Posted on 02/20/2007 12:26:43 PM PST by sionnsar
Folks, I am passing on the baton of the Traditional Anglican Ping List. It's not been an easy decision, but it's necessary. Still, I feel like I owe you an explanation though it's a bit long and involves the journey of how I came to become the list's pinger.
A quarter-century ago, a cradle Episcopalian not long out of college and recently married, I was active in my Episcopal church as Lay Reader, Chalice Bearer, Verger, Vestryman and finally Delegate to Convention! I remember heading off to my first diocesan convention happy, excited and honored to be representing my parish.
I was completely unprepared for the ugly reality I encountered there. I was shocked at the blatant attempts to use the church to advance various liberal secular issues such as unilateral disarmament and some of it by people I'd known for years! During one of the many nasty yelling matches, I suddenly had an image of Satan standing in that hall, laughing. My wife says that when I arrived home, shattered, she knew it was only a matter of time until we left ECUSA.
That time came a couple of years later when we moved to an area where the Episcopal churches were all weird, wrong or stone cold dead. By accident we visited a Continuing Anglican church but we stayed, and joined. It wasn't easy, and not least was the knowledge that we'd left ECUSA and the Anglican Communion, but we were in a solid, welcoming church. Rediscovering the 1928 liturgy was an extra bonus.
After while we quit looking back to ECUSA, we said nothing more about her, we paid no more attention to her. We did hear things from time to time, such as the election of a woman to bishop, apparently only qualified by her race and gender, but these things didn't affect us so we ignored or soon forgot them.
That's pretty much how things remained until sometime in 2002 or 2003 I wandered into the Religion Forum and learned that ahadams2 (Arlin Adams) was running an Anglican ping list. I signed up and in horror I began to learn what had been transpiring since we left in 1983.
Because I knew HTML, Arlin was soon asking me to touch up postings with difficult formatting. Soon after that he suggested a web page listing Anglican FReepers' churches; that grew into The Traditional Anglican Directory and Resource Page. All this was part of his mission, he said: to show departing Episcopalians where the exits were, and I was happy to help.
Then on September 3rd, 2004, Arlin passed away.
And the news stopped.
Later, Arlin's wife Sharon sent me a copy of his Anglican ping list, I began to identify Anglican news and blog sites, and soon the Traditional Anglican Ping List was up again. This quickly became a lot of work as I was making the rounds of 30 to 50 sites daily (my complete list is now well upwards of 100). Then the postings were cut back to 9 per day so listmembers wouldn't be swamped.
About that time I also realized that retaining a history of postings could be of interest in the future, if only to me, and so the postings archive was born.
Longterm listmembers will remember how matters were declining across the Anglican Communion during this time. Now in matters Anglican one expects things to move glacially slow, which they did. But the constancy of this slow decline began to worry me.
Recently my wife commented on the effects of all this deep immersion in negativity. Over the past weekend it became clearly apparent to me that I do indeed need to "put down the browser and back away." And so I shall.
My decision was affirmed yesterday by the Primates' Communiqué. Although it appears that neither side is happy, TEC and other offenders will not only not be disciplined, they remain in full status in the Anglican Communion. What is worse, I see this document installing control without rectifying the current situation; there is in it no refining of the Communion as it exists -- it seems they are forging a tool that will cause the Communion great harm when the wrong hands gain control of this One Ring binding the Communion. It is still in the realm of possibility for the orthodox to win this war, and it is most assuredly a war, but any victory has been forestalled by many years, possibly decades. For my part, I do not anticipate ever being able to rejoin the Anglican Communion.
I believe Arlin's original mission is probably nearly complete if not already accomplished. If nothing else, I doubt there are any Episcopalians left unaware of the issues in their church, and of the options before them. This helped in my decision.
