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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....07-11-03...Welcome to "Les Verts Mont"

Posted on 07/11/2003 5:54:00 AM PDT by Mama_Bear

A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day
Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997.   Over 100,000 people have registered for posting privileges on Free Republic, and the forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.
A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day was introduced on June 24, 2002. It's only a small room in JimRob's house where we can get to know one another a little better; salute and support our military and our leaders; pray for those in need; and congratulate those deserving. We strive to keep our threads entertaining, fun, and pleasing to look at, and often have guest writers contribute an essay, or a profile of another FReeper.
On Mondays please visit us to see photos of A FEW OF FR'S VETERANS AND ACTIVE MILITARY
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~ Billie, Mama_Bear, dansangel, dutchess, Aquamarine ~

Please join us as we tour
"Les Verts Mont"

What comes to mind when you think of Vermont? Great skiing? Maple syrup? Covered bridges? Maybe, if you are a history buff, Ethan Allen and the "Green Mountain Boys"? Well, Vermont is all this and much more. When I set out to discover Vermont, I realized that I knew practically nothing about this state. Now, having done some exploring during my travels to some interesting Vermont websites, I am ready to pack my bags, go for an extended visit and see this beautiful state for myself.

A bit of history.....
(the condensed version)

Vermont is the second smallest state in the Union, with fewer than 1 million people. Originally populated by various indigenous peoples of the Algonquin, Iroquois, and Abenaki nations, the land now known as Vermont was first seen by European eyes in 1609, when the French explorer Samuel de Champlain sailed the lake that now bears his name. The French must have paid their visits during the warmer months, for when they gazed upon the mountains that form the spine of the state, they named them Les verts monts, 17th century French for the Green Mountains. As happens with language, Les Verts Mont became Verts Mont, which then became "Vermont". And as happened with explorers, Champlain claimed all he saw in the name of France.

In 1763, England was granted the area via the Treaty of Paris, which ended the French and Indian war. Locally, the land was at various times claimed by both New Hampshire and New York; however, Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys put an end to that, and by 1777 Vermont had achieved independence. In fact, Vermont remained an independent republic until 1791, at which point it joined the United States as that fledgling nation's fourteenth member. Nonetheless, to this day Vermonters remain fiercely independent.

State Motto: "Freedom and Unity"

So, who were the
Green Mountain Boys?

They were a citizens' militia founded in Fay's Tavern in Bennington in 1770. This militia could be called up to protect, by force if necessary, the ownership of the land in the New Hampshire Grants. Ethan Allen was its first, and by all accounts very charismatic Colonel-Commandant. Some of the methods of coercion used by the Green Mountain Boys are questionable at best, violence and intimidation often occurring as they defended their lands against the hated "Yorkers". However, this group of Yankee Vigilantes was very instrumental in resisting New York's claims to land in what is now Vermont. It is worth noting that the Green Mountain Boys took no lives.

Ethan Allen demanding the
surrender of Fort Ticonderoga

Today's "Green Mountain Boys"...


the 158th Fighter Wing
of the Vermont Air National Guard

Facts and Trivia about our fourteenth state...

Did you know that the world's largest granite quarry is located in central Vermont? It is. At the "Rock of Ages" quarry, where granite is mined and memorial stones are manufactured, sheer cliffs descend 600 feet to the quarry floor below. Tours are available during the summer months.

Also in central Vermont is what is believed to be the world's ONLY "spider web farm". No kidding. Will Knight, maker of collectibles and fine woodenware, noticed he had an abundance of spiders on his farm. Each spider wove it's own individual web design. Will began collecting these webs and making unique web items from them. He also devised an ingenious method of encouraging the spiders to weave just for him. He harvests them through a painstaking process and mounts the delicate, silk webs on wooden plaques and jewelry boxes.

Mr. Knight says, "Our spiders hunger for their work and provide us with genuine masterpieces of natural art. Enjoy the beauty of a silky spider web without the spider. Admire the precision and the perfection of the orb weaver, araneidae, preserved and protected as a work of art."

