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Fox News to break forged document story
Fox News
| 9/9/2004
| Fox News
Posted on 09/09/2004 3:10:33 PM PDT by Semper Paratus
Brit Hume announced story coming up now on National Guard docmunents
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2004; bush; camejo; cbs; cheney; danrather; didbushcollaborate; didbushmeetwithenemy; dubya; edwards; election; forgery; gwb; kerry; kerryswaratrocities; killian; mediabias; nader; napalminthemorning; nationalguard; rather; ratherbiased; seebsnews; wasbushinparis; whatdidbushknow
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To: MeekOneGOP
This forum and the blogosphere ROCKS!
To: OldFriend
Sewer crawling has become a favortie pasttime for the MSM.Well, the MSM has just been Roto-Rootered :)
To: Stentor
I don't have tv. What's up?
posted on
09/09/2004 4:09:10 PM PDT
(You only "know" what you experience. Everything else is mere belief.)
To: faithincowboys
That would be IBM who supplied the military with electric typewriters in the early 70's-- but its just a matter of time before the company clerk- typist comes forward ant this whole thing really blows up big- cause he remembers what kind of typewriter he used and if Killian did his own memos, etc. I can't wait.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:09:22 PM PDT
fat city
(Julius Rosenberg's soviet code name was "Liberal")
To: Mrs.Liberty
Hugh Hewitt is rippin' Dan Rather on the radio right now! gotta listen!
posted on
09/09/2004 4:09:37 PM PDT
To: mcg1969
"The White House got the memos from CBS, who faxed them to the White House the day before the story."
LMAO! And the DUmmies are using the fact that the White House-released memos are the same as the memos on CBS as evidence of their authenticity? Geez Louise those guys are nuts!
posted on
09/09/2004 4:09:45 PM PDT
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
To: Dog
posted on
09/09/2004 4:09:45 PM PDT
(November 2004: Win One for the Gipper.)
To: Stentor
I'm certain Matthews will have a "nuanced" view, replete with JFK talking points
posted on
09/09/2004 4:10:12 PM PDT
To: Petronski
Hugh has now entered the building.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:10:54 PM PDT
(Limousine Liberal--a man who has his cake, eats his cake, and complains that other people have cake.)
To: Howlin
Obtained and released by CBS. Good. No WH comment.
So, what needs to be done to initiate an investigation? Do we call the Secret Service? I know they are the guys to go to on counterfeiting crimes.
What about forgery on this scale and in this circumstance? FBI?
posted on
09/09/2004 4:10:57 PM PDT
(War is the remedy our enemies have chosen. And I say let us give them all they want)
To: cyncooper
Roundtable: Jeff Birnbaum says...
Exactly. Even the folks who read "People" will cry foul, and take it out on Kerry and the Dems.
To: Semper Paratus
Liberals use Macintosh's because of Steven Jobs. So I would compare using Mac versions of Word Perfect or even MS Office.
To: lavrenti
Uh, guys, the dead guy signed those "copies".uh....ever heard of copy and paste method when making copies? They lifted the signature from one of the authentic documents and copied it to the fake.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:11:27 PM PDT
To: mewzilla
Well, the MSM has just been Roto-Rootered :)Quote of the day.! LOL
The scramble to save themselves, is going to be fun to watch.
To: JusPasenThru
Anyone who posts a picture of Helen Thomas should be castrated. I'm just trying to promote chastity. Besides: how good does you wife/girlfriend look now?
To: spyone
Hugh Hewitt is rippin' Dan Rather on the radio right now! gotta listen!
Mark Levin is doing a fair job also LOL
posted on
09/09/2004 4:12:05 PM PDT
To: RinaseaofDs
Yes. These are stone cold forgeries.
I did a detailed comparison against a scan of a document typed on an IBM Executive - the only plausible typewriter that could make a document like that.
The typefaces did not match.
On top of that add all the other evidence - especially the indent and line breaks matching MSWord defaults exactly.
This is the classic smoking gun.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:12:18 PM PDT
(Freedom Lite, it's almost worth defending.)
To: MeekOneGOP
thanks for posting that, meek
Comment #519 Removed by Moderator
To: lugsoul
lugsoul, I think you have an excellent point.
Somebody who has Acrobat writer needs to do this experiment IMMEDIATELY! A .pdf file is searchable, which means that the document has the content encoded in some way. How does that change the look of the document? I can conceive of it creating a smaller superscript 'th', but I can't imagine it converting to a Times New Roman font and changing line breaks. I don't think it's a possibility, but it needs to be ruled out.
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