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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....01-23-03...Hell no,we won't go!
John Huang2;Billie;Dutchess | John Huang2

Posted on 01/23/2003 3:26:04 AM PST by dutchess

A Few of FR's Finest.....
......Every Day

FR is a Treasure Trove of talented, compassionate, patriotic, wonderful people who gather every day to discuss the latest news and issues; salute and support our military and our leaders;  tell a few jokes;  learn a new word;  write poetry;  pray for those in need;  and congratulate those who are deserving. Thank you, Jim Robinson, for giving us the vehicle in which we can express ourselves.

Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997.   I can remember lurking when there were only a few regulars who posted, and now there are over 60,000 who have registered for posting privileges. The forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.

A Few of FR's Finest November 11, 2001

So many people have written me since my original Veteran's Day Tribute, asking how they, or a loved one, could be included in that tribute. Since I can no longer add the photos to the body of the thread, I've been including them in additional posts as I received enough to make another collage.

Still that doesn't seem to be enough. I think there's never been a better nor more appropriate time to keep the faces of our own Veterans and Active Military in front of FReepers--every day! That's why I wanted to do yet another Daily Thread .....ABOUT FReepers .....and FOR FReepers. But not only about our Military FReepers; for all FReepers! Wouldn't it be nice to get to know a few of the other FReepers as well? That's why, in addition to seeing FR's Finest Military Personnel every day, I thought it might be fun to feature a different FReeper (or FReepers) each day. If you would like to be pictured, or know someone who would, please FReepmail me and we'll turn the spotlight - on YOU - for the day!

And do let me know if you'd like your picture added to the groups of Veterans/Active Military below. I will keep this page updated, and continue to add them to the comment section of the original Veteran's Day thread as well.

TOP: Logos, SwedeGirl's hubby, Neil E Wright, FallGuy, 1John, Sneakypete
MIDDLE:  T'wit, COB1, LadyX, Dick Bachert, 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
BOTTOM:  YankeeinSC, Delta21, JoeSixPack1

TOP:  Bosniajmc, AFVetGal, Archy, A Navy Vet
MIDDLE:  4TheFlag, Aeronaut, 68Grunt, Xinga
BOTTOM:  Codger, AAABest, Clinton's A Liar, Duke809, dcwusmc

TOP:  mc5cents, Norb2569, LBGA's son, VanJenerette
MIDDLE:  Jim Robinson, KJenerette, davidosborne, KG9Kid
BOTTOM:  gwmoore, Equality7-2521, SAMWolf

TOP:  porgygirl, Phil V., MudPuppy, NorCoGOP
MIDDLE:  RaceBannon, OneidaM, rdb3, jwTexian
BOTTOM:  USMC Vet, TheMayor, Vineyard, rhododogma

We now have eleven groups of veterans/active military; we will post each group of three or four twice a week, with thumbnail/links of the remaining seven or eight groups on each thread. Click on any of the thumbnails below to see the group full-size.


GROUP 5A: TOP:  spectr17, RightOnline, SERE_Doc, Tet68. MIDDLE:  FutureSnakeEater, RightOnline's wife, CIApilot, Clamper1797. BOTTOM:  usmcobra, onedoug, DiverDave, Joe6-pack.
GROUP 6A: TOP:  g'nad, AgThorn's son Justin, SLB, AgThorn's son Brett. MIDDLE:  fish70, razorback-bert, CheneyChick, Leroy S Mort, Mark17. BOTTOM:  Terry's Take, Taxman, DinkyDau.
GROUP 7A: TOP:  ValerieUSA's son Grant, SK1Thurman, kd5cts, RangerVetNam, dansangel and .45man's son-in-law Tony.BOTTOM:  rangerX, Old China Hand, Trish, Howlin's dad, Mustang.
GROUP 8A: TOP: ohioWfan's son, MamaBear's father-in-law, MamaBear's dad, ladtx. MIDDLE:  The Mayor's niece, M.Kehoe, Beach_Babe's son-in-law. BOTTOM:  deadhead's dad, HiJinx, Severa's hubby, viligantcitizen's granddad.

GROUP 9A: TOP: Q6-God, Scan59, Mama Bear and JKPhoto's son, ofMagog. MIDDLE:  Big'ol_freeper, JustAmy's great uncle, Prodigal Son. BOTTOM:  JustAmy's husband, JustAmy's brother-in-law, JustAmy's brother.
GROUP 10A: TOP: dakine's wife, MeeknMing's dad, Auntbee's nephew, MilitiaMan7, AlasBabylon. BOTTOM:  Joe Brower, Temple Owl, Temple Owl's wife, dutchess' dad, Aomagrat.
GROUP 11A: TOP: ladtx #2 son; DiverDave's twin Don; petuniasevan and husband poorman; Mustard; ladtx #1 son. BOTTOM: AlamoGirl's brother Floyd; AG's dad; AG's brother Jim (inset); WVNan's husband; ladtx' Aunt Eva.