Another interesting fact ~ Robert James Waller's novel "The Bridges of Madison County" could easily have been set in Vermont rather than Iowa, with a slight name change. There is no "Madison County" in Vermont, but there are many beautifully restored covered bridges. In fact, Vermont has the largest concentration of covered bridges in the United States - a total of 114 in this tiny state, many of which are still in use.
One of the covered bridges in Vermont
and a bit of folklore surrounding.....

"Emily's Bridge"

Located in Stowe, Vermont
(John N. Smith, c.1844) (Photo © Dave MacKenzie)
Howe Truss, 50', spanning Gold Brook on Gold Brook Road.

There are at least three dramatic stories about how the name "Emily's Bridge" came about:

- In the 1800's, Emily was jilted by her fiancé and hung herself
from the rafters.

- In 1925, homely Emily fell in love with Donald, who got her pregnant. When Emily's father insisted that Donald marry Emily, Donald killed himself here. After the birth of twins, Emily followed suit.

- (Date unknown) Emily died after her horse threw her here; she was on her way to her wedding.

Whatever the truth behind the name, there are numerous "eyewitness" accounts of continued haunting of the bridge, supposedly by Emily's ghost.
Click HERE for a complete presentation of photographs
and historical information on Vermont's Covered Bridges.

Last but not least, this profile of Vermont would not be complete without mentioning their world famous maple syrup. Vermont is the largest producer of maple syrup in the U.S.

The first American Sugarmakers were early Native Americans of New England who called their delicious maple syrup, "sinzibukwud," which translated means, "sweet buds." The world is forever in their debt for teaching their Sugarmaking trade to the first American white settlers. Read more about it HERE.

A Vermont Maple Syrup Recipe
and Harvest-time Tradition

Sugar On Snow

-Vermont Fancy, Grade-A Light Amber Maple Syrup
-Pure white snow
-Sour Pickles

Boil syrup to 255 degrees Fahrenheit. Scoop snow into large bowl or pan. Drizzle hot maple syrup lightly over snow. Use forks to eat the sticky top layer. Follow with a bite of your favorite donut or a sour pickle. (I am not making this up. LOL!)

The heated syrup will form a lace-like pattern across the top of the snow and quickly harden into a delectable confection. Build a fire pit, round up a few avid maple sap gatherers and you have the makings for a.........


"These Green Mountains"
Diane Martin - Composer
Rita Buglass - Arranger

These green hills and silver waters
are my home. They belong to me.
And to all of her sons and daughters
May they be strong and forever free.
Let us live to protect her beauty
And look with pride on the golden dome
They say home is where the heart is
These green mountains are my home.
These green mountains are my home.

On May 22, 2000, in a ceremony at Twinfield Union School, Governor Howard B. Dean, M.D. signed Act 99, which designated "These Green Mountains" as the new state song of Vermont.

I could not find a midi of this state song,
but I did find this: "Moonlight in Vermont"

Thank you to the following websites for information and graphics:
The Ethan Allen Homestead and Museum
Vermont, the Green Mountain State
Vermont 'Sugar Shack Facts'

Thank you for joining us on our trek through Vermont.
Have a nice FRiday and a great weekend!


07-07-03...Military Monday
07-08-03...FRPets - iceskater's Bubba/Lucy
07-09-03...Things I've Learned in Life
07-10-03...JH2 - "Is Iraq Another Vietnam?"

Opinions by our own 'King of Ping'
The guy's good, folks!
Thanks, Mixer!

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TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: ethanallen; finest; freepers; friends; fun; greenmountainboys; military; surprises; vermont; verterans
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1 posted on 07/11/2003 5:54:01 AM PDT by Mama_Bear
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To: ST.LOUIE1; Billie; daisyscarlett; dansangel; dutchess; Mama_Bear; FreeTheHostages; .45MAN; ...

