Atheists don’t have no songs.
So many misconceptions, about 10 I would say.
The only bummer about being an atheist is that you’re stuck believing (if you’re smart enough, and most aren’t) that the universe became self aware and created Claire De Lune. I see no difference in astonishment between that and simply believing in an intelligent God.
No moral basis for right and wrong?
Guess what is coming...
The atheist cemetery; all dressed up and nowhere to go.
The atheist retirement plan sucks.
When those young atheist reach 80 then will they know life is truly a vapor
and hope of eternity will be a welcome thought. The same for sexual freedom, it too is short lived. Only a life in Christ makes one content no matter what stage of life your in.
I hope you aren't stupid enough to believe that.
5. People dont look down on me intellectually because I believe silly Bible stories like Noah and his ark.
Almost every ancient civilization has similar story in their history. You can't be that ignorant.
6. I dont have to prepare for an afterlife I believe I will never get. I instead enjoy the life I already have.
Ever hear of Pascal Wager?
Those are Earthly benefits not Eternal ones.
Dostoyevsky was right: “Without God, all things are permitted”.
Seen here on Free Republic some years ago: “I think atheism is a swell religion. It takes as much faith to believe there is no God as it does to believe there is one’’.
Number 11: I get to sound like a bigoted idiot on the internet.
20,000 new people join a website that links married people with other married people.
Kind of like seeing dogs in the park.
Atheism has already been tried. Solomon experimented with materialism. Then he wrote Ecclesiastes.
Oh, they'll get an afterlife all right.
1. I can embrace new scientific theories about human origins, without being saddled with the belief that a god created everything.
I embrace scientific theories because science is nothing more than the name we’ve given to God’s methods.
2. Im free from church hierarchy telling me what I can and cant do.
The church doesn’t direct me, the Spirit does.
3. I can embrace a womans right to make choices when it comes to her own body.
I also embrace a woman’s right to make choices with her body, while embracing the right of an innocent with no voice to live.
4. I dont have to give my money to a church, so that the pastor can afford his own personal jet.
I cheerfully give my money to my local church, but my pastor does not have his own jet.
5. People dont look down on me intellectually because I believe silly Bible stories like Noah and his ark.
I doubt fret over people looking down on me intellectually because, well...I know who I am in Christ.
6. I dont have to prepare for an afterlife I believe I will never get. I instead enjoy the life I already have.
I am enjoying this very brief life to the full, over flowing, and also looking forward to enjoying eternity after it comes to an end.
7. I dont feel any guilt about enjoying my sexuality, quite the converse. I often see crippling guilt over sex, especially, among the religious or recently recovering.
Recovering from what? Sexual addiction. Addiction is slavery. Ultimately, we’re all a slave to something. I choose Christ.
8. I get to do what feels right to me...I have a freedom of thought that just cant be achieved within most religions. Im free to consider all avenues of life and make my own sense of things. I dont have a superior telling me that my gay friends are evil, or that sex without marriage, even with somebody you love completely, is wrong.
I’m free to consider all avenues. Some things I’ve considered: Gays aren’t evil, but like any sin, their actions are. Their lifestyles are destructive to them. And love and sex are two different animals. If one can’t express love without sex, there’s a problem.
9. I feel a lot better knowing God doesnt know my every thought, because then I would definitely go to hell (which I believe is mythical as well).
We all would. Thus, Christ.
10. I get my Sundays back.
Did you lose them?
Well, which is it?
Is it the Bible or our conscience telling us it's wrong?
Or don't atheists have consciences?
Wow, how clever! Why didn’t I think of that! I can abandon my adopted children and foster children and do what I want! I get to kill people and take their stuff as long as I can figure out a way to get away with it! Good stuff, thanks!