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Prayer request thread, 7/18
the good hearts of FR | 7/18/06 | Knitting a Conundrum

Posted on 07/18/2006 6:09:52 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum

Prayer Needs:

Prayer requests for members of our armed forces:
Tracey, Sgt. Kevin Downs (injured), stm, nckerr, Jason

federalist1 asks: Matt Wallace, a soldier, the son of friends of ours, was in a vehicle that was hit by an explosive device. He has been burned over 90% of his body. While at first he was too unstable to move, doctors were able to get him to Germany. Would you please join us in asking God for a miracle.

freema asks:" I beg your prayers for the Haditha Marines, the Hamdaniya Marines  known as the Pendleton 8, the Ishaqi Marines who were recently cleared, and their families."

freema also asks: "I have had a request to contact the USMC Ping List to ask you keep up the heat on the subject of the Haditha Massacre Accusations, as FReepers are investigating every nook and cranny, and to request any new information be directed to FReeper backhoe."

Special Ongoing Prayer Requests:

Please pray about the situation developing between Israel and Lebanon (and Syria and Gaza and so on)
Prayer thread for Israel and the world:

Prayer Vigil for the nation and its leaders - please consider joining us in a 24 hour a day prayer vigil to lift up our leaders and pray for our country, especially on the immigration issue, and other pressing matters:

Please pray about the situation with North Korea's missle test.

Rutles4Ever asks: Please pray for the souls who perished in the Indian train bombings, as well as for those hurt, and the families of all. Please pray also for the fiends that did this.

Please remember to pray for our military.  Between dealing with the enemy overseas, and the enemies of the military at home, they need our prayers and good wishes and support.  Epecially remember those who are being unfairly impacted by the recent press scandal mongering.

Prayers for all those men and women working on wildland fire situations across the country.  On June 18, we passed the 3 million acres burned mark, which is about 2 million acres more than average.

RexFamilia posts about a program to pray for the safety of America:   Every evening at 9:00 pm Eastern Time (8:00 pm Central) (6:00 pm Pacific), give one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for peace in the world.

A Freeper asks us  to remember Tony Snow in our prayers in his job as White House Press Secretary.

delphinium  is asking for prayers for her and all who work in the pro-life movement.
Please lift up the following in your prayers today: 

Please continue to remember ZacsMom in your prayers.

Grandeagle asks us to pray for Erica and others who were trapped in Lebannon when hostilities started.

sofaman's son is now out of Lebanon!

There are many Americans and others caught in Lebanon and Israel right now, some which have Freeper connections.  Please remember them as they are waiting to be evacuated.

Grandeagle asks us to remember mfccinsd also has friends trapped there and they appear to be in danger from what he understands.  Also richardtavor has friends in Israel who live in some of the areas being attacked by the terrorists.

Alouette has family members in Israel who need to be added to the list of people who are in harm's way and remembered in our prayers.

Also, rebel_yell 2 is also in Beirut, his thread:

Alouette has family members in Israel who need to be added to the list of people who are in harm's way and remembered in our prayers.

Please pray for ut1992's brother

From Mr. Silverback:   Some of you will recall that last year my wife Rambette had some difficulties in obtaining a nursing job because of a bureaucratic screwup.  It has come to our attention that this was not a screwup per se, but almost certainly resulted from misconduct on the part of one or more hospital staff members. I cannot go into detail on the forum, but suffice it to say that the coverup for someone's favoritism and/or stupidity has strayed far into misconduct territory, and some people have a lot invested in making her seem like a problem child. Let me add that I have never known anyone who is more professional and devoted to patient care than my wife. She needs prayers for protection, wisdom and justice. She is preparing to go toe-to-toe. Thank you in advance.

Please continue to keep Sally'sConcerns in your prayers.  She is now out of ICU!

Rte66 asks: 'Please remember the wonderful horse, Barbaro, who could use all the prayers anyone could muster right now for an animal."  (I know that you are not alone in that prayer.)
He is doing better today:

Jaded asks: "Need prayer's for Nancy's father Ernest. In his 70's, had a stroke on Monday. Doctors wanted to do angioplasty but can't because he is too weak. There are several things going on."

