Posted on 10/20/2004 6:53:06 AM PDT by tame
This is an open letter to President Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Congress, and all freepers.
I need your help. I want to serve in the regular military but I have no military experience, and I'm technically too old by just a few years.
There have been a lot of false rumors from the left regarding a military draft. Whenever I hear these rumors, I find myself thinking "I should should be so lucky to be drafted".
Don't ask me why I didn't join the military when I was younger. It's a long story. But the fact is, I am in my thirties, and I see no reason why I should not be able to serve my country now that we're in a time of war.
I ask all members of Congress, and President Bush to immediately pass and sign into law legislation that would raise the age requirment (for those of us with no previous military experience of any kind) for those of us who want to volunteer to join the regular military during our time of war.
I propose that the age for able bodied volunteers to be able to join the army, for example, should be extended to at least 39 years of age (maybe even older).
There are so many people like myself who would be honored to serve our country during this time of war, but cannot because of an arbitrary rule regarding our age. This is true even though we are still young men and women.
Why should so many reservists who would rather be home be kept in active duty, while there are literally hundreds of thousands of us who would LOVE to replace them?
I ask all Freepers everywhere to contact your local congressman, and the President via mail, fax, phone, etc., to recommend and support this legislation.
There could be appropriate amendments to such a bill to address any concerns regarding possible law suits over possible health risks, etc.
I WANT this. So do many others. Some of my family members want to serve, too, but age is a needless restriction.
I ask Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and other radio talk hosts to give this legislation some legs on your programs.
The left insists on perpetuating rumors of a draft??? Give me a break.
Just send me, Mr. President.
Sincerely, tame.
Please read and support my letter.
Sarge's Recruiter PING, and thanks to Tame for a good thread.
Calpernia: Any thoughts?
I can do ages 17 to 35 years + 364 days. And that's without prior service.
Do I correctly assume that you have gone to a recruiter and have been denied?
Please read and support this open letter i wrote.
But Old Sarge,
There might be other issues. Weight say, and APFT.
I know I'm 33 and prior service, but no unit needs a 33 year old out of shape E4 with 11 year break in active service.
Maybe this fella has a certain skillset, such that he could work for DoD or DA and help the fight that way?
I spoke to a recruiter, and was denied. btw, i hope your tagline is not applicable in this particular case :o)
39 my butt. I'm 50 with prior service, USAF 72-76, I want to serve too. I'll clean toilets or carry an M-16. I don't care I just want to serve again!
AR/NGR 600-9 spells out the Weight Control regs; only the outlandishly obese and lazy need not apply.
Thirty-three and prior service? I was 35 and prior when I came off a 7-year break to rejoin the Guard. Hadn't done PT in all that time, but whipped my sorry ass into shape for MEPS.
That's what I'm also suggesting - there are all manner of agencies connected with DHS that are screaming for help.
So, G, what MOS were you?
Wow, you guys make me so proud!!!
That's the spirit!
What is the upper age limit, by the way?
i really want to join the military. but just for kicks, please elaborate on those agency needs.
Have you talked to recruiters representing all the branches? Don't each have slightly different standards?
I too tried, they smiled and shook their head NO.
I'm 43, in fair shape but no prior. If I would have joined, looking back on it, I would have saved myself about 7 years of hell.
I could've got you in if you were 42.
BU-ut, you can also contact the Air National Guard base nearest you; if they can't accept you back in the blue suit, they know blue-suit support organizations who will.
Ever do time on the flight line? You might again...
Proud enough to write your congressman and the President to up the age requirment, i hope :o)
State Emergency Management, for one. Helps co-ordinate first-responders at the state level. They always need duty watch officers, and area and local responders.
I worked with them at the State Ops Center for better part of two years. I know what they look for. Contact your state EM people. They're definitely on the Web.
it varies. i believe regular army without prior service is 34 years old.
Old Sarge knows more specifics. I know that i'm just past the age for all regular service.
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