I’ll be giving out candy if that’s what they mean....
This could be a fun thread. Then again it’s on the Religion Forum so fun probably won’t be allowed.
But we're also not the holiday police.
“stranger-sabotaged candy scares of the 1980s”
Been going on a lot longer than that. I was a kid in the 1960s and I remember hearing those stories from my parents back then.
I can’t picture Jesus and the Disciples participating. Demons to them were all too real. I don’t see why a Church would sanction such activities. If individuals want to go this route, that’s on them.
My daughters dressing up and going door to door to get candy is not a bad thing.
By participating, we mock both Hell and its minions and the heathens and their false gods.
We’re not participating in the occult, we’re flouting it. We’re not celebrating a pagan holiday, we’re hijacking it.
This perspective is in keeping with what the Dominican nuns taught. We always had the day off on all saints day as a holy day of obligation. We attended mass. Halloween was great fun
Let’s do Christmas (Winter Solstice/Saturnalia) and Easter (Spring fertility festival) next.
I never gave it a moment’s thought once I had kids. Didn’t even consider doing Halloween. Not a big deal to bow out.
There is a lot of liberty in Christ. Not necessarily "license", but liberty to choose what is benign and what isn't.
I can see Halloween being something that Christians can entertain, but if not then that's not bad either.
Paul told the peopel they can buy meat from the left overs from sacrifices to false gods- so yeah, the heathens worshipped and sacrificed to false gods, but the Christians were still allowed to buy the meat afterwards- as long as the Christians didn’t engage in worshipping the demons/false gods of the pagans, they were fine-
Been back and forth on this myself. But the kids look forward to it.
It is All Saints day weekend and a harvest festival. Avoid the dark imagery and focus on the positive is what I go for. Make something bad into something good.
Lace meals in democrat politicians dining rooms.
Allhallowtide, aka Hallowtide, Allsaintstide, or the Hallowmas season, is the Western Christian season encompassing the triduum of All Saints’ Eve (Halloween), All Saints’ Day (All Hallows’) and All Souls’ Day.
Basically, all three days, bound together, are a Christian holiday already. They just need to be seen of as such.
Embracing their religious mythical nature dispels any Satanic or evil influence.
To reject them without consideration is no different than rejecting Easter because of the Easter bunny; or rejecting Christmas because Santa is an anagram of Satan.
But if you embrace its religious mythical nature, you can spiritualize the lives of our forebears and the Saints.
I Love Autumn and Halloween. Our Heavenly rules everything. And has a great sense of humor too!