Hopeful update on alnick:

Please remember MamaB and her family on the passing of her husband Don .
Updated info is here:

ozaukeemom  has a sad report about the missing teenager, who was found dead.  Please remember his family and friends and those who are touched by this incident in your prayers.  She also tells us that another young person was found dead (from different causes).  Please join her in prayer for those in her community, especially the young people touched by these tragedies.

JRios1968 tell us that his wife had surgery on Tuesday.   Please continue to remember his wife in your prayers.  She  just lost her father and has to deal with the surgery and a move all at the same time.

Please remember Ashton Glover's family.  She was a 16 year old from Texas  who was found dead yesterday after going missing. Rte66 tells us: " She had been murdered and the suspects, other teens from her HS, were caught just tonight after crossing the border into Canada from Michigan. (We're in SE TX.)."

Ciexyz asks: "Prayers offered up for Pittsburgh PA mayor Bob O'Connor, who is in the hospital and has just been diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma cancer, with four tumors that require chemo."

lightman informs us that his father has passed away.  Please remember this family in your prayers.

Baby Clare who was born to only be here a short time, has passed on: Please remember her and her family in your prayers

Awestruck asks: "Please ask all to pray for Amanda Trimble, who came home to find her entire family dead, her husband had shot the 4 children and then killed himself.. and no one knows why he did it.. I can't imagine the pain this woman is going through.. she needs all our prayers right now.  We also need prayers for another local mother, Debbie Hawk, who has been missing for quite some time, after police found blood in her house and found her vehicle abandoned.."

richardtavor writes:  Mickey. recently lost a kidney and part of his liver to cancer and is fighting that. My prayer is for a total healing of the a total healing.

Jaded asks us: Please add Marge and her husband. Their 18 year old nephew was killed in a car accident this past weekend. They helped raise him and are taking this very hard. DaveLoneRanger tells us "Freeper RRyan24 is a very good friend of mine, and her sister Amanda went into premature labor. The baby was breech, so they had to do a cesarean section. The baby is named John, weighs about 3 pounds, and is struggling for life in the ICU. Prayers would be appreciated."


Prayers for J.D.'s son (a person I know from an email list) : He says: My handicapped son is in the hospital with a massive infection that has temporarily, we hope, caused most of his organs to shut down, or nearly so. His condidtion is now stable, and appears to be slowly improving, but he is still extremely critical. The docs seem to think that the next few days will tell if he will recover or not, so your prayers will be greatly appreciated.

Prayers for Mary Elizabeth, who is a Benedictine Oblate, who is having much physical and spiritual pain and problems.

Prime Choice asks: Please add my sister-in-law Renee to your prayer request thread.

murphyb has this request for a small boy:  A 3 yr old nephew of a friend was admitted into the hospital b/c he started having trouble walking. They conducted a CT and found out he has a tumor on or near his brain stem. .  Update: There is now some hope for this little guy. The doctors are now saying that he should have a 40-60% chance of survival. That sounds bad but they all thought that it would be much less. They say that if the tumor had been 2 centimeters lower on the brain stem, his chances would have been 0-5%. The doctors are now trying to decide how to proceed with chemo or radiation.

Jaded asks us to remember the following in our prayers:
Fr. Mike, recovering from surgery. 
Deb- starting chemo. 
Beth, Gabby and Claribeth- moving to Chicago so Gabby and Claribeth will be near their Dr. Both kids have Chiari Malformation
Glenda who has stage 4 brain cancer and breast cancer as well as her kids Debbie and Michael. The kids are grown but they are having a really hard time. Also Charles and Tina who are trying to help her and the kids.

From happymom: A quick request of my own: my daughter Christina is in the hospital. For the past couple weeks she has been saying she couldn't eat or drink anything because she felt like she was choking. Finally this weekend she as admitted because she was so dehydrated she couldn't keep anything down even when she tried. It turns out today that her EEG showed she is having seizures and that could explain the choking feeling. That makes sense to me, since I have two other children with epilepsy. I'm not sure I want to bring her home from the hospital yet, though, if she still can't eat and drink, or we'll just be back in by this weekend. On the other hand, I've only gotten to see the rest of my family for about 5 minutes a day, and I'd like to get home. But whatever will be best for her. I've got to get back to the hospital now so I won't be able to reply till tomorrow at least. Thank you so much.

Please remember Noelle, who is having great difficulty finding a job.

