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PROPHETIC SIGNS THAT WE ARE IN THE END TIMES [A good summary of SOME key evidences--QX]

Posted on 11/07/2004 8:40:35 PM PST by Quix

Prophetic Signs that we are in the End Times

Contender Ministries


The Bible gives many examples of signs that should warn us of the coming end of the age. Six such signs are given by Jesus, two characteristics are given by Paul, and eleven other occurrences are given by the prophets to occur prior to or soon after the end of the age. While we are also told we will not know the time of the End, God obviously wanted us to know when that time was getting closer. As the Christian church is increasingly drawn into the interfaith movement, and as more and more churches go into isolation, preparing to sleep through the growing attacks on their faith, perhaps God knew it would take a few signs to wake us up and remind us that we have work to do.

Unfortunately, many Christians take the verses that tell us we won't know the time of His coming to mean they should ignore any and all scripture that might warn us of this time of tribulation. Others have fallen into the trap of fearing being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" should they display an interest in the Biblical prophecies about our future on Earth. My philosophy is simple. God included it in the Bible and, since God is all knowing, we should trust that it is something we should know and study along with the rest of His Word.

It is increasingly obvious that the time of our Lord's coming is drawing near. Prophecy is being fulfilled daily, and at a faster pace than ever before. Whether you believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, or believe Christians will be witness to the full tribulation, wrath, and final judgments, matters not. The beginning of birth pains and the signs of the times should have the same effect on all of us. It should motivate us to save as many souls as we can in the time that we have left. The Great Commission tells us to be disciples to all nations, bringing the message of salvation through Christ to all people. If the Church is raptured before the tribulation, it is important that we leave behind an explanation for the trials and judgments those left behind will face. How else will they recognize the deception of the anti-Christ and seek instead the truth of the Bible? If we are to endure the tribulation along side them, we will need to be prepared to not only share the message of salvation, but share with them the reasons for God's judgment and hold it up as further proof of their need to be saved.

Below is a study of the prophetic signs God gave us as a warning of the approaching end of the age. Many of them are being fulfilled now and many will be fulfilled in the near future. I would encourage you to study prophecy, know what is coming and be prepared to share it with others.




In Matthew24:3 Jesus was asked, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?" Jesus told his apostles to look for the following signs prior to his second coming and the end of the age.


Matthew 24:5 "For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and will mislead many."

Matthew 24:11 "And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many."

In the last several years many have claimed to be the Messiah. Jim Jones and David Koresh are examples of these false christs as well as countless others who are not as newsworthy. These false prophets are a prelude to the ultimate false christ, the antichrist. Many New Age groups, some even NGO's working for the United Nations, are anxiously awaiting the antichrist, preparing the way for his acceptance as the head of the hierarchy of gods and the one who will usher in world peace.


Matthew 24:6 "And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end."

Rumors of wars in all areas of the world now occur frequently thanks to instant media coverage and the availability of a multitude of 24-hour news sources.

Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes."

More people have been killed in warfare in this century than at any other time in history. As the death toll rises in the Middle East, more and more countries work feverishly to develop devastating weapons of mass destruction. Add to that the expanding threat of terrorism and unpredictable dictators such as Saddam Hussein, and the potential for the outbreak of war exists in nations, kingdoms and places across the globe.


Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes."

As white, Christian farmers are driven out of Africa in increasing numbers, and foreigners move in to replace life-sustaining crops with poppies that now supply 25% of the worlds drugs, famine spreads across the African continent. The undernourished are not limited to Africa, however. A large portion of the worlds 5 billion people suffers from a shortage of food.


Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes."

The number and intensity of earthquakes this century is at a level higher than any other time in history. A staggering number of seismic events occur around the world daily. The earthquake seismic monitor IRIS shows all major earthquakes for the last year. Indicated by yellow and red circles, the seismic events of the last 15 days provides strong evidence of the fulfillment of Matthew 24:7 in our day. By contrast, in the years from 1890 to 1900 there was only one major earthquake in the world.


Matthew 24:8-9 "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of my name."

Christians are under attack throughout the world today. In the United States Christians still enjoy freedom to worship God without suffering much more than ridicule, hatred, or discrimination at work and school. However in many other countries such as China, Sudan, Africa, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Russia, and many Muslim nations, Christian suffer much greater persecution and often times death for their faith. During the tribulation this suffering will be worldwide and will continue even to the point of martyrdom. These first 5 signs will increase in intensity and severity as the tribulation approaches, much like the birth pangs or contractions of a pregnant woman worsen as the delivery time approaches.


Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come."

This prophecy has already been fulfilled through television, radio, missionaries, the translation of the Bible into many languages, and the internet. People all over the world now hear the message of Christ from missionaries who have the means to travel the globe, and via technology that allows us to communicate with people on the other side of the world right from our own homes, churches and offices.





II Timothy 3:1-5,7 "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

For anyone who has watched television, read a newspaper, lost a retirement to corporate greed and corruption, or just walked outside their front door, it is obvious this prophecy has been fulfilled by our generation. Our leaders are often corrupt; our cities are filled with crime, brutality, and neon signs proclaiming our sinful, godless nature. The New Age Movement brings in increasing numbers of mystics who claim to be the enlightened ones. They are some of the most educated and influential people in our societies, and yet the most lacking in real truth.


I Timothy 4:1-3 "But the spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. By means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth."

Churches today are becoming more and more ecumenical, embracing the New Age interfaith agenda, and denying Christ as the only way to salvation. Giving in to the politically correct media and a corrupt society, they have embrace homosexuality as an acceptable alternate lifestyle and preach tolerance and compromise in place of God's truth for the salvation of the world. The environmentalist movement within the New Age movement lures them into a worship of mother earth, belief in past lives, reincarnation, and Karma while demonizing all those who would eat the meat God gave us as nourishment for our bodies.





Revelation 9:16 "And the number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them."

An army of that size had never existed until China's army reached that number in the 1960's.


Daniel 2:32-33 "The head of the statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay."

Daniel 2:40-43 "Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things, so like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces. And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have the toughness of iron, and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle. And in that you saw the iron mixed with clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery."

The fourth kingdom of iron is the Roman empire according to Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The two legs are the division of the Roman empire into an eastern portion called the Byzantine empire which ended in the 1400's and a western portion based in Rome which ended in the 400's. The nations of Europe since the Roman empire dissolved have never adhered or formed one empire but continue as separate nations, however, the European Union now has 15 Member States and is preparing for the accession of 13 eastern and southern European countries.


Zephaniah 3:9 "For then I will return to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent."

Prior to the restoration of Israel in 1948, Hebrew was a dead language. Now Hebrew is spoken throughout Israel.


For several end time prophecies to be fulfilled, the temple will have to be rebuilt.

Revelation 11:2 "Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the oly city for forty-two months."

Daniel 9:27 "And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolation, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."

Daniel 9:26 "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary."

