Posted on 04/24/2007 10:22:39 AM PDT by Al Simmons
About me:
Lurker - since 1998
Member - since 1999
In self-imposed exile - since April 2007
The tone of the debate and the attacks on long-time fellow Freepers for the cardinal sin of daring to support Rudy Giuliani in early 2007 around here have really saddened me. Instead of fighting the enemy FR is now imposing an 'ideological purity' test on FR members. The well-oiled train has gone off the rails and Mr. Robinson risks becoming the next Joe Farah - a fellow who started a great website for conservative news and opinions, but who gradually drifted off to la-la land, losing all credibility - and readership - in the process.
He has set himself squarely in the Internet media spotlight, doused himself with gasoline, and and lighted himself on fire - a fact that has not escaped the attention of the left-wing lunatics at Daily Kos. Their reporting on what has been going on at FR is perhaps the first factually true account published on their site.
Jim, if that quote of yours about setting up an organization to 'Swiftboat Rudy' is accurate as quoted in their article, the only thing I have to say to you is that you ought to be ashamed of yourself, as you have now become the back-stabber of the conservative cause.
If you wish to marginalize this site by turning it into a narrow "several-issue" forum, that is your right. Just as it is my right to choose to not participate here any longer.
But you will be disappointed if you think that the crude, illiterate "goon squad" you have allowed free rein around here (dmw, narses, dirtboy, extremely extreme extremist, ReaganMan and several others - if I have slighted anyone, please email me if you want onto this list) will elevate the level of intellectual debate.
The result has been predictably in the other direction. That is what happens when you hire a bunch of brown shirts to enforce your own brand of political correctness.
Well, guess what? Politics is 99% BS and one can quite nicely live one's life without the need to bloviate about it. I know how I am going to vote. I could care less about anyone else. Life is too short to waste my time around here when I am clearly one of those made to feel like they are not welcome.
So, go ahead Jim -
The tone of the posting seems a bit much and of a piece with the hysteria of most of the pro-Giuliani posts and comments. That tone has certainly caused me to look more closely at what Mr. Giuliani has espoused and effected in the past and what he says or won’t say in the present. It has caused me to slide from being a supporter of anyone who can win against the Democrats and an admirer of Giuliani’s 911 record to being aghast that one such as he could even consider running as a Republican and claim the label Conservative.
What separates him now?
= )
You are flat wrong about Mr. Robinson, about Rooty and about FR in general.
Good one.
Yeah, this thread was started by a Rudy Basher...
Get real.
What amazes me is that you bunch of losers fancy yourselves as conservatives. Anyone who supports Rudy, is NOT a conservative. When you lay with the pigs, you smell like the pigs, by association.
Thank God that Jim has taken the stand he has. You liberals were attacking a good man like Duncan Hunter simply because you think he can't beat Hillary. Well, that was the wrong thing to do. Obviously. LOL Have a nice life. ;o)
dirtboy and Reagan Man a goon squad? Give me a break. Your type is just mad that "win at all costs" is no longer in fashion here after we held our nose and voted for Bush.
in the 200’s and no Zot yet..
In B4 The ZOT!
Well, in my view the key issue is the WOT, the Republican Partiy is fortunate in fielding several candidates qualified in that regard, Guiliani, Gingrich, Hunter, and perhaps Thompson.
Your choice of issues, on abortion by your definition that leaves us Gingrich, Hunter and McCain. Personally, Id include Thompson.
But tripping over themselves?
Where is the clear leader, Rudy, tripping over himself to establish a right-to-life position?
I havent seen it, and the answer is he hasnt.
Because hes looking to the general election, and apparently confident enough to move to the center long before the convention.
Tripping over himself would mean, to me, at a minimum a clear public statement that hed attempt no changes in the 2000 and 2004 Republican Platforms.
Hes tripping over himself on abortion as hes tripping over himself on the 2nd amendment.
Not at all, hes a talented candidate, thus a talented runner.
And I agree about the third party, along with the fourth, fifth, sixth et al.
I can't imagine any circumstance I'd vote for Rudy in the primary any more than I can imagine a circumstance I wouldn't vote for him in the general against what the Dems are showing.
It's only April.
Care to cite your source for that figure? But then I guess you would
Are you sure it's not 98%? or 97%?
You make a totally idiotic statement like that and expect us to take ANYTHING you say seriously? Unbelievable. At least you don't use hyperbole!!....LOL
If you truly believe that,,,,no wonder you support Rudy.
Since the Swift boat veterans told the truth, you seem to have a problem with people speaking the truth about Rudy. You must be a liberal, because it's liberals who can't stand the truth.
I will not let the Party establishment shoe in a liberal on so many issues and then think they can get my vote.
If I just want to win, hell, why not join the Democrats for the high probability 08 win...(because I have principle)....but the Giuliani supporters who claim to be conservative have no principles, so the Dem Party is a great option for them.
My strong feeling is that Fred Thompson gets in in about a month and the tide turns, thus the Gary Hartization of Giuliani. If Thompson doesn’t get in Giuliani has a shot. But he will CERTAINLY lose the General election but libs will vote for the Dem and conservatives will not be activated..
So, if the GOP establishment wants to commit suicide, they can do it without me.
Be careful what you ask for will get you got it
Saddened, banned and illiterate is no way to go through life son.
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