Hell no, we won't go

by JohnHuang2

Our splendid allies France and Germany have this wonderful plan. Iraq is in the clutches of Saddam, right? Well, France and Germany aim to keep it that way. How? Thwart Iraq's liberation by waging an unprecedented diplomatic offensive to undermine America at the U.N. The idea is to run interference for Saddam by blocking any new U.N. resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq. Anything that threatens Saddam's murderous regime, you see, these brave French and Germans will be there to wrestle it
The French, in fact, vowed to take their battle against the U.S. even further -- rally the European Union to resist any U.S. military action against Saddam.
French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin, in Brussels, this week said that "we see no justification today for an intervention, since the inspectors are able to do their work." The gasbag added that "we could not support unilateral action."
'Hell no, we won't go!' huffed and puffed the mighty French.
Ah, only one itsy-bitsy problemo, amigo: There's this President, his name is George W. Bush, and the thing is, he doesn't take crap from the French nor the Germans nor anybody.
Besides, who the heck is Germany to dictate American foreign policy, anyway? The Germans, last time I checked, gave us Hitler and the death camps, remember? And the French? Gee, whoopdeedoo! Now there's a profile in courage, eh? Can't you see Bush quaking in his Texas boots?
When it comes to cowardice, French leaders not only coined the word, they wrote the book.
"Surely our friends have learned the lessons of the past," Bush said Tuesday, a not-so-oblique reference even the French and Germans will understand.
If diplomacy fails, "we must have the guts to draw that conclusion, and take another course," declared deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage.
Basically, the problem of Iraq, as Bush sees it, boils down to this: Blix and the boys say inspections should go on as long as Iraq is cooperating even if Iraq isn't cooperating because at least while Blix and the boys are there we can pretend Iraq is cooperating even if we know it's only make-believe and, besides, if the U.N. is there Saddam is contained even if 1441 says nothing about containment and Blix and the boys after two months still can't find the restroom with a map and a flashlight and ten tour guides let alone know all the goings-on in a country the size of California. Whew! *Catching my breath*
Containment? Blix and the boys got it exactly backwards. If anyone is being contained, well, I got news for you -- it isn't Saddam. Blix ain't containing Saddam -- Saddam is containing Blix. The Butcher of Baghdad daily plays Blix like a fiddle.
This whole process, in fact, appears aimed more at containing the U.S. -- not Saddam.
France and Germany say leave Iraq alone, Saddam's behaving.
But Bush, who sees the world clearly, says that's not the purpose the U.N. is there. We ain't there to baby-sit -- the whole idea is for Iraq to disarm, completely. Want a Baby-sitter? Talk to Michael Jackson.
Or, what part of disarmament don't you get, O France, O Germany? No comprende?
"It seems clear to me now that he is not disarming," Bush observed, speaking of Saddam, adding that "he's been given ample time to disarm. Time is running out."
"This business about more time -- how much more time do we need to be sure he is not disarming? This looks like a rerun of a bad movie and I'm not interested in watching it."
Clarity of purpose and unflinching resolve -- that's Bush's forte, and why the smart money is on him.

Oops, More Bad News For Democrats

U.S. housing starts for December posted a sizzling 5% gain, said the U.S. Commerce Dept Tuesday.
Boosted by the lowest mortgage rates in 16 years, and flying in the face of analysts' expectations, new home construction jumped from November's upwardly revised annual rate of 1.747 million units to a seasonally adjusted rate of 1.835 million units for December.
For Democrats, the disappointing news was, well, just downright disappointing -- across-the-board.
Building permits, a bellwether of confidence, were also posting 16-year highs, catapulting a whopping 8% to 1.88 million last month, while permits for single-family homes surged a record-setting 1.4 million.
What? A knock 'em-sock 'em housing boom -- don't these buyers know we're in the middle a horrible depression? Don't they watch the CBS "Evening News" with Dan Rather? Or read DNC press releases? What in Sam Hill's going on here? To hear the Democrats and their gleeful media parrots, America's in the grips of the worst economy since hunter-gatherers batted around Northwest Europe during the Stone Age. No, worse than that even.
Democrats want a depression so bad they can taste it.
Fireworks in the housing industry belie their claims -- and dash their hopes. Then again, when have facts or honesty or just plain ol' commonsense ever deterred the Dems?

Scott Ritter, we hardly knew ye -- or did we?