Please remember Flyer in your prayers.

Please continue to remember meanie monster's friend Hexe, who has late stage cancer.  She has posted a picture of her friend  here:

Update from unionblue83 on  Baby Kendall. "Baby Kendall is infection-free so far and home with mom, dad and big brother. All seems to be going well and I continue to pray for all of them. Thank you all for your prayers and support; they truly are "heard"."

(orignial thread:

Prayers for Rte66 and her situation with her neighbors.
Knitting a Conundrum asks:  Please pray that everything about our move to Boise in the fall goes smoothly...I'm a bit overwhelmed by what needs to be done, and I have a lot of stuff to do and keep getting asthma attacks (related to stress and just the products I need to use to get the jobs done), and we're having some problems with the house we've been renting out and plan to move into.    I'd really appreciate it.

Ciexyz has a friend who needs prayer: "Prayers requested for Dave, a friend of mine who is back in the hospital with Lyme Disease. This has been going on for over a year, he's been in and out of the hospital numerous times, has had bad reactions to the drugs they've used to try and treat this problem. Your prayers are much appreciated."

MissEdie has this update on Clint: " I wanted to update all of you on Clint's condition. His mother and I appreciate all of your prayers, however it is not looking good. His mom just got back from the hospital and the doctors are preparing her for the worst. Clint is not responding to the antibiotic being used to treat his staph infection. On Friday there was a glimmer of hope, his fever had broken. He is on the ventilator and it is doing all of his breathing for him. Freepers please pray hard for him, Clint is only 14 years old, and he has been in the hospital battling pneumonia. Please continue to pray for him and his mother! She is very frightened, and so am I."

BellStar asks: "We need to ask for your prayers again. Chelsey fever is back.. 103.5 and she had more blood clots in her vomit. Please God guide these doctors. "

WV Mountain Mama posts this good news about the baby who needed the heart transplant:

I have great news!!! I got a card from Ada's mom, Ada received a heart on 6/4/06 and is doing very well!!! She said to please pass on her most heartfelt thank you for all of the prayers. She knows that you all helped so much, and they meant so much to her family. She knows that Ada is in God's plans and Hands.

New Update on Big  Frank:
Update from Sally's Concerns on her sister Alexis the Bengal Kitty:  "She's had the pre-cancerous lump removed from her breast and we should have the pathology report later today (Monday, the 12th), she's had another ultrasound for the tumour on her ovary and it hasn't grown since the last one 2 months ago and finally, she had more blood work done and the blood test which tests for the ovarian cancer marker came back as normal. While it's too early to start celebrating it's not ovarian cancer, I'm still extremely grateful to all of the wonderful FReepers for their prayers for both of us.

Army MP Retired updates us on his wife. "Update on my Anita. Friends, yesterday we received bad news in that the cancer is in fact invasive and it was not contained only to the tumor that was removed last week. She must now have a complete mastectomy. That will happen next Thursday, followed by extensive chemotherapy. Pathology will then determine the likelihood the cancer has spread elsewhere and dictate what further testing is necessary.  We continue to be grateful for our many blessings and for your prayers."

Mrs. Liberty is asking:  "Would you please add my friend "Mike C" to your list? He is suffering from Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. In 1998, he was given three years to live, but has survived thus far. Unfortunately, he cannot have a heart/lung transplant--does not qualify. His health has been up and down over the years. He felt well enough to visit family and friends in Florida a few weeks back, but has told me that he is recently experiencing breathing problems. He is afraid, and I am, for him. He is a dear, dear friend who gives his big heart to everyone.."

FrdmLvr writes:

My 17 year old daughter Molly was involved in a serious automobile accident on May 26. She is still in critical condition in ICU. We have experienced one miracle already, by God's grace she survived the crash. Please pray for her full recovery. Thank you... Julie A friend of mine is dealing with a potentially threatening situation and would like to be lifted up in prayer.

Sally'sConcerns posts: "Update: I'll be having surgery on June 28th on 2 different locations on my digestive tract. I'll be in the hospital for a minimum of 7 days. The additional testing I've undergone shows the initial surgery to correct the perforated ulcer was done incorrectly, part of the initial ulcer is still there and there is extensive scar tissue which shouldn't be there. I have precancerous lesions in my esophagus which will not be cured by surgery so I'll have to be monitored every 3 months by having a camera inserted down my esophagus and stomach. They will remove 60% of my stomach which will leave me open to hypoglycemia. Also, I'll have a feeding tube inserted during surgery which will remain until my physician is satisfied my stomach is capable of handling regular food. The feeding tube is required as I'm already somewhat underweight and they feel I need additional nutrition. The feeding tube will remain in my stomach even after I'm released from the hospital.

