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Fox News to break forged document story
Fox News
| 9/9/2004
| Fox News
Posted on 09/09/2004 3:10:33 PM PDT by Semper Paratus
Brit Hume announced story coming up now on National Guard docmunents
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2004; bush; camejo; cbs; cheney; danrather; didbushcollaborate; didbushmeetwithenemy; dubya; edwards; election; forgery; gwb; kerry; kerryswaratrocities; killian; mediabias; nader; napalminthemorning; nationalguard; rather; ratherbiased; seebsnews; wasbushinparis; whatdidbushknow
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To: NavySEAL F-16
Yes. They think they have proof that he "missed drills" and that that means he was "AWOL".
This whole memo thing is ridiculous. These were memos from the commander to himself/file.
They were not adverse actions against LT Bush, which would have appeared in the LT's official personnel file -- not in the personal files of a former commander . . .
If this is the worst they can come up with . . . well, 4 more years!
To: Henchman
posted on
09/09/2004 5:13:46 PM PDT
(John Kerry has been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security)
To: hford02
posted on
09/09/2004 5:14:39 PM PDT
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: MeekOneGOP
posted on
09/09/2004 5:15:00 PM PDT
(Spitballs?? and a bowl of Mush?? No f'n way)
To: section9
Frankly, it is stunning that they did so LITTLE investigative work here. Appalled does not do justice to what I feel right now. Not only is CBS liberal, but it can't do basic journalism that I could easily do for the college paper I run (just checking the age of a document is too hard for them...yikes).
My word that is frightening.
It is frightening because my little old paper with real journalism only gets to 2,000 people.
CBS reaches millions and millions. And who knows how many people just accept what they say as truth.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:15:24 PM PDT
To: Uncle Hal
"I am a little surprised that Karl Rove and the RNC did not check these documents out in detail."
Me too. If the White House had caught this before the 60 minutes piece aired, it could have saved a lot of negative publicity. I am afraid that the accusations will float, but the later retractions won't even break public consciousness. That is usually the way these things work. Hopefully I am wrong.
To: cyncooper
I realized later that he was right to stay on the campaign's message for the day. Ken doesn't need to add fuel to this firestorm. He's probably itchin to say something, but this is a disciplined team. Props to Ken.
To: Riley
posted on
09/09/2004 5:16:00 PM PDT
(Society is always taken by surprise at any new example of common sense.)
To: Truth Table
Roundtable: Jeff Birnbaum says... Exactly. Even the folks who read "People" will cry foul, and take it out on Kerry and the Dems.That thought is too beautiful for words.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:16:55 PM PDT
(Kill lying liberal Old media.....turn 'em off !)
To: Chaguito
"We are pursuing Kerry's Vietnam war records. Thanks for the assessment of the document. If you have more information, please let us know immediately. Thanks."
Cool. High 5. (and all the other acclaims one could render)
To: Diogenes
For some reason I smell the bones of a Bob Schrum.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:17:18 PM PDT
(Kerry/Edwards. Between the two of them, I'd be safer with a slimy spitball.)
To: Don'tMessWithTexas
who is Ken? Would love to know.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:18:00 PM PDT
To: lavrenti
Not done on a typewriter.In 1974 I edited a little magazine that was typeset on a Selectric Composer. It even had a spell checker. It understood kerning, and the results were as good as typeset.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:18:33 PM PDT
(Speedy architect of perfect labyrinths.)
To: Chaguito
If you have more information, please let us know immediately. Thanks.I think Pete is smelling a Pulitzer!
posted on
09/09/2004 5:18:33 PM PDT
NavySEAL F-16
(Proud to be a Reagan Republican)
To: lavrenti
Here's a long shot, but maybe if a lot of folks here who are good at this stuff could go through all the documents on Kerry's website and any other DNC places that post any documents on EITHER Kerry or Bush service records, maybe we'd find other docs that use the same default settings and typeface from MS Word.
WHAT IF WE FOUND ANY OTHER EXAMPLES OF THIS??? For instance, what if any Kerry documents turned out to originate in the same fraudulent way? We might not be able to pin it to one individual perp, but it sure would be 'interesting' if there are any other such examples of someone trying to 'improve' the historical record in favor of John Freakface Kerry.....
posted on
09/09/2004 5:19:09 PM PDT
(Jayson Blair left the NY Times and works for Dan Rather at CBS!)
To: RinaseaofDs
"What about forgery on this scale and in this circumstance? FBI?" I think the RICO statutes would cover it nicely....and interstate so its the Feds.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:19:16 PM PDT
(Traitor Kerry did for free what the POWs received torture to make them say)
Comment #757 Removed by Moderator
To: eno_
Every secretary I knew had a draw full of catologs for the latest equipment available from the IBM salesmen that were kept for the appropriate moment to spring on their boss.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:19:31 PM PDT
( I'll send email telling you where to send check.)
To: tapatio
Excellent! (munch, munch munch...)
posted on
09/09/2004 5:19:37 PM PDT
(Need an experienced computer tech in the DC Metro area? I'm looking. Freepmail for details.)
To: tapatio; EllaMinnow
ABC news top of the hour report has Terry Moran saying ABC news gave the documents to several experts and they say the documents look like the work of a computer not a typewriter.I really am going to faint.
Ella, look at this...ABC and Terry Moran...doing their jobs!
posted on
09/09/2004 5:19:51 PM PDT
(We're mad as Zell and we're not going to take it anymore!)
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