39 my butt. I'm 50 with prior service, USAF 72-76, I want to serve too. I'll clean toilets or carry an M-16. I don't care I just want to serve again!
Wow, you guys make me so proud!!!
That's the spirit!
I could've got you in if you were 42.
BU-ut, you can also contact the Air National Guard base nearest you; if they can't accept you back in the blue suit, they know blue-suit support organizations who will.
Ever do time on the flight line? You might again...
I know the feeling..spoke to a recrutier they won't touch me till I get my weight down and am off BP meds for a couple months.
I turned 57 on the 10th. Blind in my right eye and disabled but I can blow the balls off a flea at 50 yds with my 9mm and good eye. USAF 66-70.
Lt. Col. Repya at 58 is going back.
Uniformed service is not the only way to serve your country.
I happen to be (as Old Sarge knows) both a Reserve Major as well as a DOD contractor. I provided a vital service to the US Army (leading up to and during the war) as a DOD contractor. In many cases, contractors are in the thick of things right smack dab in the middle of the combat zone. getting shot at as well as killed while providing support to the troops.
These functions are just as important as carrying a rifle, or pulling the lanyard on a field piece as they allow a soldier to take the fight to the enemy as opposed to doing paper work or logistics.
People may malign me for being "DOD contractor SCUM", but I know better. We bleed and die just like uniformed troops. We just don't get the recognition - but that's OK. Both the services as well as we know what we do, and how we help.
just a thought for you (tame) to consider.
Every little bit helps.
I'd love to go back in and defend this country.
Where do I sign?
47, no priors, many family served, many regrets I didn't.
But, I can be a good citizen and support those who're there by helping battle the liberal, undermining idjits on every front I can!!
i agree with you. i'm 55 and could easily be in good enough shape to do quartermaster work or asst to officer. and can shoot the eyes out of a rattler, we could definatly relieve "younger" troops for the more rigorous tasks.