Some archeologists believe that the temple mount is actually 340 feet south of the Dome of the Rock site, putting the Dome of the Rock within the Court of the Gentiles. This may be the court outside the temple that is left out.

There are many groups already working on preparations for the new temple. The blueprints are already done, the temple garments have been made, and there have already been attempts to lay the cornerstone of the temple. The only thing standing in the way of the construction of the new temple is Islam's third holiest site, the Dome of the Rock and government support for such an undertaking. Some possible scenarios for the rebuilding of the temple are as follows:

1. The persuasion and performing of miracles by the Antichrist and False Prophet convinces the Islamic world to approve the rebuilding.

2. The United Nations will negotiate the rebuilding of the temple following a war with the armies from the North (Russia and Islamic forces). This assumes that the war with the armies from the North is not the battle of Armageddon as some feel and that this attack occurs before the rapture or tribulation period begins. The supernatural destruction of the Russian army and Islamic forces will cause an outpouring of Christian worship and zeal amongst the Jewish people who will reconstruct the temple.

3. It is determined that the site of the first two temples is actually south of the Dome of the Rock, and the court of the gentiles (Dome of the Rock) will be left out of the 3rd temple.

A group in Israel called the Temple Mount Faithful have obtained most of the clothing, instruments and other equipment required for temple worship and are actively preparing for the laying of the third temple's cornerstone.


Numbers 19:2-7 "This is the statute of the law which the Lord has commanded, saying, "Speak to the sons of Israel that they bring you an unblemished red heifer in which is no defect and on which a yoke has never been placed. "You shall give it to Eleazar the priest, and it shall be brought outside the camp and be slaughtered in his presence. Next Eleazar the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger and sprinkle some of its blood toward the front of the tent of meeting seven times. "Then the heifer shall be burned in his sight; its hide and its flesh and its blood, with its refuse, shall be burned. "The priest shall then wash his clothes and bathe his body in water, and afterward come into the camp, but the priest shall be unclean until evening."

A red heifer will be required to be used in the process of purification described in the book of Numbers. In May 1997 the first Red Heifer was born in 2000 years. Another red Heifer was born in Israel in March of 2002.


Daniel 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

Billy Graham was quoted as saying, "ninety percent of all the engineers and scientists who have ever lived are alive today." Air travel, space travel, DNA research and human cloning are all examples of the rapid increase in knowledge in our generation.


Zephaniah 3:10-11 "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, My dispersed ones, will bring My offerings. In that day you will feel no shame because of all your deeds by which you have rebelled against Me; For then I will remove from your midst your proud, exulting ones, and you will never again be haughty on My holy mountain."

In 1984, Operation Moses saw the airlift of 15,000 Jews who had already fled to refugee camps in Sudan to escape starvation. In 1991, Operation Solomon flew 20,000 Jews to Israel from Ethiopia itself. A further airlift began in June of 1999, aimed at transporting the last 3,000 members of the Quara Jewish community from northeastern Ethiopia to Israel.


Ezekiel 38:2,4,8 "Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him. I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them wielding swords. After many days you will be summoned; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them."

In order for some end time events to occur Russia will have to be a strong nation with a strong military.


Jeremiah 23:7-8 "Therefore behold, the days are coming declares the Lord, when they will no longer say, as the Lord lives, who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, but as the Lord lives, who brought up and led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the north land and from all the countries where I have driven them. Then they will live on their own soil."

In the 1970's and 1980's there was a mass exodus of Russian Jews out of Communist Russia. In 1999 the Associated Press reported a dramatic increase in the number of Jewish immigrants from Russia, bringing the largest number of Russian Jews to Israel since the early 1990's.


Revelation 13:16-17 "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name."

On May 10, three members of a family in Florida became the first people to receive the biochip implant. Each device, made of silicon and called a VeriChip, is a small radio transmitter about the size of a piece of rice that is injected under a person's skin. It transmits a unique personal ID number whenever it is within a few feet of a special receiver unit. VeriChip's maker describes it as "a miniaturized, implantable, radio frequency identification device (RFID) that can be used in a variety of security, emergency and healthcare applications."

Is the biochip the mark of the beast to be used by the antichrist? We can't really know. What is significant is that people are being softened to the idea of a mark or an implant as a means of maintaining security, providing medical information, and regulating a more interdependent world. As attitudes change, fears subside, and people are convinced of the need for such a mark, the true mark of the beast will be easily introduced to the world by the antichrist.


The United Nations, World Trade Organization, International Criminal Court, UN peacekeeping/police force, numerous UN NGO's, and other agencies are preliminary steps to the formation of a one world government. We now have the communications technology, transportation, and the pro-globalization media necessary to usher in the one world government headed by the antichrist. The increasing terrorist threat and the middle east conflict will only speed up the formation of this governing body as fear and promises of better security make more people willing to give up their national sovereignty for global governance.


Revelation 11:3, 7-10 "And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophecy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. Those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days, and will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb. And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and celebrate; and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth."

Television and the 24-hour news networks make it possible for people around the world to see the dead prophets and rejoice at their deaths.

Luke 21:28 "But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

Luke 21:32 "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all things take place."

TOPICS: Charismatic Christian; Evangelical Christian; General Discusssion; Ministry/Outreach; Prayer; Religion & Culture; Theology
KEYWORDS: 1558; 1560; believer; believers; bible; biblical; christ; christian; christians; day; days; earthquakes; end; endtime; endtimes; endtimessfauxprophet; etpl; evidence; faith; faithingodnotvoodoo; fauxiantrolls; future; givemeoilinmylamp; heynow; honestbutmisled; iran; iraq; islam; israel; jesus; jm; keepmeburning4ulord; last; lastdays; lord; nooneknowsbutgod; noteventhesonknows; obedience; overcome; overcoming; prophecy; prophetic; redheifer; revelation; revelations; scripture; scriptures; simonthesourceror; sin; steadfast; steadfastness; study; summary; time; victorious; victory; wisevirgins; y2kfalseprophets
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To: skylight4u

Have you read the post above about the Buddhist monk who died and resurrected at his funeral? He saw the Buddha in hell.

In terms of your fatigue about such things--you are welcome to avoid reading them!

1,561 posted on 02/14/2005 6:14:29 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: JockoManning; All


I guess this would have been quite fitting to put here in this thread vs the other one! LOL. I'll put the first part here.


THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE SEEN THIS SITE. Interesting. A worthy project, imho. Should be interesting to see it rise and fall as long as it's allowed! The link is at the end of this post. Evidently the individual item ratings go from 1-5. --Quix

1 False Christs 2
2 Occult 4
3 Satanism 1
4 Unemployment 2
5 Inflation 3
6 Interest Rates 2
7 The Economy 2
8 Oil Supply/Price 4
9 Debt and Trade 5
10 Financial unrest 2
11 Leadership 5
12 Drug abuse 2
13 Apostasy 5
14 Supernatural 1
15 Moral Standards 3
16 Anti-Christian 4
17 Crime Rate 1

18 Ecumenism 4
19 Globalism 4
20 Tribulation Temple 3
21 Anti-Semitism 4
22 Israel 3-1
23 Gog (Russia) 3
24 Persia (Iran) 4
25 The False Prophet 2
26 Nuclear Nations 5
27 Global Turmoil 4
28 Arms Proliferation 5
29 Liberalism 1
30 The Peace Process 4+1
31 Kings of the East 4
32 Mark of the Beast 4
33 Beast Government 4
34 The Antichrist 3

35 Date Settings 1
36 Volcanoes 5
37 Earthquakes 5
38 Wild Weather 5
39 Civil Rights 4
40 Famine 3
41 Drought 2-1
42 Plagues 5
43 Climate 5
44 Food Supply 3-5
45 Floods 5

Rapture Index 152
Net Change -1

Updated Feb 14, 2005

2002 High 179 2003 High 177 2004 High 157 2005 High 155
2002 Low 161 2003 Low 133 2004 Low 135 2005 Low 152

Record High 182 Record Low 57
24 Sept 01 12 Dec 93


04 Unemployment:
The global job market shows signs of improvement.
2 Occult:
A study by City University of New York noted a jump in the number of adult Pagans, from 8,000 in 1990 to 274,000 in 2001.

05 Inflation:
High commodity prices are forcing up wholesales prices.

07 Economy:
The high price of oil is putting pressure on the global economy.

08 Oil Supply/Price
The price of oil is up on colder weather.

09 Debt and Trade:
The U.S. federal and trade deficit both hit new highs.

11 Leadership:
The historic nature of the Indonesian earthquake has upgraded this category.

12 Drug abuse:
Drug use in teens declines by 11 percent

15 Moral Standards:
Gay marry supporters lose every major political vote.

16 Anti-Christian:
A terror bombing against Iraqi Christians has upgraded this category.

15 Moral Standards:
The scourge of gay marriage upgrades this category.

17 Crime Rate:
Violent Crime was Off 3 Percent in 2003.

19 Globalism:
Several Asian nations are working on a free trade zone.

22 Israel
A new round of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians has brought a shaky peace to the region.

23 Gog:
The lack of activity has downgraded this category.

24 Persia (Iran):
Iran continues to advance on its nuclear weapons programs.

27 Global Turmoil:
A series of terrorist attack have occurred in Russia.

28 Arms Proliferation:
Iran, China, and Pakistan continue to buildup their military

29 Liberalism:
Liberals in the U.S. take huge beating.

30 The Peace Process:
Recent peace agreements in Israel seem to be holding.

31 Kings of the East
China's economy continues to grow at a fast pace.

32 Mark of the Beast:
Wal-mart is falling behind in its plan to bar code all products with radio tags.

33 Beast Government:
There is a growing belief that the EU is going to have a difficult time ratifying its Constitution.

34 The Antichrist:
The EU is looking a new President.

36 Volcanoes
Mount St. Helens continues to build up for a major eruption.

37 Earthquakes
Asia is hit by a massive 9.0 magnitude quake.

38 Wild Weather
Florida is hit by a deadly hurricane.

40 Famine:
The world hunger situation remains stable.

41 Drought
Heavy rains in Arizona end 8 years of drought

42 Plagues
West Nile Virus spreads across North America

43 Climate:
The increase in the frequency of Hurricanes has experts wondering if there is a connection to climate change.

45 Floods:
Floods in the Philippines kill over 1,300 people.

View the Gulf War high from 26 Oct 90
View the record high from 24 Sept 01
View the record low from 12 Dec 93

The Rapture Index categories explained

The Purpose For This Index
The Rapture Index has two functions: one is to factor together a number of related end time components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to standardize those components to eliminate the wide variance that currently exists with prophecy reporting.

The Rapture Index is by no means meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is designed to measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the rapture.

You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.

Rapture Index of 85 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 85 to 110: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 110 to 145: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 145: Fasten your seat belts


A more complete posting of that site's docs is available at their link or at post #90


1,562 posted on 02/14/2005 6:21:40 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix; JockoManning

Thanks Quix.

Bookmark to self to look at this later.


1,563 posted on 02/14/2005 2:31:35 PM PST by JockoManning (
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To: JockoManning; All

Some installments from the latest JANUARY/FEBRUARY Bible Code Digest have been posted on the following thread:

1,564 posted on 02/14/2005 10:39:28 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix; All

Hear ye, hear ye: Sanhedrin seeks David's scion as king


Will Jews begin proclaiming "Long live the king" in the near future?
According to a group of 71 Jewish scholars who met this week in the Old City of Jerusalem in the form of a modern-day Sanhedrin – a duplicate of the religious tribunal which convened during the time of the Second Temple – a coronation day is growing closer.

As one member of the group put it, "We would have liked it to happen yesterday. But we are willing to wait until tomorrow."

There hasn't been a genuine Sanhedrin in Israel for nearly 1,600 years; the last one to be proclaimed was in France, by Napoleon, for political gain. Shortly after the establishment of the State of Israel, religious affairs minister Judah Leib Maimon raised the notion of reinstituting the ancient body, to no avail.

The group composed largely of Kahane sympathizers that gave itself the name Sanhedrin in October, however, met Sunday to discuss the creation of a Jewish monarchy in the State of Israel.

For the past several years a group called the Monarchists has conducted extensive research into the lineage of several families in an effort to discover who has the closest bloodline to the biblical King David – a requirement for any future Jewish king.

Rabbi Yosef Dayan from Psagot, known for his recent threats to place a death curse on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, is said to be a leading candidate to become the "king of Israel."

"Dayan has the best lineage to King David," several members of the Sanhedrin told The Jerusalem Post. They say he has two documented ancient sources which draw a direct line between him and the males in his family to King David some 3,000 years ago.

"Many people can show they are descendants of King David, but they cannot show that the line is only male," one Sanhedrin member explained. "That makes Dayan the leading candidate to become king."

The Monarchists have consulted with non-Jewish experts on lineage. They concurred that, without a doubt, Dayan is a direct descendent of the House of David.

The only question now is how to establish the Jewish monarchy in spite of the presiding democratic government.

"There are two possibilities," Dayan explained. "The first is that the nation or a majority from within will want the monarchy and will uproot the presiding democratic government."

The second, more realistic option, he said, is "the one cited by Maimonides – and that is that no one will know how it will be until it happens."

Some of the other ideas discussed at the Sanhedrin meeting included the construction of an altar on the Temple Mount to be used for the Passover Offering during the upcoming holiday.

One of the ideas, members said, is to climb the Mount and build the altar within minutes and sacrifice the lamb before security forces can stop them. Another, said leading Sanhedrin member Baruch Ben-Yosef, is to pray for a tsunami-like disaster on the Mount.

"In one second, God wiped out 150,000 people," he said. "Who knows? Maybe he'll help us if we show him we are ready."

Participants also discussed Ben-Yosef's idea of reinstating the Sanhedrin's authority to announce Rosh Hodesh, the beginning of the new lunar month.

