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Gnosis: The Main Expression Of Paganized Christianity In The New Age
PatriotandLiberty Blog ^ | Mar. 2023 | Linda Kimball

Posted on 03/06/2023 1:47:02 AM PST by spirited irish

In the essay, “The Paganization of Biblical Studies,” Dr. Peter Jones, Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary in Escondido, Calif., identifies liberalism and/or progressivism as a form of neo-Gnostic paganism, or mystical pantheism.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: History; Religion & Culture
KEYWORDS: evolution; gnosticism; idolatry
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To: RoosterRedux
The theistic Gnostic, often theosophists, turns this upside-down [this being that we must pursue God]. Absolute knowledge is available and hidden from us by those who have ordered the world. God is not the Creator who put order to the world and then called it good; He is a tyrant and the warden of a universal prison locked from within, keeps that which is truly Good for Himself, and by maintaining for us a state of ignorance keeps us enslaved.

Implicitly taught by the devil himself, which is how the Left obtains power, akin to Communism, meaning that like as the devil did with Eve, by convincing souls that they are victims of injustice, or magnifying such into a constant psychological condition, then that insofar as souls are seduced by the liberal victim entitlement mentality, it enables the seducers to present themselves as advocates for them, promising them justice once they are heeded and thus empowered.

Yet which is not true deliverance, but a trap into a deleterious social and spiritual condition which impugns character, and in which race matters more than merit, while the elite selfish Left is always seen as their advocate, though being selfish, self-serving saviors. See The Big Picture: who is really running the show in the culture war, and its nature and trajectory

Which further testifies to the historical reality that insofar as souls are seduced by the liberal victim entitlement mentality, and by liberal morality and forsake spiritual and family values, of God, marriage and family, then they gravitate toward welfare. Which worked with the black American culture:

21 posted on 03/06/2023 5:02:30 AM PST by daniel1212 (Turn to the Lord Jesus as a damned+destitute sinner, trust Him who saves, be baptized + follow Him!)
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To: Nervous Tick
I find that, when reading James Lindsay, it helps to understand that he speaks in a unique language which is a mixture of academese (as spoken between professors in peer-reviewed papers) and Tennessee colloquialisms.

Here's a good example of how he inserts colloquialisms...

Utopia is the possibility of what may be when all oppression is removed [according to proponents of CRT, for example]. Put otherwise, we might not know what Heaven will look like, but it’s not this and we’ll know it when we see it—now get in the car.
I completely agree with you. He's well worth reading...even if it takes several readings to catch onto his lingo.
22 posted on 03/06/2023 5:02:47 AM PST by RoosterRedux
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To: daniel1212
Yup. Many people in the U.S. are being duped Satan's variety of pseudo-religious movements right now. Blacks, LGBTQs, and so many, many young people who are confused by their influx of new hormones are falling neatly in line behind him (Satan).

What is disheartening is how many church-going Christians are falling in line by reinterpreting the Bible to liberate homosexuals from previous condemnation.

23 posted on 03/06/2023 5:12:11 AM PST by RoosterRedux
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To: RoosterRedux
Ecclesiastes 1:9 doesn't hold true at the End of the Age in that many "new" things under the sun will exist.

Context: Ecclesiastes 1:9 is not teaching as Divine revelation that no new inventions or discoveries come, any more than the next verses teach that there never was any new inventions nor that such will be remembered.

All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after. (Ecclesiastes 1:8-11)

Or that,

There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God. (Ecclesiastes 2:24)

Nor that,

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Instead, while "no new thing under the sun" contextually is referring to the unchanging state of dissatisfaction, that no matter how much man works and obtains and invents things (such as Solomon himself procured), yet it's the same old same ol, that "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit," (Ecclesiastes 1:14) yet as Divine revelation of Truth it is expressing the dissatisfaction of the natural man, thus reasoning, "There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour."