Please keep FReeper SoFarRight, BlackbirdSST's wife in your prayers. She has started chemo, and BlackbirdSST tells us: "While the diagnosis on my wife is still pretty grim, she/we are fighting tooth and nail. We are lucky in the sense that we moved to an area (Billings, MT), that has one of the most highly rated Cancer Centers in the Nation. We had no idea. These people are GREAT! She is participating in a treatment clinical trial and study group, and she is recieving the most advanced Chemo treatments known (Avastin)and some others, whose name escapes me at the moment. "

Original thread:

Please remember a friend of mine who is having a really rough time financially as she struggles to raise her children. Please join me in praying that her financial troubles will resolve in a way that lets her meet her needs and take care of her family, that the doors open that she needs to do this, and that she can find peace of mind while dealing with this difficult time Brad's Gramma tells us that Beth, the mother of baby Logan who so many have prayed for is having serious health issues with Menieres Disease. Keep her in your prayers.

Please pray for Donna who has cancer that has spread into her hip and lung. Please pray for a friend of mine who is having a flareup of a chronic condition she has.

Salvation needs to be lifted up in prayer due to some health issues at this time.

One of our freepers has a son in dire need of being lifted up as he struggles with personal issues.

Please continue to remember in your prayers/ (if you have updates on these please let me know):

Jacob,Fightin' Spirit, Jason,  Paul Weyrich, LibreOuMort, Noah, Mary Secretary, James, cgk, Haim, Paul and Lynette, Don, Carol, alnick,  PastorBooks, Mable,  Jeffrey_D, Linda AND her son, Paul and Denise, GAB-1955, Freeper's mom with emphysema,. redgolum's cousin's fiance, Awestruck's daughter,  mak5's wife Mary,  Fr. Karl Pulvermacher,
Bassalope's brother David, MILESJESU and his mother, Fudd Fan's sister, ladtx's wife, Loyalist's Dad, Dawn, the police officer with hemochomatosis, Hexe, Huntress' cousin Carol, MamaB's husband, Aggie Mama's father, DLfromthedesert, Franky's cousin John and family, Eagle6's sisters, Muleteam1's mother, MozartLover's MIL,
HoustonCurmudgeon's SIL, Carol, Tuscaloosa Goldfinche's son and father, Denise, Alan, BearWash, Howlin, Peace4EarthNow, phatus maximus and wife, the famkly of First Sergeant Jeff McLochlin

If you know anyone who needs prayer, and would like me to add them to this list, drop me a message or post it on this thread.

If you have updates, please drop me a freepmail or post it here.

Please let me know if you would like to be pinged when this is posted or if you would like me to take you off the ping list.

TOPICS: Prayer
KEYWORDS: pray; prayer; prayerrequest; prayers; praying
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To: fatima


41 posted on 07/19/2006 10:55:26 AM PDT by GrandEagle (US Marines: Allah’s travel agents)
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To: alnick; Jaded; alpha-8-25-02; Quix; Alamo-Girl; fatima; PilloryHillary; anonymoussierra; ...

Prayer emergency for a missing girl!

Day Three of Search for Destiny Norton Gets Underway
July 19th, 2006 @ 8:30am

Gene Kennedy Reporting

Another day, another search for missing five-year-old Destiny Norton.

Jeannie Hill, Friend: "We will not quit until this little girl comes home. We will be out there searching 24 hours a day until this girl comes home."

More than 75 volunteers have showed up to help the family search for Destiny this morning. They plan to expand the search to the Millcreek area and Emigration Canyon. Volunteers also will go door-to-door, asking people to look around their homes.

The new volunteer meeting place is an LDS Church building at 440 East Harvard, which is 1110 South. The Salvation Army is providing water and some food. Volunteers include friends, and many people who do not know Destiny or her family, but want to help out. A group of 30 LDS missionaries also joined the search effort this morning.