If you would like to be added to the Finest ping list, we would love to have you! If you would like to be removed, let me know via FReepMail.
2 posted on 07/11/2003 5:55:12 AM PDT by Mama_Bear (If we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything.)
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3 posted on 07/11/2003 5:57:08 AM PDT by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: Mama_Bear

4 posted on 07/11/2003 5:57:08 AM PDT by The Mayor (That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?)
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To: The Mayor
Good morning, Mr. Mayor. Thanks for the coffee!
5 posted on 07/11/2003 6:01:01 AM PDT by Mama_Bear (If we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything.)
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To: All
It's 6:00 AM here. Too early to be up. I think I will sneak back to bed for a little while.

I'll be back shortly.
6 posted on 07/11/2003 6:04:58 AM PDT by Mama_Bear (If we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything.)
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To: Mama_Bear
How y'all are?

It's been a while, but I'm still lurking in the shadows....[g]
7 posted on 07/11/2003 6:11:14 AM PDT by mhking
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To: Mama_Bear
You chose the right syrup, for sure, Mama_Bear! TigersEye and I just had French Toast:

Freihofer's Oat Nut bread...7 slices
Vermont farm-fresh eggs...5
Vermont farm-fresh (aka, "organic") milk...3/4 cup
Vanilla...2 teaspoons

Cooked and slathered in real Vermont butter, blanketed in the best maple syrup on earth! The nuts in the bread give it great texture and super added flavor.

8 posted on 07/11/2003 6:13:11 AM PDT by .30Carbine (ok, so it's French)
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To: Mama_Bear
Your welcome, on behalf of the Mayor...
He's off and running this morning -
I guess he's already had his first pot o' java.
Take care!

Mrs. Mayor
9 posted on 07/11/2003 6:19:38 AM PDT by The Mayor (That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?)
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To: Mama_Bear
Tiger and I were going to go camping but it finally decided to rain! We think instead we may visit the Hubbardton Battlefield. We've visited but never taken the walking tour of that Revolutionary War battlefield. Here's a synopsis:

In July of 1777, the American forces were retreating from the Battle at Fort Ticonderoga. Exhausted from the 23 mile march, they stopped to rest in Hubbardton, but British regiments were following them along the crude military road. The next morning of July 7th, 1777, the British came upon them and a battle ensued. From the British standpoint it was a victory, because they held the ground when the battle was over. But two-thirds of the American forces made it south to fight in the Battle of Bennington that August. Approximately 240 American soldiers were taken prisoner and another 100 lost their lives.

And a link:
Hubbardton Battlefield

10 posted on 07/11/2003 6:24:39 AM PDT by .30Carbine
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To: Mama_Bear

11 posted on 07/11/2003 6:27:11 AM PDT by FreeTheHostages
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To: .30Carbine
You should see the Bennington battlefield too. Actually, every August 16th there's a reinactment in Bennington, VT.
12 posted on 07/11/2003 6:28:31 AM PDT by FreeTheHostages
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To: Mama_Bear
Lovely job MB. Vermont is a beautiful state for sure. I think the left-leaning politics of the state might originate from that motto. Freedom and unity don't mix. We conservatives know that freedom breeds independence and sometimes snippy neighbors. Freedom and "Tolerate as best we can" might be a better motto. LOL.
13 posted on 07/11/2003 6:36:06 AM PDT by WVNan
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To: .30Carbine

Lt. Governor Brian Dubie is a Green Mountain Boy who flew missions over the site of the World Trade Center post 9-11. He was a professional pilot at the time he decided to run for office. He had previously served many years on his local school board. He is a wonderful Christian family man. After the divisiveness of the Dean years and the horror of Civil Unions, Brian's pledge to us has been to restore "Freedom AND Unity" to our state. As leader of the Senate he is the first Lt. Governor in my memory to bring the Legislative session to a timely close. I pray for him daily.

More information on this great leader here.

14 posted on 07/11/2003 6:36:07 AM PDT by .30Carbine
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To: Mama_Bear
What a YUMMY post!