Nevertheless, Huber did volunteer to take on the list (after I wheedled and cajoled and browbeat and threatened him into it -- and there is little truth in this), so that listmembers can remain informed. I put way too much time and effort into this list and trust he will manage his time better than I, with fewer postings -- and I expect the postings archive (which I think nobody but I ever used) will come to an end.
When I took on the list I had a steep learning curve. I had only a cradle layman's understanding of Anglicanism, and very little knowledge at all of the Anglican polity. My searches for material to post taught me a lot, though it is an erratic knowledge full of gaps. I know Huber is feeling the same trepidation I did when I started (though he is better educated), and I have offered my support.
It's been an interesting time, particularly when I think on the postings that I just can never forget, from the pain in Episcopal Church, I Weep for Thee to the lightheartedness of Chant Psalms While You Work!, the simple awfulness of The Winner of the Nasty Chasuble Contest!, the determination of Little Stone Bridges & Why We Fight for Them, the horror of "It Was Horrible, Horrible!" (First-hand account of an abortion clinic -- very graphic!), and the warning in Fly, you fools! [flee ECUSA!] by the Rev. Al Kimel, who soon took his own advice and left. Huber will have an equally interesting time, I hope.
For my part, I will spend my Lent off the ping list, away from the Religion forum, eyes averted and out of earshot of the ongoing War for the Worldwide Anglican Communion. As a FRiend here noted I have my peaceful little "garden church" in which to spend my Lent: to rest, repent, recuperate and recharge, and to look forward to celebrating Easter, here in my quiet little corner of Continuing Anglicanism.
You're welcome to stop by anytime, in person or online:
"did it" ping
You have done us all a great service and we are, indeed, thankful. Enjoy your rest.
And a Lenten discipline of eyes averted from this mess might be a good one for many of the rest of us to follow as well.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I've really appreciated your insight.
Dear sionnsar,
All the best to you, and some prayers, too.
Enjoy your Lent. We hope to see you on these threads afterwards, if not posting the threads themselves.
Thank you for all you've done.
One of my favorite Collects, from the close of Lutheran Daily Prayer when Sermon is appended:
Lord God,
you call your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending,
through paths as yet untrodden,
through perils unknown.
Give us faith to go out with good courage,
not knowing where we go,
but only that your hand is leading us
and your love supporting us
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I completely understand, and empathize with your reasons for departing. You have stood as a faithful witness, and your witness did not go wasted! I leave you with this, to encourage you in your decision:
It is precisely when every earthy hope has been explored and found wanting, when every possibility of help from earthy sources has been sought and is not forthcoming, when every recourse this world offers, moral as well as material, has been drawn on and expended with no effect, when in the shivering cold every faggot has been thrown on the fire, and in the gathering darkness every glimmer of light has finally flickered out it is then that Christs hand reaches out, sure and firm, that Christs words bring their inexhaustible comfort, that His light shines brightest, abolishing the darkness for ever
- Malcolm Muggeridge, from Christ And The MediaHow easy for me to live with You, O Lord!
How easy for me to believe in You!
When my mind parts in bewilderment
or falters,
when the most intelligent people see no further
than this day's end
and do not know what must be done tomorrow,
You grant me the serene certitude
that You exist and that You will take care
that not all the paths of good be closed.
Atop the ridge of earthly fame,
I look back in wonder at the path
which I alone could have never found,
a wondrous path through despair to this point
from which I, too, could transmit to mankind
a reflection of Your rays.
And as much as I must still reflect
You will give me.
But as much as I cannot take up
You will have already assigned to others.
- Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, "Prayer"
from his Pictorial Autobiography
God bless. I have been praying for orthodox Anglicans for quite sometime. There are so many faithful witnesses to the Gospel among you. What is happening in ECUSA grieves me greatly. I don't know if September 2007 will yield anything but Schism. I think the liberals are determined to march the ECUSA into the valley of death.
Two great blogs where orthodox Anglicans can catch up on news and comment are Stand Firm and Titusonenine
Here are the links.