Meantime, police are focusing their search on two specific areas-- the block where the Norton family lives and the block directly west of their home.

Earlier, detectives searched the inside of the Norton home and removed several bags and boxes, but they say the family is not under suspicion.

Both Rachel and Rick Norton passed polygraph tests. Rachel says she plans to give a DNA sample to investigators today.

Police have received dozens of tips, but admit they have no concrete evidence Destiny was kidnapped or that a crime was even committed.

Only two weeks ago, Destiny was smiling for the camera at her parent's wedding reception. Her family moved near Liberty Pary in February and recently joined the LDS Church.

Rick and Rachel are expecting their third child soon. But right now their focus is on their oldest daughter.

Rick Norton/Father: "I just want to find my kid. I want to thank everybody for helping. Hopefully something turns up."

Police have talked to more than a hundred registered sex offenders and a "person of interest." But at this point, there are no suspects.

The family's endless hope is that something or someone will turn up.

There is a $15,000 reward being offered in this case. If you have information, call 799-3000.

The community's concern is also evident. Hundreds turned out Monday to help in the search. The family is hoping for the same type of turnout today.

Meantime, this story has generated nearly 500 comments over the last two days here on We've selected a few to give you a sense of what some are saying.

While some in our community are blaming Destiny's parents for what's happened, Melinda R. writes: "Until we have solid evidence implicating specific individuals, we are a community. A community that should be united and not condemning without just cause."

And a final thought from a woman named Tonya who says: "This is just sick and wrong. I can't stand to think what has happened to Destiny. Whoever took Destiny, I hope you are found and receive the worst punishment possible."

(I have the worst feeling about this. Pray for all touched by it.)

42 posted on 07/19/2006 10:56:32 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

I join in prayer for this little girl.

43 posted on 07/19/2006 11:03:36 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: arbee4bush; alnick; Jaded; alpha-8-25-02; Quix; Alamo-Girl; fatima; PilloryHillary; ...

arbee4bush updates us on her nephew Noah (both good and bad, like so many things. Keep praying!)

Dear family and friends Please forward to everyone and every prayer chain
possible. First of all, thanks to everyone who have been so earnestly going
before the Lord on our behalf regarding Noah.Your prayer and support have
been a tremendous support to us during this testing of our faith.

Today Noah received a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration to see once again if
the luekemia was in remission.To God be the glory the chemotherapy drug that
was used this time has worked better than the other two that have been
given. They said that he still has 10% luekemia in his bone marrow (the last two treatment of luekemia
drugs used did not work at all). So that is relief for us at this time. We
still have some more progress to make,but the Lord is faithful....he that
began the work in Noah will be faithful to complete it. For it is God who
works in Noah to will and to do His good pleasure(Phil.2-13) So please
continue to press into the bosom of our Savior to be THE ONE who receives ALL the glory!

Noah has been suffering from a sinus infection and some discomfort from a
tooth. Eye, ears, and throat doctors did a scope on his sinus cavity also
today and they have discovered a fungal infection as well. That is a very
serious problem for someone with a compromised immune system as Noah has.
Please continue to pray for perfect healing to that as well, and for wisdom
for all the doctors and medical staff that are treating Noah.

Also...if this isn't enough...please pray for our family-(Greg, Theresa ,Noah and
Molly) for strength to sustain these days ahead.....continual hospital least 2 more weeks...then a possible 2 DAY home...then back in
for possibly another 2-4 weeks for the same drug. Then another 6 weeks for
the bone marrow transplant. It sounds very overwhelming when I put it on
paper but I know the Lord will sustain us as He has but we NEED YOU to
continue the prayers!!

44 posted on 07/19/2006 11:45:39 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: alnick; Jaded; alpha-8-25-02; Quix; Alamo-Girl; fatima; PilloryHillary; anonymoussierra; ...

Neil E. Wright tells us:

Dear FReepers,

I received a call from my daughter in the Philippines, advising me that my 1 year old grandson, Jorge, has been ill for several days with a high fever, and he is unable to keep down his food. She took him to a doctor and got medicine for him, but it is apparently not working.

Therefore, once again I am requesting prayers from the FReeper Prayer Warriors. Please pray for God's healing power for my grandson, Jorge.