Goodmorning to all!
15 posted on 07/11/2003 6:41:50 AM PDT by Calpernia (Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions.)
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To: Mama_Bear
Thanks for the beautiful tour through Vermont! Good job with the historical facts. I went through Vermont many years ago on the way back from Canada, it is a gorgeous State.
16 posted on 07/11/2003 6:42:24 AM PDT by Aquamarine
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To: Mama_Bear
Good morning. Another good thread.
17 posted on 07/11/2003 6:42:36 AM PDT by Dubya (Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me)
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To: All
Tips for student pilots. From Dub.

1. Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.

2. If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger. If you pull
the stick back, they get smaller.

3. Flying isn't dangerous. Crashing is dangerous.

4. It's always better to be down here wishing you were up there than up
there wishing you were down here.

5. The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.

6. The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep
the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start

7. When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No one has ever collided
with the sky.

8. A "good" landing is one from which you can walk away. A "great"
landing is one after which they can use the plane again.

9. Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to
make all of them yourself.

10. You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to
taxi to the ramp.

11. The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle
of arrival. Large angle of arrival equals a small probability of
survival -- and vice versa.

12. Never let an airplane take you somewhere your brain didn't get to
five minutes earlier.

13. Stay out of clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about
might be another airplane going in the opposite direction.

14. Reliable sources also report that mountains have been known to hide
out in clouds.

15. There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing.

Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

16. You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience.
The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of

17. Keep looking around. There's always something you've missed.

18. If all you can see out of the windscreen is ground that's going
round and round and all you can hear is commotion coming from the
passenger compartment, things are not at all as they should be.

19. In the ongoing battle between objects made of aluminum going
hundreds of miles per hour and the ground going zero miles per hour, the
ground has yet to lose.

20. Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, experience
usually comes from bad judgment.

21. It's always a good idea to keep the pointy end going forward as
much as possible.

22. There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. There are,
however, no old, bold pilots.

23. Remember, gravity is not just a good idea. It's the law. And it's
not subject to repeal.

24. Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal to the
number of takeoffs you've made.

25. The three most useless things to a pilot are altitude above you,
runway behind you, and a tenth of a second ago.

And a bonus tip:

Helicopters can't fly; they're just so ugly the earth repels them.
18 posted on 07/11/2003 6:43:37 AM PDT by Dubya (Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,but by me)
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To: FreeTheHostages
Good morning Free. I love Vermont. It's one of the prettiest states. But, I have to relate our Vermont experience back in the early 80s. The band booked a gig at a Holiday Inn in White River Junction for a two week run. Wow! Two whole weeks without having to drive 500 miles! The Inn owned a house where they stashed the bands, probably to keep them from trashing the inn. So, a house, a frig, two weeks. Time to go grocery shopping and stock up on all kinds of goodies to eat for those two weeks. Six band members me and the kid (son about 12, fiddle player). Things went pretty well for the first week. At the end of that week the manager of the club decided that we were not pulling enough crowd and canned our second week. One day to remove ourselves from the house. What to do with all that food in the frig for the second week? Eat it of course. One whole evening dedicated to consuming a week's worth of food. Gorging ourselves on pizza, bologna, cheese, ham, chips and pop. Groan......(p)To top off that experience, as we were driving through White River Junction with our trailer that advertized Lower Forty Grass, some pothead comes up to the window at a red light and says, "Hey man, want to sell some that grass?" Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
19 posted on 07/11/2003 6:45:04 AM PDT by WVNan
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To: .30Carbine

One of the best day trips is a visit to the Coolidge Birthplace in Plymouth Notch. The site is the entire village as it existed during Calvin's lifetime...the store he helped his father run...the very bed he was born in is still there...the latern and Bible that were present when his dad, a Notary Public, swore him into office as our 30th President, August 3, 1923 at 2:47 a.m.

20 posted on 07/11/2003 6:50:47 AM PDT by .30Carbine
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