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Charles Chiniquy (1809-1899) was for twenty-five years a priest of Rome in Canada and the United States, who became a minister of the Gospel after his conversion and departure from Romanism. After his conversion he toured England several times and this particular narrative of his life was first given in London. He wrote his classic autobiography and refutation of Romanism, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, as well as the wonderful account of his life after leaving Romanism, Forty Years in the Church of Christ. He narrowly escaped death on many occasions at the hands of fanatical Roman Catholics. He also wrote an exposure of the diabolical Romish confessional, The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional. He lived to his ninetieth year.
1 posted on 07/26/2013 3:22:28 PM PDT by Greetings_Puny_Humans
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

INB4 the Roman Catholics come in and claim he never really was a Roman Catholic.

2 posted on 07/26/2013 3:23:02 PM PDT by Greetings_Puny_Humans
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

LOL! Nice try: a excommunicated loser sows sower grapes. What a powerful testimony. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

4 posted on 07/26/2013 3:47:13 PM PDT by dangus (Poverty cannot be eradicated as long as the poor remain dependent on the state - Pope Francis)
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

The thing that baffled me the first time I attended a Catholic church as a youth, was, I couldn’t figure out how they conducted services without bibles.

6 posted on 07/26/2013 3:50:38 PM PDT by ansel12 ( Santorum appeared on CBS and pronounced George Zimmerman guilty of murder, first degree. March-2012)
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

Without the Bible which ultimately came from Rome... Protestants wouldn’t have any hope of salvation. Sola Scriptura is via Pax Romana.

8 posted on 07/26/2013 3:53:33 PM PDT by rwilson99 (Please tell me how the words "shall not perish and have everlasting life" would NOT apply to Mary.)
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

Mark for later.

9 posted on 07/26/2013 3:56:18 PM PDT by CynicalBear (For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ)
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

Chiniquy was a terrible liar:

Pastor Chiniquy the Seducer

E. L. Core

If you would have some direct downright proof that Catholicism is what Protestants make it to be, something which will come up to the mark, you must lie....
(Newman, True Testimony Insufficient for the Protestant View, 1851)

So said Rev. John Henry Newman, D.D., in a series of Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, in 1851, six years after he had joined the Catholic Church. Within a few years, Charles Chiniquy would appear on the Protestant scene in North America, proving Newman right.

The apostate Catholic priest Chiniquy died in 1899, but his name is still proclaimed and his works still promulgated. Is he denounced as the seducer of maidens, the trickster of the generous, and the slanderer of the innocent — as he should be denounced? Are his works decried as lurid falsehoods, well-crafted to appeal to the basest prurient interests of the superficially proper — as they should be decried?

Hardly. He is accounted an apostle of liberty, his works the trumpet of truth. By whom? By anti-Catholic bigots. Not merely by fundamentalist Protestants but also by atheists.

Charles Chiniquy’s most infamous works — masterpieces of misrepresentation, grotesque caricaturization, fantastical embellishment, and plain, simple lying — are The Priest, the Woman & the Confessional (1875) and Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (1885).

The latter book is the subject of a work by Rev. Sydney F. Smith, S.J., Pastor Chiniquy: An Examination of His “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome”, published by The Catholic Truth Society in 1908. Smith obtained documents concerning Chiniquy that the latter avoided discussing in his own works, and carefully built a case that exposes the faux exposer Chiniquy.

For instance (p. 23), Smith quotes a letter from Chiniquy’s bishop, M. Bourget of Montreal, to Chiniquy himself, about to go to preach a temperance crusade in Illinois; dated May 7, 1851, the letter contains the following instructions to Chiniquy:
1.take strict precautions in your relations with persons of the opposite sex;
2.avoid carefully all that might savour of ostentation, and the desire to attract attention; simplicity is so beautiful and lovable a virtue; to the priests of the country the honour due to their ministry; the glory of God is the best recompense of an apostolic man.

One need not be free of anti-Catholic prejudice to get the drift: Chiniquy’s special faults are sexual immorality, pride, jealousy, and greed. Indeed, one need not be free of prejudice to get the drift; one need not be intelligent, even; one must be merely awake.

More telling, Smith relates (p. 11) a lengthy discourse, given by Chiniquy himself in controversy with a Protestant minister surnamed Roussy, January 7, 1851. As revealed in an earlier study, The Two Chiniquys, Chiniquy himself defended the Catholic Church against the charge that it keeps the Bible from the people. Keep in mind the pointed quotation from Newman above; keep in mind that the following words are from Chiniquy’s own mouth, in the very same year Newman was preaching in England on the bigotry of anti-Catholics:

“Protestantism is fed on lies”.

