Bush can go pound sand. I supported that jerk at the protests in 2000 and then I campaigned for the SOB in 2004 only to have him turn around and call ME unpatriotic because I don’t support illegal immigration? F*** him.
At the risk of sounding disloyal, I’ll be glad when Bush leaves office.
I feel the same way Peter.
To think of all those Sore-Loserman signs I printed out and painstakingly taped together. Well, at least next time I can get a Z-visa holder to do the drugergy for me.
I haven't heard or read his speech (yet) but if he said that, well, that's pretty much the end of any support from me.
And the RNC can take that to the bank.
Ditto here.
Like father, like son.
Its a genetic defect in the Bush family. Rest assured, Jeb will never ever have a chance.
When did the President call you UNPATRIOTIC. Stop lying people, just stop lying. I have never seen so much lies and distortions on our side as I have seen in the last 2 weeks.
I posted this in a thread yesterday, but in case you missed it, its worth listening to.
Laura Ingraham tears Bush a new one.
Tony Snow has become such a blind suck-up on the illegal immigration issue....
The whole bunch at the White House have lost their compass.
“Bush can go pound sand. I supported that jerk at the protests in 2000 and then I campaigned for the SOB in 2004 only to have him turn around and call ME unpatriotic because I dont support illegal immigration? F*** him.”
Double-Bump...I was there, too.
That opinion definitely resonates with me, too.
Don’t sugar coat it, tell me how you REALLY feel./s
So, you come hear often?
Like the post.
I second that.
You’re surprised he called you Unpatriotic for not agreeing with him?
That has been the MO all along. Being surprised about it now is a little late in the game.
Since Bush and friends have demonstrated that they are capable of such abandonment of basic principle, I now question everything Bush has done since 2000... Including the war.
Further, I question why it is that a Conservative forum (not a Republican forum, mind you) should be home to a daily thread where criticism of the President is prohibited.
Bush can go pound sand. I supported that jerk at the protests in 2000 and then I campaigned for the SOB in 2004 only to have him turn around and call ME unpatriotic because I dont support illegal immigration? F*** him.”
Ypu have certainly expressed my feelings, and I suspect, you are doing so for a great number of members here.
Thank you.
Calling us “unpatriotic” for not wanting to be swamped by masses of uneducadable people who are carrying diseases we have eradicted in this country, and offering them health care, “jobs”, schools, etc, is a total expression of disdain for the American citizen who has done it right, paid their own way, and stayed out of trouble.
We don’t deserve to be punished by the influx of the illegals, nor to be called “unpatriotic” in the process.