Posted on 03/05/2021 8:56:42 AM PST by JAG 5000
Jeremiah Chapter 7
They were dealing with each other unjustly Jeremiah 7:5
They were oppressing foreigners Jeremiah 7:6
They were oppressing the fatherless {orphans} and widows {the defenseless} Jeremiah 7:6
They were killing innocent people Jeremiah 7: 6
They were stealing, murdering, committing adultery and committing perjury in the courts. Jeremiah 7:9
God spoke to them again and again and told them to stop doing all these sins, but they refused to listen to Him and they kept on murdering innocent people. Jeremiah 7:13
They were stiff-necked and would not listen and obey the Lord -- they refused to respond o His correction. Jeremiah 7:24-28
They even murdered their own children by burning them in fire as sacrifices to their blood-thirsty false gods. Jeremiah 7:30-31
God spoke to them repeatedly and told them to stop murdering innocent people, and to stop stealing, and to stop oppressing widows and orphans and to stop murdering their children by offering them in the fires as sacrifices to their false blood-thirsty gods -- but they de facto told God, "No we will NOT stop murdering innocent people." See all of Jeremiah chapter 7
So God destroyed them and gave their dead bodies to the birds of the air and they became meals for the vultures -- "food for the birds" Jeremiah 7:32-33
Concluding Remarks: No human is forced to choose wrongly and thereby bring destruction upon themselves. God gave us free will and we can choose to listen to Him and obey His commands. He knows what is best for us and He has made a way for us to say no to destructive sin and wrong doing.
The Lord Jesus opened our path to forgiveness and peace with God by His death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by shedding His blood on Calvary. His death and Resurrection created a New Covenant {a New Testament} between God and humanity.
"Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life." John 5:24
"Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1
You too, today, can find peace with God , , , ,
"To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." John 1:12
If you do not know the Lord Jesus as your savior, simply pray this simple prayer from the heart:
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name. Amen."
What should God do now? His ways are so much above mine that I do not even want to make a guess.
What should God have done? Just what a judge would do. (God set up the whole system of justice, and he rules just as judges SHOULD rule, objetively), Rule in a manner th a t befits the crimes.
The principle is simple... don’t wanna do the time? Then don’t do the crimes. We reap what we sow. We have noone to blame but ourselves for the consequences of our crimes.
God knew their hearts were hardened and beyond redemption. He did not kill innocent people . He knows the past present and future, and knows if ANYONE would have repented or not. When He is finally forced to act, you can bet that Noone was redeemable of all that were destroyed
“Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.”
That whole thing with the sinner’s prayer is spiritually off.
Look at most christians’ favorite verse in the bible, John 3:16. It says NOTHING about sin.
Now look at the next verse. John 3:17 says that Jesus did not come to judge.
So who are we to be bringing up sin, righteousness and judgement. That is NOT our job! Our job is to deliver ONLY good news, not bad news.
The holy Spirit has the unenviable job of convincing people of their sin, what righteousness looks like, and the judgement awaiting those who discard the message. It is the Holy Spirit’s job, not ours.
Preach the good news, not the bad news.
“He did not kill innocent people .”
There were no innocent children killed in the Great Flood?
Without a knowledge of sin and its consequences the good news isn’t really good news. One must see a need for a savior before one wants a savior
God ruled justly. If you doubt it. Take it up with Him
John 3:17
You evaded the question.
Um read the rkmans road to salvation passagesit mentions sin and the need for salvation plenty.
For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ the lord
Josie Wales fan, I see.
“Deserve’s got nuthin ta do with it”
No I didn’t. God ruled justly. That is your answer. If you have problem with how He ruled, take it up with Him.
We do not know ALL as He does. He makes decisions with complete facts; we don’t.
‘He did not kill innocent people’
so all the infants, born and preborn, that were killed off in the great flood were guilty of greivous sins...?
Presuming you mean Roman’s road to salvation... It is obvious that John3:17 supersedes that bullshiite because those are the very words of Jesus.
Wow, okay then, have an nice day
God ruled justly, and spared them having to be raised In a godless society to die in sin and live in eternity In hell. As mentioned a.ready. God knows past present future. He is omniscient and perfectly just,, He ruled justly.
“No I didn’t. God ruled justly. That is your answer. If you have problem with how He ruled, take it up with Him.”
I didn’t question God’s judgement. I questioned your statement.
And you evaded answering my question.
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