his longtime friend, the media?
I’ve had a similar experience, except I was the initiator. I don’t get 0bama supporters - especially those that have the ability to know better.
I haven’t lost a friend but I look at people I thought I knew in a different way. People who attend Mass every day and present themselves for communion, and have an Obama sign in their yard. I asked one guy about that and he said its OK because he believes in the seperation of church and state. I couldn’t perform the mental gymnastics it would take to understand that, so I just said good morning and walked away. I can never look at them the same though.
Sorry. I’m not familiar with the rules.
My husbands parents just crossed him off their Christmas list.
I’m not a troll, I promise, this is real.
Obamazioids are under a hypnotic, cultish spell, in need of a deprogramming intervention.
Got this well-thought-out and incisive response:
1) The Obama-socialism thing came out of Hannity's suppurating bunghole, or somewhere equally wretched -- hang out there if you like it stinky
2) Conservatives, as a general rule, suck at that kind of humor (and their production values are even worse!) -- they should stick to dick and p@#ssy jokes
Never let the bait get down among the bottom-feeders!
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