God bless
Think you may like this
We are the very model of today's Episcopalian,
We're broad and high and low and wide and somewhat Bacchanalian;
We're mystic and political, and secular and clerical;
We may be charismatic, but we seldom get hysterical.
We're traditional and radical and socialist-monarchical;
We're protestant and catholic, but please, not too hierarchical.
About a woman Bishop we are split with lots of different views,
As well as on the Prayer Book that our rectors say we gotta use!
Chorus (3 times)
As well as on the Prayer Book that our rectors say we gotta use!
We're prosperous by daily work; our affluence is merited,
Abetted by the little bit that some of us inherited.
The portion that we give the Church is best described as comical;
But please don't call us stingy, we are simply economical
The portion that we give the Church is best described as comical;
But please don't call us stingy, we are simply economical.
We are the very model of today's Episcopalian!
We do our work while modestly proclaiming our own praises in Committee and Convention.
We're a competent and cheerful band
We always have a fifth around when three or four are near at hand. We're known for our diversity and heterogeneity.
(Please don't confuse that funny word with sex and spontaneity!)
On subjects controversial you won't find many who agree,
Since each Episcopalian's sure he's got God's own authority
Chorus (3 times)
Since each Episcopalian's sure he's got God's own authority.
We're educated, talented, creative and professional;
So sure of our salvation that we don't need the Confessional.
Polite and open minded towards believers strange and alien,
We save up our intolerance for other 'Piscopalians!
Polite and open minded towards believers strange and alien,
We save up our intolerance for other 'Piscopalians.
We're sophisticated talkers now on matters ecumenical,
In spite of being vague about our vows catechumenical.
The Anglican tradition is to most of us a mystery
How can we glitter socially and still find time for history?
Don't ask us what we signify with chants doxicological.
They sound so grand it must be something deeply theological!
We try to carry on with just the Parables and Golden Rule,
While hoping in the future we'll find time to teach in Sunday School.
Chorus (3 times)
While hoping in the future we'll find time to teach in Sunday School.
Our clergy do our ministries and actions apostolical,
While we argue over liturgy and colors all aesthetical,
Yet, every day, everywhere, dapper or tatterdemalion
You'll see us modeling the best today's Episcopalian.
Yet, every day, everywhere, dapper or tatterdemalion
You'll see us modeling the best today's Episcopalian.
"Voice Of Truth"
Oh what I would do to have The kind of faith it takes to climb out of this boat I'm in Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone To the realm of the unknown where Jesus is And He's holding out his hand
But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed The waves they keep on telling me Time and time again. 'Boy, you'll never win!' "You'll never win"
But the voice of truth tells me a different story And the voice of truth says "Do not be afraid!" And the voice of truth says "This is for My glory" Out of all the voices calling out to me I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
Oh what I would do to have The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant With just a Sling and a stone Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors Shaking in their armor Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand
But the giant's calling out my name and he laughs at me Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed The giant keeps on telling me Time and time again "boy, you'll never win! "You'll never win"
But the stone was just the right size To put the giant on the ground And the waves they don't seem so high From on top of them looking down I will soar with the wings of eagles When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus Singing over me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
I fully understand. I'm doing the same for Lent with my daily newspaper and FR. Following politics as I do keeps me steeped in negativism.
Be well.
Best wishes! Just don't abandon the Undead Thread, where we're always perky :-).
are you going to concentrate on the Bagpipe ping list full-time then?
LOL. There's not enough bagpipe-related news for it to be "fulltime", but I might remember to check up more often. But there will be no discussion of this album.
I believe Arlin would be quite proud of the work you have done over the past few years. Have a blessed Lent.
Thanks for the many postings. I hope you enjoy your "vacation" (or more accurately a retreat), for I don't doubt many of the stories were painful.
Best of luck to you. I'm sorry that things are going so wrong in your Church that you feel the need for a break. May your time off be a cool drink of water for your soul.
Thank you sionnsar and God bless.
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