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Fox News to break forged document story
Fox News
| 9/9/2004
| Fox News
Posted on 09/09/2004 3:10:33 PM PDT by Semper Paratus
Brit Hume announced story coming up now on National Guard docmunents
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2004; bush; camejo; cbs; cheney; danrather; didbushcollaborate; didbushmeetwithenemy; dubya; edwards; election; forgery; gwb; kerry; kerryswaratrocities; killian; mediabias; nader; napalminthemorning; nationalguard; rather; ratherbiased; seebsnews; wasbushinparis; whatdidbushknow
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To: Semper Paratus
posted on
09/09/2004 4:36:14 PM PDT
(His VN crumbling, he says 'move on'. So now, John Kerry is running on Bob KerrEy's Senate record.)
To: MeekOneGOP
Maybe, just MAYBE, this will teach the Republicans they should be paying attention to Free Repbulic. Heck, for the humor if nothing else! Pubbies kick Dem a$$ in using humor to skewer their opponents.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:36:27 PM PDT
(My name is Timeout....and I'm a blogaholic)
To: SerpentDove
I have this mental image of Dan Blather at midnight, sitting at his keyboard in his underwear, cackling maniacally as he types out the forgery...Your forgot "Drooling, with tears of rage running his cheeks"
To: All
From DU:
Matt Drudge and the Freepers are attacking the President of CBS & 60
Minutes for doing the TANG records story. Posters to go to any and all message boards and blogs and POST, POST, POST our full support for Dan Rather and 60 Minutes!
Tell all your members on your lists and any others, who support 60
Minutes for airing this vitally informative and important show, to get
to work battling the demons.
And please send copies of your emails to CBS...
To: UglyinLA
World Net Daily just posted story and CBS is now changing their story of how they were "authenticated"...sounds like they weren't authenticated.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:37:17 PM PDT
To: BamaDi
Would the typists intials have been included at the bottom like it was for business letters ?
posted on
09/09/2004 4:37:26 PM PDT
( I'll send email telling you where to send check.)
To: EggsAckley
To: Bob J
It was a reply to a Troll. His post was deleted later by the MODS.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:38:14 PM PDT
(Cheap Shots, Low Blows and Late Hits. Free Delivery. Fast Friendly Service with a Smile!)
To: VRWC_minion
posted on
09/09/2004 4:38:22 PM PDT
johnny dollar
(yours truly, johnny dollar -
To: VRWC_minion
Mil spec would be to put the typists initials at the top right, IIRC.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:38:22 PM PDT
(Freedom Lite, it's almost worth defending.)
To: spyone
World Net Daily just posted story and CBS is now changing their story of how they were "authenticated"...sounds like they weren't authenticated.Flip.... Flop....
posted on
09/09/2004 4:38:42 PM PDT
(John Kerry changes positions more often than a Nevada prostitute!)
To: randita
Your right it will be Bush's fault. In other words the GOP fed them this document. So it was dirty tricks by Rove and the gang at the RNC. As an aside, I can remember there was an attorney in LA that forged some documents claiming they were executed on a certain date. In the corner of the document was a date indicating the document was printed at a date after the attorney claimed they had been signed. The attorney received jail time for this forgery.
To: Truth Table
posted on
09/09/2004 4:38:56 PM PDT
(My name is Timeout....and I'm a blogaholic)
To: liz44040
DU always waits for the spin from the playbook. That's why they're so slow on the breaking news.
To: faithincowboys
There were no typewriters with the small th that I have used until I used a word processing program for the first time. I have a selectric typewriter and a Panasonic self correcting Executive typewriter that I just went and checked -- in a box and neither has a "th" on them.
Only typewriters I saw in 13 years with the Air Force were selectric or Executive typewriters. Standard issue was selectric from IBM. Both the ones I have are old and bought out a DMRO auction.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:40:04 PM PDT
(AOII Mom -- Oklahoma is Reagan Country and now Bush Country -- Kerry is DOOMED!)
To: mylife; Howlin; NYC GOP Chick; All
You guys are all super spies! I want y'all to read this article and tell me that the particular style of Times New Roman was available in 1972. Note that PCs usually use the TrueType version. It's all about the kerning pairs, baby.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:40:12 PM PDT
(Think of who is pithy, yet so attractive to women.)
Weekly Standard article, opening sentence:
DOCUMENTS CITED Wednesday by 60 Minutes in a widely-publicized expose of George W. Bush's National Guard Service are very likely forgeries, according to several experts on document authenticity and typography
posted on
09/09/2004 4:40:12 PM PDT
(My name is Timeout....and I'm a blogaholic)
To: muleskinner
An Executive is not a Selectric. Calm down. At this point we should demand that CBS release the originals to experts. I don't believe they can.
posted on
09/09/2004 4:40:53 PM PDT
(Speedy architect of perfect labyrinths.)
To: Danette
Check Dan's hard drive......
To: WestVirginiaRebel
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