Those words are Chiniquy’s, in 1851; not Father Newman’s, not Bishop Bourget’s, but Chiniquy’s own words, in 1851.

Growing disgust among the Catholic hierarchy, clergy, and laity would change Chiniquy’s tune. Charges against him of sexual immorality date from little later than his childhood; Bishop Bourget’s instructions, quoted above, reveal that he had become known for pride, jealousy, and greed; eventually, he was charged with keeping for his personal use funds donated for the rebuilding of a burned-out American church — and many believed Chiniquy himself had torched it as an excuse to recruit donations from Canadian Catholics.

After being twice suspended from priestly ministry, for moral turpitude and disobedience, he was finally excommunicated as a schismatic, September 3, 1856. Smith quotes (p. 43) a letter written afterwards by M. Mailloux, a Canadian then living in America:

Mr. Chiniquy had in Canada, and still has here, the reputation of being a man of most notorious immorality. The many women he has seduced, or tried to seduce, are ready to testify thereunto. Those who in this country have lived in Mr. Chiniquy’s intimacy loudly proclaim that he has lost his faith long ago, and that he is an infamous hypocrite.

Knowing that — in Chiniquy’s own words — “Protestantism is fed on lies”, he spent the rest of his days telling certain Protestants what they wanted to hear: lies about the Catholic Church. He lied generally about the Catholic Church; he lied specifically about priests, falsely attributing to most of them his own particular sins; and, he lied particularly about individuals who had died and could no longer defend themselves.

(Surely, not all Protestants are anti-Catholic bigots; not all Protestants want lies about the Catholic Church: some eschew them, some condemn them, some couldn’t care less about them. But the market among Protestants for slanderous misrepresentation of the Catholic Church is nonetheless enormous.)

Smith points out (p. 10) Chiniquy’s poorly wrought lie about Catholics and the Bible:

He is continually telling his readers that the Church of Rome forbids the reading of Scripture to the laity, and even to her ecclesiastical students. Thus when he was a young seminarian at St. Nicolet he tells us it was the rule of the College to keep the Bible apart in the library, among the forbidden books.... Yet in the story of his boyhood — in which he tells us how he used as a child to read aloud to the neighbouring farmers out of a Bible belonging to his family, and how the priest, hearing of this, came one day to take the forbidden book away — he has to acknowledge that this copy had been given to his father as a seminary prize in his early days.

Upon reading this tortured tale in Fifty Years, what would a reasonable person do? Chiniquy is not merely revealed as a liar; he is not merely revealed as a poor liar; he is revealed as a poor liar by his very own words, in the self-same book. Upon reading this, a reasonable person would toss the book aside and take up something with more enduring substance, like the day’s comic strips.

But not the anti-Catholic bigots: the fundamentalist Protestants and the atheists. No. Among them, any lie is to be believed: any lie — no matter how outrageous, no matter how mundane, no matter how clever, no matter how stupid — any lie is to be believed, and excused, as long as it is told about the Catholic Church.

Here, at this juncture, might come at last incredulity from Protestant fundamentalists: “Do you really expect us to believe” (they may ask) “that Pastor Chiniquy wasn’t telling the truth?” Swallowing camels, they strain out gnats. They accept — wholesale, without question, without pause — that a world-wide organization with nearly 2,000 years of history is populated by nothing but (on the one hand) devious, cunning, unscrupulous, lascivious, faithless fiends who dupe (on the other hand) the naive and ignorant masses. Yet, they balk at the suggestion that one man told lies to get himself prestige, influence, and money — as if the notion offends their delicate sensibilities.

Indeed, as I have said, Chiniquy’s bald-faced lies are used as ammunition against the Catholic Church by Protestant fundamentalists and by atheists. (This can be easily demonstrated by a Web search.) Yes, the fundamentalists and the atheists are ranged on the same side, using Chiniquy’s lies to attack the Catholic Church. Yet, something inexplicable deters the fundamentalists from realizing that the mere fact of siding with atheists ought to show them they are on the wrong side.

Mindless hatred is inexplicable, no?

Continue with Father Smith’s seldom-seen examination of Pastor Chiniquy’s life and his Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, now available on the World Wide Web by the efforts of Sue Smith, Antoine Valentim, and Jim Goodluck (link below).

