But Old Sarge,
There might be other issues. Weight say, and APFT.
I know I'm 33 and prior service, but no unit needs a 33 year old out of shape E4 with 11 year break in active service.
Maybe this fella has a certain skillset, such that he could work for DoD or DA and help the fight that way?
AR/NGR 600-9 spells out the Weight Control regs; only the outlandishly obese and lazy need not apply.
Thirty-three and prior service? I was 35 and prior when I came off a 7-year break to rejoin the Guard. Hadn't done PT in all that time, but whipped my sorry ass into shape for MEPS.
That's what I'm also suggesting - there are all manner of agencies connected with DHS that are screaming for help.
So, G, what MOS were you?
They just raised the age cap for reservist with an opportunity to go Active Duty!
My hubby signed up as soon as he found out about it!
He spoke to the recruiter yesterday and needs to lose about 20 pounds,which shouldn't take him to long!
He started yesterday to reach his goal.
He is meeting with the recruiter every 2 weeks for a weigh in and as soon as he has lost the pounds they start the papers!
There is a way for people with prior military experience to rejoin!