As Paul said in allusion to such "If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners" (1 Corinthians 15:32,33) for "the kingdom of God is not meat and drink [denoting the life of the flesh]; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." (Romans 14:17)

Thus the wholly God-inspired word contextually teaches the futility of seeking fulfillment in the natural, as expressed by one who could say (like many Americans),

I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards: I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits: I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees: I got me servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me: I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces: I gat me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts. (Ecclesiastes 2:4-8) And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11)

But whose judgment after all this is sound, as consistent with the rest of Scripture:

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
24 posted on 03/06/2023 5:41:33 AM PST by daniel1212 (Turn to the Lord Jesus as a damned+destitute sinner, trust Him who saves, be baptized + follow Him!)
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To: RoosterRedux
What is disheartening is how many church-going Christians are falling in line by reinterpreting the Bible to liberate homosexuals from previous condemnation.

And which is consistent with an overall rejection of moral absolutes. A refutation of Dr. Walter Wink: Homosexuality and the Bible , by the grace of God.

25 posted on 03/06/2023 5:45:57 AM PST by daniel1212 (Turn to the Lord Jesus as a damned+destitute sinner, trust Him who saves, be baptized + follow Him!)
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To: RoosterRedux

“Downgrade the gospel message of Jesus Christ”, spoke Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

26 posted on 03/06/2023 5:52:42 AM PST by Colt1851Navy (What was wrong with Nixon?)
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To: Nervous Tick
Yes, James Lindsay is not “easy reading”.

James Lindsay has done a good job of locally analyzing modern Scientific Gnosticism and connecting dots to certain ideological concepts such as Marxism et al.

The reason he is not easy reading is due to his lack of delving into and revealing Gnosticism's deepest level of meaning. By this I mean for example, if speaking about the deepest level of meaning with respect to the Revealed Word of God it is God Himself. He is eternally existing Reality and from Him is our every answer to worldview questions such as, where did everything come from? What is man? What is life? What is consciousness? What is wrong with man and the world? (the question of evil) And is there life after death?

At the deepest level of meaning with respect to Neo-pagan and pantheist Gnosticism, both scientific and occult New Age is---nothing. There is nothing there but a theoretical void, matter, and energy. Though New Age personalizes void, matter, and energy, there remains nothing. These two views are the reigning Gnostic views of non-reality. Both of them are forms of metaphysical nothingness.

27 posted on 03/06/2023 5:57:43 AM PST by spirited irish ( )
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To: spirited irish

The about 2,000 demon possessed swine years are almost up.
Satan and religions, hardest hit

28 posted on 03/06/2023 7:02:36 AM PST by delchiante
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To: spirited irish
Gnosis: The Main Expression Of Paganized Christianity In The New Age

02/02/2023 9:24:39 AM PST · by spirited irish · 24 replies
PatriotandLiberty Blog ^ | Jan. 2022 | Linda Kimball

29 posted on 03/06/2023 11:09:47 AM PST by Paal Gulli
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To: Jonty30; wita
JW’s and Mormons believe that you can work for your salvation.

But I'll betcha that BOTH will deny this!

30 posted on 03/06/2023 2:07:35 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: RoosterRedux
... reinterpreting the Bible...

The words are as plain as day.
They do NOT need to be 'interpreted' or 'REinterpreted'!

31 posted on 03/06/2023 2:13:00 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: RoosterRedux
We are living in a Genesis 19:9 world...

"Get out of our way,” they replied.
“This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge!
We’ll treat you worse than them.”
They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.

The Health Risks of gay sex.


And now,  a BIBLICAL Message about homosexuality

Genesis 13:13
Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD.

Genesis 18:20-21
20. Then the LORD said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and 
their sin so grievous
21. that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know."

Genesis 19:4-7
4. Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom--both young and old--surrounded the house.
5. They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."
6. Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him
7. and said, "No, my friends. Don't do this wicked thing.

Leviticus niv

18:22 Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

20:13 If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. 

           They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


Psalms 12:8 The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.

Isaiah 3:9 The look on their faces testifies against them;

they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it.

Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.


2 Peter 2:13b Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight.

They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you.


Ezekiel 16:49-50  "`Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom:

She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

They were haughty and did detestable things before me.

 Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.


Romans 1     New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
 18 The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19 For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them. 20 Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. As a result, they have no excuse; 21 for although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened. 22 While claiming to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of an image of mortal man or of birds or of four-legged animals or of snakes.

24 Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27 and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. 28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper. 29 They are filled with every form of wickedness, evil, greed, and malice; full of envy, murder, rivalry, treachery, and spite. 

2 Peter 2

1. But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves.
2. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.
3. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.
4. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;
5. if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;
6. if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly;
7. and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men
8. (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)--
9. if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.
10. This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings;
11. yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord.
12. But these men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like beasts they too will perish.
13. They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. 
Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you.

What kind of a people are we;

that we allow men dressed in womens clothes

to pervert the minds of little children?

But there IS hope!!!

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

  9. Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:
      Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
10. nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
11. And that is what some of you were. 
But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

If you could NOT change, you would be in most pitiful shape...


32 posted on 03/06/2023 2:17:42 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: wita; Jonty30
But I'll betcha that BOTH will deny this!

Although the MORMON creed states:

The Articles of Faith outline 13 basic points of belief of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Prophet Joseph Smith first wrote them in a letter to John Wentworth, a newspaper editor,
in response to Mr. Wentworth's request to know what members of the Church believed.
They were subsequently published in Church periodicals.
They are now regarded as scripture and included in the Pearl of Great Price.

Student Dictionary

One entry found for creed.
Main Entry: creed 
Pronunciation: primarystresskremacrond
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English crede "creed," from Old English cremacronda (same meaning), from Latin credo, literally, "I believe" (used as the first words in many creeds), from credere "to believe, trust, entrust" --related to CREDENTIALS, CREDIT, INCREDIBLE
1 : a statement of the basic beliefs of a religious faith
2 : a set of guiding principles or beliefs

History of the Church, Vol. 4, pp. 535—541

  1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
  2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.
  3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
  4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
  6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
  7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
  8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
  9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
  10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
  11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
  12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
  13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.


33 posted on 03/06/2023 2:29:26 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: spirited irish

Thank God for Peter Jones. Very few in Christendom even know what Gnosticism is. He has a way of explaining it, that most can understand. Having read his material, I see the evil fruits of it all around us.

34 posted on 03/06/2023 2:47:18 PM PST by sasportas
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To: Elsie
You would think so. But, consider this example.

Remember when the crowd of gay men gathered outside Lot's house and demanded of Lot re: the 2 angels, "send them out so that we may know them."

Well, some in the gay movement have said that the statement--"so that we may know them"--doesn't mean have sex with them. It just means those men just want to check out the angels' curricula vitae.;-)

How's that for a creative interpretation?

35 posted on 03/06/2023 3:36:30 PM PST by RoosterRedux
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To: RoosterRedux

They conveniently stop there because the Next verse condemns them.

36 posted on 03/06/2023 9:29:47 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie

But I’ll betcha that BOTH will deny this!

Why would either deny? The book of James proclaims the truth.

Apparently you take issue with the book of James.

Since God is no respecter of persons, all the work in the world may get you no where if your heart isn’t right, and in the end, one is ultimately dependent on the Grace of Jesus Christ for salvation.

The idea that no work is required is a sectarian notion designed to easily fool Sunday Christians.

37 posted on 03/10/2023 2:05:23 AM PST by wita (Under oath since 1966 in defense of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness)
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To: wita
3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

Why try to use James (in a suspect set of writings) to try to avoid addressing what LDS Scripture plainly says?

38 posted on 03/10/2023 4:40:07 AM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie

all mankind may be saved

It says MAY for a reason which you seem unwilling to understand.

I do appreciate your #32

39 posted on 03/11/2023 4:45:23 AM PST by wita (Under oath since 1966 in defense of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness)
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To: wita
3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

It says MAY for a reason which you seem unwilling to understand.

It says obedience to the laws for reasons which you seem unwilling to acknowledge.

40 posted on 03/11/2023 9:54:27 AM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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