Smith’s prose flows like slow-moving streams, occasionally filling up small pools, eventually to overflow and proceed further downstream. And — in starkest contrast to Chiniquy — Smith is master of the ironical understatement, as when he writes (p. 63) of Chiniquy:

It was his misfortune to be continually having charges of the same kind brought against him from different and independent quarters.

But Smith does give Chiniquy his due. Of his work in preaching temperance, Smith says (p. 21): “It was in this work during the next four years that Chiniquy acquired what was certainly the best distinction of his life.”

Following this gracious example, let us too give Chiniquy his due. Surely, it cannot be denied that he exercised one virtue consistently throughout his life: consistency. Even in his youth, he was the seducer of maidens; later, he was the seducer of generous Catholics who only wanted to contribute financially to the work of the Church; last, he was the seducer of naive Protestants who didn’t know better than to retch at his vile impostures — and he still is.

Yes, let us give him his due — Pastor Chiniquy the Seducer.

Pastor Chiniquy: An Examination of His Fifty Years in the Church of Rome
(Rev. Sydney F. Smith, S.J., 1908)

It is by wholesale, retail, systematic, unscrupulous lying, for I can use no gentler term, that the many rivulets are made to flow for the feeding the great Protestant Tradition....
(Newman, Fable the Basis of the Protestant View, 1851)

10 posted on 07/26/2013 3:59:32 PM PDT by vladimir998
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans
I can certainly empathize with this priest's experience of the "still small voice" that convicted him that what he was hearing and had been taught was not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I sensed it as a little girl and first became aware of it at about ten years old. I ultimately responded at sixteen when I read John 10:27-30 for the first time:

    My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”

I would wager that the majority of us here that were won to Christ out of Roman Catholicism can attest to the same sense of that prompting of the Holy Spirit. I remember reading about how Martin Luther was climbing the stone steps of the church on his knees when the verse, "The just shall live by faith.", hit his heart. We know he was never the same since. Praise God!

11 posted on 07/26/2013 4:00:39 PM PDT by boatbums (God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to Him.)
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

Controversy is essential where precious truth is rejected, and controversy is deadly where disputation about truth dominates ~ John Piper

19 posted on 07/26/2013 4:25:20 PM PDT by .45 Long Colt
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

The Testimony of a Former Catholic Priest

What Every Catholic Should Know

20 posted on 07/26/2013 4:30:53 PM PDT by .45 Long Colt
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans
It is heart-breaking to me that Catholics cling blindly to a faith that is so easily disproven. They do this because they desire to not think, but to be told what to think.

Thank God for men like Chiniquy who believe God who says, "Come, let us reason together." - Isaiah 1:18. There is no reason in Mary worship - only an unwillingness to examine the Truth of the Word and have to deny a lifetime of fearful indoctrination.

22 posted on 07/26/2013 4:54:03 PM PDT by Dr. Thorne ("How long, O Lord, holy and true?" - Rev. 6:10)
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

I bet when Charles Chiniquy died at the age of 90 he found out really quickly that he was still a Catholic and that he had denied his faith and would have to suffer the consequences. \

But I’m not Christ, perfect justice, at the moment of one’s death.

So what do I know?

41 posted on 07/26/2013 6:33:33 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans
Friends, go to Roman Catholics today, and ask them if they have permission to read the Bible. They will tell you, “Yes, I can read it.” But ask, “Have you permission to interpret it?” They will tell you, “No.” The priest says positively to the people, and the Church says positively to the priest, that they cannot interpret a single word of the Bible according to their own intelligence and their own conscience, and that it is a grievous sin to take upon themselves the interpretation of a single word.

And see what would happen in any Protestant church if someone would say that according to his own intelligence and conscience that he interpreted the Bible as the Catholic Church does. It is quite tiresome to hear Protestants complain that Catholics are not free to interpret the Bible when they relentlessly insist that you must interpret it as they do. When a Protestant minister preaches does he say that this is only his opinion? No, he does not! He presents his interpretation as the truth. Either by denomination or as individual ministers the Protestants in truth claim the same authority over the Bible that they deny to the Catholic Church.

45 posted on 07/26/2013 8:01:23 PM PDT by Petrosius
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For not the Church, we might all be unfortunate Muslims.

91 posted on 07/27/2013 12:53:53 AM PDT by Gene Eric (Don't be a statist!)
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