Posted on 10/29/2008 2:12:34 PM PDT by libertarian9
I have been an Independent for most of my life but this year I registered as a Republican.
A have a friend who I've known for 22 years. He is an Obama supporter.
He has ended our friendship because I am supporting McCain and not Obama.
He has gone so far as to say that I'm not the person he thought I was all these years. I am angry and sad and a little stunned.
Anyone else having similar experiences over the election?
DITTOS......sick friend to start
bucksnort... LOL ;)
He's got as much of a right to post vanities as anyone else here.
But I will say the fact that he's new is reflected by posting a vanity in News/Activism instead of General/Chat or Bloggers & Personal (I just posted a vanity there myself.)
Liberterian9, vanities are OK, just make sure you post them in an appropriate forum , like one of the two I just mentioned.
Actually you did not lose a friend due to the election. The election just identified that you did not have a friend you thought you did.
my mother in law is from MA, thankfully I got my wife out from there and have her live down here but my mother in law still thinks the same as your grandparents.
she really does not understand that times have changed and that the Dem party is not the party of the working class anymore but the party of the elitist, radical champagne socialists.
Well now, that is interesting. I hadn’t checked. I’ll be quiet now and just read.
Sticking around to respond on one’s own vanity would be a nice idea as well. Three vanities, no responses. This guy is trying to plug his own website (on his first two vanities.)
“Ditto that, including my own sister and her children. They were all infected with Bush hatred. Every time I looked at my niece all I could think of was that she had had 3 abortions by the time she was nineteen. At the same time they were all a bunch of PETA whackos. There were other factors as well, but politics did pay a large part in my estrangement from them.”
I might add that I haven’t seen said family members or spoken to them in any way in years but I doubt they are supporters of 0bama as they were ALL big Clinton fans.
Who made you the posting police?
My dog has left me ...I had no idea he was for Obama
Why wouldn’t he? Free cookies, free dog food a promise of a mortgage free home and now he’ll have an organization to report your cruel behavior such as refusing to take him out for a walk when he wants to go. The doggie division of the Obama Civilian Force will drastically improve the lives of all dogs.
When I worked in the defense sector, I overheard two ladies at another lunch table going on about how Republicans, including Lyndon Johnson, have started all of the wars in US history. when I pointed out to them that LBJ was a Democrat, they looked at me like I was a Martian. I think they thought I was lying.
There have been so many like this guy popping up recently. I think they're trying to provoke responses that make us look bad.
listen — some of our frineds are losing there minds and there is little we can do except to wait ‘em out — in the end, win or lose this election, the truth will come out about bho and history’s judgemetn of him will be harsh...
bho is likely to go down as among the most dangerous and despicable charlatans ever to sully our political system...
in the end you will be vindicated, your friend will come to his senses and — if the person was a true friend — he’ll come back...
the situation is a lot like trying to tell a dear friend that his girlfriend is a lying, cheating so-and-so — before your friend is ready to know the truth...
the first reaction is denial — but when they catch their girlfriend in bed with the plumber — you will be the first person they call for help/support.
trust me - the truth will out — in the mean time — you us freepers!
I can’t spend 2 minutes with my wife’s family now.(Except my mother-in-law) All they can talk about is how great things will be with 0bammy when they don’t have to work and everything will be free. I’m serious...They really say this...
It makes me sick...............
I'm with Markey on this.
I have lost touch with several people I used to consider friends. I do not care, as I cannot respect anyone who is stupid enough to vote for this fraud Obama.
Sounds like that fool needs a good horse whippin’
Just how many ‘TRUE’ Obama supporters can tell you what his job is and/or what state he is from?
I haven’t watched Leno for awhile but imagine he has had that topic on....OF COURSE you know he has done it with Palin??
“There have been so many like this guy popping up recently. I think they’re trying to provoke responses that make us look bad.”
They can’t make us look bad, if we don’t act badly. But I do get your point.
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