In a case of the 'higher-they-climb, the-harder-fall', looks as if Mr. 'trust Saddam, no-need-to-verify' Scott Ritter, world renown geopolitical strategist, master tactician, mind-reader, defense expert, prophet etc. won't be doing many TV interviews anymore.
The 'soft-spoken' big-mouth media darling golden boy and Baghdad stalking-horse, it turns out, had a weakness for more than just Third-World tyrants and despots: The media idol is, we now know, a raging pedophile. Pee-wee Herman, Michael Jackson -- meet Scott Ritter.
Was Ritter a David Westerfield in the making? Not that we know of, but the plot thickens with each new daily drip-drip-drip.
The former U.N. weapons inspector, when not smooching dictators inside presidential compounds, was busy indulging his insatiable sexual appetite for little girls. New Jersey's NewsChannel 13 reports that in June 2001 the perp was arrested as part of an internet sting operation. After initially denying the arrest -- case of mistaken identity, you see! -- his lawyer, Norah Murphy, later confirmed it.
Ritter attempted to lure a 16-year old girl he met online into a local Burger King for a lewd encounter. Little did the sicko know the 16-year-old girl of his perverted dreams was actually an undercover agent. Murphy refuses to go into details, claiming the records are so sealed, even weapons inspectors can't get to them.
But alas! there's more. (There's always more -- we're dealing with a serial child sexual predator here).
The Albany Times Union reports of Ritter's previous attempted encounter with a minor, this time a 14-year old girl, two months before the first arrest. (I'm not making this up, folks.) The newspaper says Ritter met police officers instead and later, not being a repeat offender at the time, allowed back in the streets.
Ritter accuses the White House of building a framework of lies regarding Iraq and the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and has called for Bush's impeachment.
Memo to Ritter: Before hurling stones from your glass house, sickos like you would be well-advised to take a long, hard look in the mirror first. Now crawl back in your scummy hole, you filthy child molester.

Kennedy Blows his Cork

Speaking of scummy moral lepers, Sen. Chappaquiddick Tuesday blasted the Bush Administration for doing what Democrats do -- fostering policies that "divide us at home by race and riches."
Speaking at the National Press Club in between hiccups, Mr. boozer complained that Donkey Democrats, by failing to face up to America's real enemy, bully Bush, have only themselves to blame for getting their butts kicked last November.
"The lesson of 2002 is clear," belched the boozehound, staggering somewhat, "we will not succeed (hiccup!) if we fail to stand up and speak out (hiccup!) Let me (hiccup!) say plainly to my fellow (hiccup!) Democrats -- if we cannot (hiccup!) achieve a fair and fiscally (hiccup!) responsible compromise, there is no (hiccup!) assured polit...(unintelligible)..."
From Kennedy's demeanor -- hiccups, sluggish, blank expression, droopy eyes, fuzzy speech, fuzzy math, impaired perception -- you might assume he's had a tad more than usual, right? Then again, that's how most Democrats look and talk anyway.
Kennedy, geostrategic genius, wondered why Bush is trying to prevent Saddam from procuring nukes (thereby saving Manhattan, Chicago, Los Angeles from nuclear 9/11s) rather than doing the sensible thing -- going after Kimmy Jong-il now and risking nuclear holocaust/mass carnage on the Korean peninsula. So, while America gets bogged down in Korea, possibly igniting nuclear war, Saddam could go on his merry way pecuring nukes. In the end, you'll be facing mass slaughter in east Asia, and a nuclear-armed Saddam Hussein. Wonderful Kennedy plan, eh? (Ain't you glad this nutjob is nowhere near the button?)
On domestic issues, the Kennedy solution was, I must admit, new and innovative (something I'm sure no-one in Washington ever thought of before): Spend more!
On primary education? Spend more!
On college education? Spend more!
On Medicare? Spend more!
On lack of insurance coverage? Spend more!
Spend, spend, spend, eh? Any wonder why these guys don't like to cut taxes?
There are laws against drunking driving, all well and good (though they weren't much help for Mary Jo Kopechne). Doesn't Kennedy make the case there should be laws against drunk speaking?
Anyway, that's...
My two cents..


01-20-03 Puddleglum

01-21-03 JWFiv Essay

01-22-03 FreeTheHostages Essay
Opinions by our own 'King of Ping'
The guy's good, folks!
Thanks, Mixer!

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KEYWORDS: freepers; fun; military; patriotic; surprises; veterans
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To: dutchess; Billie; Mama_Bear; dansangel; daisyscarlett; JohnHuang2
'Mornin', Dutchess....very well done, thank you.

Good morning to our lovely's one of those days when I'm especially reluctant to head off to office space today...but, this thread, and the good coffee, have got me awake and riled up and ready to face the dragon.

When it comes to cowardice, French leaders not only coined the word, they wrote the book.

Now crawl back in your scummy hole, you filthy child molester.

Clarity of purpose and unflinching resolve -- that's Bush's forte, and why the smart money is on him.

JH2, you've turned many a beautiful phrase on your wordsmith's lathe, but the above all, immediately, become special faves...)

