Neither are Muslims, so I will go with Romney.
He is not
Is Mitt Romney a Christian or not?
No Romney is NOT a Christian...
Mormons are not Christians...
I'll go with the less 'Not'
Mormons are not Christians.
I’m voting for Romney.
So there.
It’s kind of a Zen question. The sound of one hand clapping.
In fact Mormons think they are the ONLY christians.
Christians believe in the Trinity: God the Father, GOD THE SON, and God the Holy Spirit. They do not believe that Jesus is satans brother or that God the Father and Mary had sex and had Jesus. I know they do not believe that they are gods and will have their own planets if they are good. romney is hoping for a galaxy.
BTW: When has the “Republican Party” demanded that any candidate be a “Christian”?
Answer: Never.
“Mormons are not Christians.”
neither are Jews but I would readily vote for a republican one of them before I would vote for Obama or just about any other democrat.
No, he is not a Christian, which is why I will be writing in for Governor Huckabee, a true Christian man.
Short answer: Nope, they’re not.
What do I think? I believe that Romney’s religious beliefs are far, far less threatening to the peaceful progress of America and to advancing the purposes of constitutional self-government than are the convoluted underlying ideologies of Barack Obama, an amalgam of Black Liberation Theology, Islam and State Socialism.
What a boring and tiresome debate! Obviously Mormons consider themselves Christians of a fashion, but orthodox Christians do not consider Mormon to be orthodox Christians. This is just obvious to anyone with half a brain. What is the purpose of raising this issue over and over again? I think it is silly to not vote for Romney solely because of his religion.
He is not. He is a polytheist.
Barack Hussein Soetoro 0dinga Dunham Whatever 0bama is a mohammedan and a racist.
Oh joy!
I have not given up and I am still praying for a miracle candidate for America - nothing is beyond Him.
Is Mormonism a Christian Denomination?
I think everyone would agree YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD TO BE OF THE SAME RELIGION, RIGHT? Anyone think different? Does that make sense? Mormons used the Christian bible, changing it to fit their new religion, so of course you will see similarities. BUT as I said before, YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD TO BE OF THE SAME FAITH, RIGHT? otherwise Muslims could call themselves Christian because they believe in Abraham and other things in our bible. ONLY Christians and Catholics (Christian a break-off of the Catholic faith) believe in the Trinity: God the Father, GOD THE SON, and God the Holy Spirit.
Mormon believe they are gods (I'm not criticizing, but stating a fact) They believe in lessor gods and greater gods depending on your works and the amount of money you can give supporting your church....They do believe that man came from another planet, so do Muslims, but mormons don't try to say they are Muslims, probably because that religion is so unpopular in the US. So why try to link yourself to Christians, because we are mainstream. Maybe not for long, as you see the hated of Christians from the left and even some here on FR. Bottom line, we believe in two different Gods. Oh, and believing Jesus is their savior, but not God, still gives us two different Gods.
I'm still voting for Romney for President. There is nothing in his religion that would prevent him from carrying out the duties of that political office.