45 posted on 07/19/2006 6:00:45 PM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

thanks! posted on Neil's thread

46 posted on 07/19/2006 7:03:18 PM PDT by DollyCali (Don't tell GOD how big your storm is -- Tell the storm how B-I-G your God is!)
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To: arbee4bush

I join in prayer for Noah and all the family and care givers.

47 posted on 07/19/2006 10:36:08 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Knitting A Conundrum; All

One final update...the call came in yesterday, and the lump was NOT, I repeat NOT cancerous!!! She's free!!! :)

Now all we need is to clear out the mountain of moving boxes!!

Thanks to all for the prayer chain!

48 posted on 07/20/2006 4:14:53 AM PDT by JRios1968 (There's 3 kinds of people in this world...those who know math and those who don't.)
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To: JRios1968

Excellent news. Thank you, Lord.

49 posted on 07/20/2006 4:20:29 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: fatima; areafiftyone; COUNTrecount; Knitting A Conundrum; LibertyRocks; richardtavor; Commander8; ..
This just in from Erica's Father:

"I just received a text message from Erica. She and the entire team arrived in Cyprus about 7:30 this morning by helicopter (our time). What a relief! Thanks so much for all your prayers. It was a great feeling knowing that there were so many praying for them and I have no doubt that it played a great part in getting them all out. Thanks again."

I want to thank you all so much for your prayers.
Please be sure and offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God for their safety. To God be the glory - great things He has done........AGAIN!

Continue to remember:
Rebel_yell2, and mfccinsd's friends who are trying to get out.
And richaretavor's friends who are in Israel.

I did get word that Freeper Alouette's family members made it safely to Jerusalem.

Thanks so much for your prayers!

50 posted on 07/20/2006 5:16:00 AM PDT by GrandEagle
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To: GrandEagle

Rebel yell2 is out. He even posted briefly this morning!

51 posted on 07/20/2006 5:19:20 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum
Thanks, I just found his post!
Answered prayers abound this morning!

52 posted on 07/20/2006 5:23:40 AM PDT by GrandEagle
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To: GrandEagle

Thank you Lord.I am so happy GE.

53 posted on 07/20/2006 5:50:19 AM PDT by fatima (You can read History or make it,fatima)
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To: GrandEagle

Praise G-d!

54 posted on 07/20/2006 6:35:25 AM PDT by richardtavor (Pray for the peace of Jerusalem in the name of the G-d of Jacob)
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To: GrandEagle

Praise G-d!

55 posted on 07/20/2006 6:36:24 AM PDT by richardtavor (Pray for the peace of Jerusalem in the name of the G-d of Jacob)
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To: GrandEagle

What an answer to prayer! Yeah God!

My friends are still stuck. They may not even attempt to go again until Saturday. They said they understand people are scared and frustrated and tired, but that the ungratefulness and pushiness and nastiness (people pushing over old people and women with small kids, etc.) and just the way people were acting was doing nothing to help get an already chaotic situation into any better of a state. They are thinking perhaps if most of those people got out Thursday and go Friday, maybe things will be a bit better on Saturday. Where they are is so much safer than where they escaped from, so I think they are content to wait until God opens the door for them to take the next part of their journey to safety.

They appreciate the prayers. And I know they are so grateful for the help they are getting in getting out, all the US is doing, etc.

So please keep up the prayers for my friends...and hopefully by the weekend I'll be able to add a praise about them being out as well...

I'm so happy for Rebel, and especially for Erica and her group! I can't wait to hear the stories of the group of God's faithfulness in quite a unique situation!

56 posted on 07/20/2006 12:06:05 PM PDT by mfccinsd
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To: JRios1968

57 posted on 07/20/2006 12:23:21 PM PDT by HOTTIEBOY (I'm your huckleberry)
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To: JRios1968

Great news JRios!!!

I am very happy for you and the Mrs.!!!!!

58 posted on 07/20/2006 12:28:29 PM PDT by Jersey Republican Biker Chick (Tagline removed per Admin. Moderator.)
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To: JRios1968

That's GREAT news! I'm so happy for you both!

59 posted on 07/20/2006 12:44:15 PM PDT by conservativebabe
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To: JRios1968

Great news!

60 posted on 07/20/2006 1:09:33 PM PDT by najida (The internet is for kids grown up-- Where else could you have 10,000 imaginary friends?)
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