"It is very important to reinstate the Sanhedrin's authority to announce the month, because it will force people to understand that God gave us the power to control the calendar and our own destiny," Ben-Yosef said.


1,565 posted on 03/13/2005 4:56:39 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix; auggy

Preparing for war.

Posted: Friday, January 07, 2005

- written by jerry golden

As we begin the new year of 2005 we need to take a moment or two and put our priorities in order for one thing is certain this is going to be a bumpy ride and with the onslaught of Islam and their declared Islamic Jihad (Holy War) on the rest of the world we need to understand a few things. It would be wise for all of us to spend more time in the Word for it is there we will be able to understand what has happened and what is about to happen, and the peace we can gain from staying in God’s Word as well.

No one living today has ever seen anything like the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, yet God’s Word warns us of such events in Luke 21:25 and Matt 24 tell us of even more terrible events to come before the coming of the Messiah. One thing is certain God’s Word is true and it will come to pass. There is another truth we all need to come to grips with, the Devil has two main enemies, the Jew and the Christian, or you might say Judah and Ephraim, and it’s that last part that is causing so much controversy these days. But there is one thing that is happening in Israel these days, and that is a deeper understanding by the Israeli Government of their need for the Christians. Those who have been grafted into the Jewish root are slowly being acknowledged as important to Israel, and that is a beginning to the fulfillment of God’s Prophetic Word.

The devil has formed a weapon of mass destruction and its name is Islam. For decades they have been about killing Christians and Jews, and will continue for they are the enemy of the Devil and Islam. And the forces that will come against Israel are sharpening their weapons for war as we speak.

For the past few years I have been saying and still say that the biggest danger to Israel is not Iran, Syria or Saudi Arabia but Egypt. Now the former chief of the Mossad is coming out with his evaluation that Egypt has acquired nuclear capabilities from Pakistan. And could even have a bomb ready to use.

In the past 6 months there has been over 25 violations of Israeli airspace by Egyptian passenger jets. It has caused Israel to beef up their air defense along the Egypt/Israel border in the area of Eilat. It is believed that Egypt is testing to see how close they can get to the large tourist hotels in Eilat.

Saudi Arabia has built an air force base in Tobug just 200 kilometers from the Israel border. Israel has complained to the UN many times about this Egyptian base but to no avail. The Israeli intelligence has also discovered that al-Qaida has recruited Saudi fighter pilots for suicide attacks in Israel. For the above reasons the IAF has begun renovating the Uvda air base in the Negev about 45 kilometers north of Eilat.

Egypt has a long memory and Mubarak wants revenge for 1967 and 1973 where they attacked Israel and both times were miserably defeated by the Israel forces. In the 80’s I made several trips to Cairo by bus, and as we drove along the desert road near the Mediterranean Sea you could see dozens of destroyed Egyptian tanks in the desert. But Egypt has been playing a different kind of game since the1973 Yom Kippur War. It has been one of building up his military might with the help of the US. And America has armed Egypt with F-15 and F-16 jets with the latest high tech aboard them. They have been supplied with some the largest big guns America has to offer. And on top of that the Egyptian Officers have been training in US military bases throughout the US for years now. The question has been asked by many, what enemy does Egypt have to need such a large military? There is no nation in the Middle East who considers themselves their enemy. But what is known Egypt like all the other Arab countries want to destroy Israel. So the next question is why does the US keep arming them to fight a large-scale war, if not to destroy Israel?

What makes it all the more suspicious is the northern border has become very quiet over the past couple months, with the Hizbullah concentrating on obtaining more missiles with longer range missiles in from Iran through Syria. And what everyone in the world knows is Iran is busy producing nuclear bombs and longer-range missiles to deliver them. They can already reach most of Europe and working on a missile that can reach parts of the US.

What ads more to the mix now are the discovery of Syria’s negotiations with the nuclear scientist from Pakistan and could have acquired ready to go nukes themselves.

So while the Islamic insane world prepares for all out war and the total destruction of Israel the smoke screens go up, with the PA election, and the Sharon Disengagement Plan. That is not to say that neither of the above isn’t of great importance to what is happening in the Middle East. The PA election is a joke to say the least and a bad joke. With the US backing Abbas the head of the PLO, it’s as if the politicians of the US and Israel don’t believe that people have a memory, that they can’t remember that the PLO is a terrorist organization.

What I find even more amazing is the amount of people who believe that the Road Map and the Disengagement Plan are good things. But it must be understood that those who believe such a lie are not true Believers in Yeshua, and certainly not Jews who understand what it means to have a Jewish State on this Land given us by God Himself.

What we are about to witness in the Disengagement Plan of ripping Jews from their homes will be the ugliest event that has ever happened in Israel, and there is only one man to be blamed, Ariel Sharon, for no matter how much power George Bush has over his head he was elected to be our Prime Minister, not a Bush puppet. Many IDF Officers have signed a petition stating they will not obey an order to force Jews out of their home in Israel, and other segments of the Israeli society are preparing for what may be a civil war. All of this to be blamed on one man Ariel Sharon, who for reasons few understand is intent on destroying the Jewishness of the State of Israel in favor of a secular state. But even as this plays out here in Israel, what is happening throughout Europe is about to bring Jews to Israel by the tens of thousands. I pray that this ministry and others will be prepared to reach out and help those who will need our help. God has prepared this ministry and others to rise to the task and I pray we will not fail. I am asking you to pray about the larger boat, we need your help now.

This is the first report I’ve sent out after changing the way we do things, in the process many received about 20 emails by mistake, and I once again apologize for that mistake, I’ve been having some trouble subscribing and unsubscribing some people, now it will be automatic, to unsubscribe you will find a link on the bottom of this page, and to subscribe for now you can do it from the web


Listen to the News from Israel, with the commentary of Jerry golden

In the next few weeks I will begin a news program by voice several nights per week. You will be able to simply click on a button on my site and listen, I think it will be popular and I look forward to doing it for you. We will try it for a few weeks if enough listen in I will continue.

A series of DVD’s and Videos

Another addition, I plan on making some DVD’s or Videos of the Temple Mount, and other places of controversy around Israel, like The City of David, and the ancient Water supplies round Jerusalem. And dozens of other very interesting sites. I want to make these professional so you will enjoy watching them. I would be glad to hear what you think of this project.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem for our son Joel, for all the IDF soldiers and pray for all those who have come to fight the Islamic enemy. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden

The Golden Reort

1,566 posted on 03/13/2005 5:02:46 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: All; JockoManning; Alamo-Girl

A vision about an earthquake and the descending of the golden Jerusal
« on: January 04, 2005, 12:22:54 PM »

Here follows a the sight I had in 1994 about a devastating earthquake and a descending of the golden Jerusalem. From the beginning I have thought that it was a warning about the earthquake in Kobe, but since some years I have been reminded of the sight and that it is still valid and like all prophetic messages it is valid up to three times as the language and capacity from the Lord is so immense that He can express 3 happenings in one story and they all still be all true.


