The pre-Trib rap story - is it from Satan?
Think about it. If you make people believe that Jesus could come back at any time, and they must keep themselves ready for the event, then they are strengthened as a result.
Can we "major on the majors" and agree salvation is by faith alone through Christ alone?
(Awww, talk about a kill-joy....)
What cult does this guy belong to?
Doesn’t matter when it happens. God has the best plan for me & I’m willing to trust His judgement about the best time to call me home. It doesn’t matter if I’m “Pre-Trib” or “Post-Trib”. It only matters that I’m faithful!!!
Does the Catholic Church believe in pre or post tribulation rapture?
As I understand the words of Christ and the Bible, we will only be rescued at the Second Coming. The fullness of sin must be shown, including many of us being martyred, so nobody questions God as to why faithful obedience is necessary.
I actually do believe that it is the biggest threat to Christians. I believe the greatest threat to those that could be brought into the fold is the teaching of Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT) for the lost. That one is the one I fight the most.
The purpose of Daniel's Seventieth Week has nothing at all to do or say about the suffering of the Church of this dispensation. The Tribulation has to do with DANIEL's people, ISRAEL, and the City where Jehovah has chosen to place His Name.
You are absolutely correct!
I have been convinced of this for many years.
People in the Churches do not see what the Bible clearly says about this.
They are not going to be prepared and are going to find themselves in something that they will not be able to handle. What the results of this will be I do not know.
It contradicts the Second Coming of Christ.
If you pretend "but his feet don't touch the ground" is a scriptural argument, don't bother.
Consistent with theological discussion, the author puts words in the mouth of the pre-Trib rapture people.
Pre-Trib teachers do not say that there will be no persecution of the church prior to the big signal that starts the seven-year clock: the signing of a peace treaty in the Middle East.
The approach of the last days is signaled by birth pains, and believers will have trouble.
We can debate the timing of the church being taken up, but calling the other guy’s view satanic is just immature.
The biggest threat to Christians is the teaching of the anti-Christ, which came into Israel after the death of the Apostles, and that teaching is the idea that the Torah has been done away with. The result is that the eternal standards of Heaven are obsolete and that Man must determine right from wrong. What we are seeing today is the collapse of Christianity at large. In fact church teaching is now in direct opposition to the very words of Jesus in Matthew 5. He said the Torah is eternal. Having cut themselves free from the Tree of Life, the Churches began to drift and the result, over time, was idolatry and humanism. Now we are seeing the manifestation of the Man of sin. The actual word is anomia, which means without the Torah. Its time for all true believers everywhere to Repent, and return to the loving instruction of the Father.
The biggest threat to Christians are non-Christians that demand they stop being religious.
I don’t care either way. I just grabbed some popcorn and settling in for an entertaining thread. Flaming and name calling in 3...2...1..
A more important theological discussion would be how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
The Christian should know that we do not know the day of Christ’s return, but that we should be ready. Arguing whether or not we will suffer in the interim is a waste of time. Whether by the “Tribulation” or by life’s tribulations, we’ve already been told that we should not be surprised by our suffering.
I don’t believe in the Rapture, pre-trib or otherwise, but I hardly see disagreements in end times prophecy as the “biggest threat to Christians”.
Heretics like this try to pass off the lie that the pre-tribulation rapture is a novel, relatively recent invention of the 19th Century.
Yeah, Scripture is so novel and recent.
Odd. I feel more threatened by Democrats who hate Jesus than I do by Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation speculations.