The Lords brings me to a country that does not resemble to my own at all. The soil is yellowish-brown and there are heights and spare vegetation. Suddenly the ground heaves itself into a raging earthquake. The ground moves like a billowy sea and I began to run ahead and in fact I do not know in what direction I shall run. Someone is following me.

When I reach a water it raises itself with a terrible force from the earthquake which has reached this place I stand on now. I only just manage not to be drowned. I call to people I meet asking; Does this road go ahead, upwards? – Yes! - they answer me. Then I know I am running in the right direction. There is a river and I run along it. All the time the earthquake extends around me. The sound is terrible and beyond description.

On managing to come a bit up and looking down to the left of me, the terrible sound increases and colossal pieces of rock have broken loose and slaughter the people who tries to escape. Those rocks go in my direction and I understand that I probably will die if I do not find a shelter. I find a rock leaning a bit out and I hide under that rock. I am shaking from agony of death while huge boulders go above my head. All the time I watch all people who crush under the boulders. Finally I run ahead and I am running upwards a mountain with a tiny road going up and come to a city gate at the top and I imagine that I will be save in the city of the top of the mountain.

I rush into the city and tell what is happening further down. This city is ancient and very different from Swedish ones with a city wall around it and a city gate to enter through. I scarcely have told the news when horror breaks out here as well. All the city is shacking and falling down. I cry out in agony of death – Jesus! I realize that this is a trap – a death trap – that it should be better to have stayed outside. The houses collapse above us. I press myself alongside a wall of a house, all while I observe people be crushed under the falling down roofs, brick stones and collapsing walls. I do not know for sure that I will survive! Constantly pieces of houses fall down before me feet. I cry for Jesus in great agony of death. Suddenly I experience the wall I am leaning to and pressing myself towards is giving away and I think – When this is falling down over us then we will die (a man is standing aside me)!

Precisely before the wall is giving away above us, 6-7 men enters through the city gate. In exactly the same moment everything stops and the wall stops halfway bent down over us and it is supernatural. I understand it is a kind of religious-spiritual procession and that their entry is making all this calm down. Those men have a very odd looks and I cannot correctly describe it, as coming from another time/century and on their bodies they are wearing completely worn out leather clothes. One of them begins to blow in a kind of an ancient horn.

The first one with his remarkable and mighty face looks straight into my eyes and I spontaneously think that this must be the fathers! John the Baptist must have looked like this man with big and long wild hair, beard that runs wild and clothes from leather like an ancient uniform. I think in disappointment that when I cried for Jesus nothing happened, but as soon as those men entered everything obeyed. Out of the sight I am in doubt about the order – Did they come after I had prayed or not? Surely I have felt in lack of anointing and power!

They men take me around in the remains of the houses in the city and they are tremendously old. The furniture inside are most made in intarsia and of ancient origin. Everything is very unlike my own country and it is like it was a monastery although it is not. Deep inside in one of the houses lives an old Swedish lady, she has lived there in an enormously long period of time and I say; follows us back! But she answers; - No, I have lived here so long – I do not want to go back any longer!

Next night I meet Jesus in physical form and He takes me back to last nights vision.


I walk together with Jesus like on roads of love, surrounded with His tremendous love and suddenly and awake I am back in the vision from last night again. Once again I cling firmly under the rock, I lay exhausted on the top before the city gate and I look towards the gate. All of sudden I can discern that the gate is made from gold. The Father himself brings me into the city and there is a pathway like cut from gold. The Lord asks me all the time: WHAT DO YOU SEE? A place opens up made from pure precious stones and from gold. I describe to Him what I see.

Above me descends without warning a polygon and with walls around it and with many gates from pure gold. It is on fire and it beacons and beams. I exclaim; Jerusalem! Slowly it descends around me I am inside and I am surrounded with pure gold and precious stones. Jesus is there all the time. Once again I meet the remarkable men and I can once more study their clothes. I can still not understand what is so odd with the face of the first one, although I look directly into his eyes, it is beyond description.

1,567 posted on 03/13/2005 5:12:56 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

Wonderful. Thank you Quix!


1,568 posted on 03/13/2005 5:53:22 PM PST by JockoManning (
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To: Quix; auggy


Frank R Molver (9 March 2005)
"Islam 666, is allah's name satan?"

THis is only a part of a very interesting article at

Paul is saying that Heylel will transform himself into the image of an angel and deceive men using a false prophet. The messenger will be boastful, yet speak eloquently; he will be deceitful, yet require obedience. He will come with a new Gospel. He is speaking of Muhammad and his Qur’an.

By putting these things together we discover that Heylel, as presented in the Bible, is a perfect match for Allah, the demented and deceitful spirit of the Qur’an. And we know that Heylel hates the Satanic title, preferring his real name “Allah.” So now, the only pieces of the puzzle that remain are why the Adversary chose to disguise himself as Gabriel and why he chose Muhammad to be his prophet.

The Hebrew word for “angel” means “messenger.” And the angel named Gabriel was only called to deliver three messages. The first is to Daniel. He told the prophet the exact day the Messiah would enter Jerusalem, five hundred years in advance of the occasion. He spoke of the destruction of the Temple, which followed Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Then Gabriel told Daniel that Satan would cause great devastation that he would defile Mount Moriah in the last days. The second and then final time we hear from Gabriel is in the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. Gabriel relays a message heralding the birth of John the Baptist—the one who announced the Messiah’s arrival. And he told Mary she would give birth to Yahshua, the Son of Yahweh.

In other words, Gabriel had only one job: announce the arrival of the Messiah. Lucifer chose to impersonate him because his Muhammad was the counterfeit Messiah. So now we know who the players a! re and why they are acting so devilishly.

1,569 posted on 03/13/2005 6:26:18 PM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

Thanks for the ping!

1,570 posted on 03/13/2005 8:40:58 PM PST by Alamo-Girl
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To: Quix
Mega ping, Quix:

The Eagle and Three Serpents - End Time Prophetic Dream by Olivia Long

1,571 posted on 03/15/2005 9:55:52 PM PST by oprahstheantichrist (Terri's battle is NOT against flesh and blood....)
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To: oprahstheantichrist

Thanks much.

1,572 posted on 03/16/2005 3:53:54 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: oprahstheantichrist; Alamo-Girl; auggy; backslacker; BriarBey; Ciexyz; DAVEY CROCKETT; diamond6; ...


[WHICH is still a combined list with the aggressive prayer-s list. Please let me know if you want on or off it]:

Worth posting here OTAC, thanks:

Fir and Myrtle Trees


by Olivia Long

Debra Dhillon

Mar 15, 2005

Olivia is one of the best prophets I know. Potential dates for the vision she had regarding Yellowstone are below.

Judy Curmi

2005-----OCTOBER 4, 5
2006-----SEPTEMBER 23, 24
2007-----SEPTEMBER 13, 14
2008-----SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER 1
2009-----SEPTEMBER 19, 20
2010-----SEPTEMBER 9, 10
2011-----SEPTEMBER 29, 30
2012-----SEPTEMBER 17, 18
2013-----SEPTEMBER 5, 6

Olivia Long
Faithbuilders Ministries

In the year 2000, Father took me on the net, gave prophecies and provided posting sites in order to minister to the wilderness people. He said at the time that this would be for a season and during those years countless numbers have come my way and then moved on, as it was meant to be. I saw at the beginning of 2004, a definite shift in how He was to have me minister, different than the other three years, but yet the same.

I know, that's confusing but it's true. Early last December He gave the last prophetic word to be posted on the net all the while talking about the end times. I wondered, why me? Who am I in the scheme of these things? Why was He telling me these things? Who is going to pay attention to me? (And to be completely honest, I would have just as well been content to go on as before ministering to His hurting wilderness people but the fact also remains His wilderness people are about to arise into the destinies He has ordained for His Faithful Ones.)

Never-the-less, He has been speaking and now He said to speak about one of the events with more to be released soon. These events/disasters/blessings and yes even blessings cover the years 2005 thru 2012.

A little has been shown as a result of the effects of these years for 2013-1014. Now in the scheme of His plan and timetable, I have only been shown a smidgen of what is to occur while He has shown more events to others of His faithful ones who He has given revelations of the end-time events. Together, we have the big picture.....will people listen? Many if most won't but that does not detract from what is to happen...It will happen! It has already begun....

The End Times:

For some time now Father has been speaking to me of the end time events, the sequence of the events (not specific dates, only the year in which they occur). This covers a broad spectrum of events - from various types of strikes in our country, to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteors/comets/asteroids hitting, tsunamis, etc. here and around the world.

I have not by any means been shown everything, only portions or pieces in the entire scheme of things. For example I was not shown anything about the earthquakes which have been happening in the North West, the plates shifting, so on and so on; nor have I been shown anything about Mt St Helens...but it is apparent that one day there will be an earthquake in this region that will be catastrophic and I am sure there are those who have been shown more about this specific area and of the ultimate that will occur.

Thus far, with the multitude of earthquakes in this area that are currently occurring, (and yes they are very real and should not be ignored) still at the moment they are only types and shadows, precursors of what is coming!

Father only gives each person snippets of these times and hopefully when He opens the opportunity for us to share with others who are also hearing - that what ensues is true sharing and more revelation will come forth for all parties concerned with the pieces coming together forming the overall picture. HE has said He does nothing before He speaks through His prophets, well He's been speaking and hopefully even the prophets will now get together and see they are not to continue operating as an island (no man is an island) any longer as 'though' they are the only ones receiving revelations on the end-times and that no one else has anything to contribute.

It is amazing when I have talked, truly talked and shared with another who has been shown revelations about these end days that a "key" would be given to each of us by Father in the midst of the conversation with each of us "seeing" something entirely differently then we saw initially and of course instrumental in the correct analysis all the way around. Unfortunately, each of us still has that "self" in us who believes we have seen all of the truth in what He has given, and we couldn't possibly be wrong in our own interpretation, only to find that one little area which was completely different from that which we saw initially. (and we cannot now afford to even see one little area in "err") Father's wisdom, to have us join together, seeking the whole truth in what He is showing us, not relying on ourselves to see absolutely...

As I said, I have not seen anything about the events in the North West or Mt St Helens but I have been shown the eruption of Yellowstone and the year it will happen. Most cannot even begin to fathom what the eruption of this "super-volcano" will mean to the U.S. especially the area from the mid part of the U.S. to the western side of the country but eventually affecting the rest of the United States. Many talk about the past eruption of Mt St Helens, but that was not even a "burp" compared to the coming Yellowstone eruption and the ensuing catastrophic chain reaction and results of that eruption.

As a notation here, and I will elaborate more, Father is orchestrating the end time events by the Hebrew Calendar, for that is how He works, meaning His calendar year does not begin on January 1st and end with December 31st. Also the beginning day and ending day of the Hebrew Calendar year varies from year to year. With this said ... as I stated before, I saw the eruption (and the year) of Yellowstone. Also I saw the eruption of Mt Rainier the 'next year.' That in itself does not mean that a year has to elapse before the second event.

Taking to account the Hebrew calendar (I will give the dates of the Hebrew Years, 2005 and 2006 later in this writing as examples), let's say (and this is just an example to explain this because at this time I am not to divulge anything else about the Yellowstone events) -that the 'year' of the Yellowstone eruption ends on a date in September, thus the next year will begin one day later in the same month (according to the Hebrew Calendar) so it is very conceivable, especially with the magnitude of the Yellowstone eruption and even very plausible that the Mt Rainier eruption could/would follow on the heels of Yellowstone) that both eruptions 'could' very well occur in the same month, 'but' be in different years according to the Hebrew calendar. All very interesting...

He has showed me the years from 2005 through 2012 (and the subsequent results from those years' events for 2013-2014. These are most crucial years in the end-time scenario. Everything is definitely upon us, even now! It's right on our doorstep and we have stepped over the threshold into the thick of things.

None of this is to scare or promote fear but to show us just how closely we must stay to Him during this time and to be ready at a moment's notice when He gives us an instruction "to move" right then - to move and to not delay at all, even for a short time, for delay could mean great peril for the one doing so - well I am sure you understand. And to above all to be in prayer and close to Him, closer than a brother.

I mentioned the relevance of the Hebrew Calendar in all this, this is a KEY (for the revelations given of the last days) One thing Father has said, is that when He is speaking about the years, 2005, 2006, etc. etc. He is going by the Hebrew Calendar for that is how He operates - not by the calendar we follow. So, when He is talking about the events of 2005, the time frame is:

Sept 16, 2004 - Oct 3, 2005
Hebrew Year 5765

2006 events:
Oct 4, 2005 - Sept 22, 2006
Hebrew year 5766

I touched on the subject of Yellowstone but at this moment I can not further elaborate on this event, when I am given the go-ahead to do so, I will as well as the other revelations given. I did state what I was given permission to say on the subject.

Now on to what He has said to share at this moment:

Before this year is over,(by the Hebrew Calendar of 2005) Al Queda will strike from "within" the USA.

When Father would speak of this attack from within, I would hear Allah associated with the attack and always I sensed it was the aforementioned group and it well could be - but - as I was typing this, I was shown that Allah could serve as a term for a "false god" which could fit 'numerous' other key groups in this country whose sole agenda is to strike a crippling blow to this country because of their own false god agendas.

In any event the attack will come and most definitely the attack(s) will come from 'within our own borders'. Large or key cities and/or key areas all over the country will be hit. This is one of the events for (Hebrew calendar year) 2005.

Father said I could share this one event now of all the ones He has shown me for all the years mentioned. I hope that some of what Father has shown me for the years 2005 - 2012, even a few of these events, even this one now mentioned could be delayed by His hand, I feel some of these events "could" be delayed but others will stay right on schedule. To presume to say which He will delay or which He will not delay or if He will delay any at all - of what He will or will not do - would be the epitome of arrogance on my part or of anyone else.

He could delay one or more, or none of these disasters/attacks for His own reasons and those reasons do not have to align with ours or what we think or perceive. HE is YHWH, Father God Almighty and HE is sovereign, ALWAYS! Many believe if we pray earnestly for all of the catastrophic events that are to come to be delayed that He will delay them indefinitely - unfortunately they are operating under a false assumption. It's in His hands, our task is to listen attentively to all He is saying to us and to obey any instructions that He gives us and this must be 'immediate obedience.'

In addition to the above revelation of the imminent attack from "within" our borders - (and believe me, it would please me if He chose to delay this step in the end time events,. we shall see) I wish to add the following which I believe parallels part of a dream that Michael Boldea Jr. had of 'The Eagle and the Serpents.' (Most of you probably know that Michael is the grandson of Dimitru Duduman.)

What was shown concerning the attack from 'within our borders' correlates to the second serpent (snake) in his dream....

In this dream.... at first, the eagle (America) was soaring, that's when this nation was led by God and was God oriented in all ways. Then the eagle gradually began it's approach to the earth (sin creeping in little by little). Finally the eagle touched earth (going the way of the world with God increasingly being pushed out of the picture).

The first serpent was the twin towers of 9-11. In the dream it was perceived the eagle won the battle with the first snake but then the second snake appeared. Many feel since three and a half years (interesting figure, don't you think?) have gone by since 9-11 and all appears to be well, that the battle was won and we are safe.

It is NOW that the second snake will appear and this attack will come "from within" our own borders. The general consensus of most of who it will be would appear to lie with my initial perception....Is that too obvious or is the obvious the answer? We shall see as many groups are "poised and ready" to kill the eagle.

The third serpent (or attack) will come from a group or confederation of nations, hence the multi-colored serpent and it will strike the head of our nation and the nation as a whole.

I am concluding this with the dream of Michael Boldea Jr on "The Eagle and the Serpents" for anyone who has not seen it and to refresh the memory of those who have.

As I am given the go-ahead to reveal more of what He has shown, I will do so. It is most imperative that we stay close to Father's heart in these times we are facing, and not man, nothing else will do... if He is not completely in our thoughts over anything and everything that is going around us (and many of us are in very dire circumstances at this time). This is not easy when facing many problems in our lives but it must be done for it is only HE Who can bring us through these trying times ahead.

Father's prophetic timetable has begun and it will not be stopped and to be perfectly honest, it has accelerated!

October 18, 2004

This is the message God gave Michael Boldea through a dream while he was in North Carolina. Michael asked for a confirmation of this message and asked God simply to give him the dream again if it was from him. The next night he had the same dream.

America had many chances to repent and individually some people are still repenting and asking the Lord into their heart. We praise God for this. However, since 911 we can see many in America have disregarded the warnings from God and efforts have been made across this land to allow gay marriage, remove references of God from landmarks and buildings, and even the pledge of allegiance. America is on a collision course with judgement and this is why the watchman are blowing the trumpet.

Michael has spent 18 years traveling across America 12 with his grandfather, Dumitru Duduman, warning, sharing from the word of God, and speaking only what God shows him. May God give us all ears to hear this message. (Hand Of Help Ministries)

The Eagle and the Serpents (The Angel said, "this has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction.")

Psalm 34:7-8, "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him."

Upon my return to the United States in late August, I had a very vivid and troubling dream. I shared it with the staff here in Wisconsin, and with a few other brothers, but continued to pray and seek direction from God as to whether or not I should include it in the newsletter.

At the staff's urging, and feeling a release from the Lord, I have included this dream in this issue of the newsletter.

I dreamt I was walking through a sparsely wooded forest, and suddenly my attention was drawn to an eagle flying high above the tree line. It was a beautiful sight to behold as the eagle rode the thermals, flying in slow lazy arks across the blue sky. I began to quicken my pace, and keep up with the eagle's flight, all the while keeping an eye on it, noticing that it was slowly descending toward the earth. I followed it for a long time, its descend not being sudden but very gradual.

Finally I came upon a small clearing, where there were no trees, just some bushes on the edges of the green grass. The eagle landed in the clearing, and began to look around not seeming to notice me.

As I began to wonder what the relevance of this was, a man dressed in white, hands clasped in front of him, appeared beside me, and said, "Be patient, in due time you will see the purpose."

I was silent as I watched the eagle, and was beginning to grow somewhat impatient, when suddenly, it seemed out of nowhere, a brown snake lunged at the eagle, and bit down on its left wing. The snake's strike was very quick and very precise. The eagle reacted without delay, clawing and pecking at the snake cutting deep wounds in its underbelly, trying to defend itself and ward off the serpent. Just as it seemed the eagle was winning the battle, and the serpent was retreating, another serpent appeared, red and black diagonal stripes covering its body, and without hesitation struck out at the eagle's right wing, biting down, and refusing to release. After a momentary tug of war the serpent tore off flesh and feathers, leaving a large wound on the eagle's right wing. The second bite was much worse then the first, and for an instant the eagle was stunned. Then a serpent much larger than the previous two, made up of many colors, slithered toward the eagle, opened its jaws, and lunged, taking the whole of the eagle's head in its mouth before biting down.

The serpents retreated and the man who had been standing beside me, walked to the eagle, knelt down, picked it up, and held it in his cupped hands. The look of grief on his face was beyond any I have seen in my life. Just seeing the look on the man's face broke your heart.

The man continued to look down at the eagle, and with a pained voice said, "The true tragedy, is that at any moment it could have sought the safety of the above, it could have soared toward the heavens and would have found its protection. This has been revealed to you, that you may know, the first bite has been, the second is yet to come, and the third will be its destruction."

I watched for a long time as the man held the eagle in the palms of his hands, the pained expression never leaving his features. I was too stunned to speak, or ask any questions, what I had seen having seemed so real. The feeling followed me into my waking hours as well, and each time I closed my eyes I saw the entire scene play before my eyes throughout the day.

One thing that I feel I need to share with you is that the second bite seemed to come from an unexpected place. Although I have my own opinion concerning this, I choose to keep it to myself, because expounding on personal opinion is a dangerous thing when it comes to things that God reveals.

I was hesitant in sharing this dream, because I know some will perceive it as a reason to fear. It is not a reason to fear, but a reason to be stirred, and emboldened for the kingdom of God. The reality, is that these are the times we are living in, and I for one am thankful to God for his forewarnings, knowing that His children will never be unaware of what the future holds. All I can do is urge you to be watchful, and diligent in your prayers to the Father.

This nation, today, is more in need of prayer on its behalf than at any time in its history. It is the prayers of His children that compels God to relent, and tarry. Stand in the gap, you are precious in the eyes of God, and He hears your heartfelt supplications.

Joel 2:12-14, "Now, therefore, says the Lord, turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm."

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

1,573 posted on 03/16/2005 4:01:26 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

I am not blessed by your use of God's Word as a tool of divination, to paralyze God's people with fatalistic resignation to the global triumph of evil. You are singing the song of the beast, not the song of the Lamb, in ascribing unto Satan that kind of power.

1,574 posted on 03/16/2005 4:25:48 AM PST by TomSmedley (Calvinist, optimist, home schooling dad, exuberant husband, technical writer)
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To: TomSmedley

I'm not blessed by blindness in such matters.

I assume you still have I Cor 12 and 14 in your Bible?

1,575 posted on 03/16/2005 4:29:20 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: TomSmedley


I'd have thought that you'd also read in The Book that


And that we are to fear nothing but displeasing our beloved Lord God Almighty.

1,576 posted on 03/16/2005 4:30:33 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

And that we are to fear nothing but displeasing our beloved Lord God Almighty.


If our Lord Jesus Christ has now "all power on heaven and on earth," and we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us, then -- those who recommend giving the other team an uncontested turn at bat obviously deny/repudiate/denigrate the power of God, at work in us.

Winners and lovers shape the future.
Whiners and losers try to predict it.

1,577 posted on 03/16/2005 5:34:50 AM PST by TomSmedley (Calvinist, optimist, home schooling dad, exuberant husband, technical writer)
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To: Quix

Thanks for the ping!

1,578 posted on 03/16/2005 6:39:10 AM PST by Alamo-Girl
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To: Quix
Then there's this one:,

Scroll down to March 6th:

A Grievous Event


This morning the first thing that the Lord said to me was “a grievous event.” Here is what He has to tell us about these words.

I want you to know, beloved, that something is coming to the world – something that will be looked on by many as a grievous event. But let Me tell you with all sincerity of heart that this event will bring much pleasure and happiness to those who are following after My will.

You are My beloved. I have wonderful plans for you. Get ready to explore the depths of My heart and love every minute of it. There is no lack in Me, beloved, I supply all for which a heart could yearn.

So know this day, beloved, that a grievous event is coming to the face of the earth. Those who have walked in plenty will know plenty no more. I am cutting the supply of those things for which a man’s heart craves above the will of the Father. I am giving it a good “SNIP!” and when I do, I will get man’s attention in a wonderful way. No more will man be looking to the world to satisfy. He will find His satisfaction in Me.

And remember, beloved, I have food that no one knows about. I can supply all of your needs according to My riches in glory. And that is just what I will do. I will feed you, supplying you with everything for which your heart could yearn. And know this, dear child of the living God, I do all things well. I do all things promptly – according to My timetable, and I will bless you far above anything you could EVER desire, if you will but follow My lead and seek My face during this soon and coming crisis to the world.

1,579 posted on 03/16/2005 8:57:07 AM PST by oprahstheantichrist (Terri's battle is NOT against flesh and blood....)
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To: TomSmedley; All

What curious "logic."

God has His own reasons for doing it the way HE IS DOING it.

NO ONE limits HIS power.

Even during the 7 years of tribulation and the last half of that with The Lord's wrath having full sway--it is HIS show. He will merely use satan as a prop for THE LORD'S MAJESTY.

I would have thought you'd have gotten that from the Scriptures.

After prayerfully pondering the above prophetic doc off and on since I posted it, I have had a few strong impressions . . .

1) It is WAY above average in authenticity and accuracy. I believe it is totally true.

2) It adds a strong kick in an already strong urge to get back to Asia to do what I can for The Kingdom while there's any light at all.

3) The Lord is going to deal emphatically with those who are contrary to His Word and will in probably a range of ways.

A) Many will simply be taken out of this life early on.

B) Many will look EXCEEDINGLY FOOLISH to the point of derision and being cast aside--given God's doings and events being opposite to their pontifications.

c) Religious leaders who deliberately, stubbornly, deceptively, . . . teach falsehood will be particularly at risk for removal. 100's of them will fall dead in the midst of spouting their falsehoods to their congregations.

d) The willfully blind spouting their blind perspectives will be in for a number of sessions of serious re-education by Holy Spirit. At some point, the resistent will be removed.

e) The ignorantly blind will likely be removed early on or after a relatively brief period of the trying of their faith--unless they can quickly LEARN TO HEAR AND WALK BY THE VOICE OF HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN THEM.

f) There may well be some intensely demonically possessed religious leaders whom God MAY allow continued existence for a specially dramatic removal more toward the end of the wrath period. But I wouldn't bet on it. They may get replaced with blinding speed and regularity until few dare to fill such roles.

g) Yellowstone will blow and it will be greatly worse than the last time.

h) The many visions and dreams many Christians around the world have had about the head of the eagle being removed will likely, sadly, come true.

i) Famine will spread around the world including devastatingly in the USA. The prophecies about cannibalism come to mind.


k) Many believers have been preparing for years for such a time. Many more need to in all the ways that God might lead. Many will be relatively unable to prepare much. God will provide and/or take folks home. Certainly I think 1-3 years of durablegoods, staple foods would be wise IF, IF, IF God so directs. Having alternate remote cabins to go to would be good for those WHOM GOD SO LEADS.

l) However, I expect that everyone however safe in whatever kind of bunker will at some point be led forth to other locations with likely only the clothes on their backs, if that. THERE IS NO REAL SAFETY BUT THE 91ST PSALM DESCRIBED SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY.

2) All of us must make Him (every way we can) . . . our only security; our only heart refuge. ALL OUR MAN'S STRENGTH WILL FAIL in these times. But horse sense requires that we do what we can AS WE ARE PRAYERFULLY LED EACH PERSON, DAY BY DAY UNTIL SUCH TIMES as God gives us more overtly miraculous, supernatural, Holy Spirit direction--which we all really ought to be listening to every day, now.

3) You said: those who recommend giving the other team an uncontested turn at bat obviously deny/repudiate/denigrate the power of God, at work in us.

WHAT BALDERDASH! NO ONE is giving satan and his team an "uncontested turn at bat!" Calvary was a trap. The last days, end times scenarios are another set of traps to show satan and his crew as powerless evil idiots--along with all those who throw in their lot with them. Certainly GOD IS ALWAYS SUPREMELY IN POWER. There is NO contest foundationally. Satan and the good/evil battle are largely vivid object lessons for all creation and all eternity--as near as I can make it out. Satan is no where near God's equal opponent.

4)You said: "obviously deny/repudiate/denigrate the power of God. . . "--MORE HIDEOUS BALDERDASH. The end times Biblical prophecies do NOT REMOTELY BEGIN TO HINT AT denying, repudiating, denigrating the power of God. It stretches my imagination to even fantasize how ANYONE could IMAGINE such a thing! Certainly modern prophetic messages are in an entirely other direction--illustrating and magnifying God's magesty, power, WILL AND WAYS. Amazing.

5) Perhaps you need a new Bible. Perhaps you need to ask God to make such things greatly clearer to you.

1,580 posted on 03/16/2005 9:30:29 AM PST by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING IT'S POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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