I'm so angry with the Euroweenies, and our own Hollyweenies and Demoweenies, that I feel like I could chew gravel!!!

61 posted on 01/23/2003 8:18:48 AM PST by jwfiv
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To: WVNan; Molly Pitcher; dutchess; mountaineer; ohioWfan
Ladies, I saw your luncheon photos and all I have to say is.....

AhhhhRoooooo!!!! Gorgeous women all! : )

62 posted on 01/23/2003 8:19:41 AM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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To: dutchess; JohnHuang2
Good morning and congratulations to you both...dutchess-for adding the graphics and posting and KingJohn for an excellent summary and commentary on some of the events of the past week.

Can't believe the Ritter crap...this is gonna be big-there must be lots more to that story...and I'll bet Hillary's FBI files fit in someplace.

Stay warm and have a great day...

63 posted on 01/23/2003 8:21:53 AM PST by daisyscarlett (Lord help the Mister who comes between me and my sister and Lord help the sister who comes between .)
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To: FreeTheHostages
My boyfriend is watching an important chess tournament today on my computer

Now THAT sounds real exciting LOL!!!

I'll feed him a big lunch and thereby get him to take an afternoon nap

How bout you "slip" something in his lunch and you can spend the WHOLE afternoon here!
64 posted on 01/23/2003 8:21:55 AM PST by dutchess (Finest sistahs LOVE LOUIE and "half sistah" too!)
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To: Pippin

LOL You're a mighty fine hugger, Pipster! Such enthusiasm. : )

65 posted on 01/23/2003 8:22:27 AM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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How are you doing?
66 posted on 01/23/2003 8:27:25 AM PST by Pippin (God Bless America!)
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To: iceskater
I was wondering about that global warming stuff!

where exactly is this warming taking place?

On the moon? LOL!

67 posted on 01/23/2003 8:29:40 AM PST by Pippin (God Bless America!)
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To: Pippin
How are you doing?

Just far. Have to go out and brave the bitterly cold wind pretty soon. Brrrrrr!

How about you? Everything ok?

68 posted on 01/23/2003 8:29:54 AM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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To: daisyscarlett; Billie; Mama_Bear; dansangel
Goodmorning miss daisy. There definately is a learning curve doing this. (ofcourse two weeks ago I had not idea what html meant LOL!) I'm in awe of my "sistahs!"
69 posted on 01/23/2003 8:32:23 AM PST by dutchess (Finest sistahs LOVE LOUIE and "half sistah" too!)
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To: dutchess; JohnHuang2
Morning, you two. Thanks for getting the thread posted, dutchess. You are doing great, Sis.

Bravo, John. Once again, right on!

A great day to both of you.


70 posted on 01/23/2003 8:32:51 AM PST by Mama_Bear (God bless our President and our military.)
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Okay but Colllllddddddd!
71 posted on 01/23/2003 8:33:59 AM PST by Pippin (God Bless America!)
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To: daisyscarlett
Good morning, Ms.Scarlett!

Can't believe the Ritter crap...this is gonna be big-there must be lots more to that story...and I'll bet Hillary's FBI files fit in someplace.

I'm betting you're right. : )

72 posted on 01/23/2003 8:34:12 AM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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Mornin' Louie. Pretty cold back there, huh?

Toasty warm hugs comin' atcha.


73 posted on 01/23/2003 8:37:13 AM PST by Mama_Bear (God bless our President and our military.)
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To: jwfiv
I'm so angry with the Euroweenies, and our own Hollyweenies and Demoweenies, that I feel like I could chew gravel!!!

So tell me how you REALLY FEEL LOL!!!
74 posted on 01/23/2003 8:38:07 AM PST by dutchess (jwfiv is RILED AND READY TO FACE THE DRAGON!)
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To: Mama_Bear
Mornin' Louie. Pretty cold back there, huh?

Yes! Too cold! : (

Toasty warm hugs comin' atcha.

Hey....I'm warming up!

You're hugs always affect me that way. : )

Morning, fuzzy. : )

75 posted on 01/23/2003 8:46:50 AM PST by ST.LOUIE1
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To: dutchess
You're welcome J
76 posted on 01/23/2003 8:54:47 AM PST by Fiddlstix (Tag Line Service Center: FREE Tag Line with Every Monthly Donation to FR. Get Yours. Inquire Within)
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You are too kind, LOUIE.........but I thank you!

(Flattery will get you everywhere!)

77 posted on 01/23/2003 8:58:29 AM PST by ohioWfan (Pray for President Bush!)
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To: dutchess; JohnHuang2
Good morning, dutchess! GOOD work! I'm putting my thoughts together, and I'll get them to you as soon as I have something coherent!

Did I tell you how GOOD it was to meet you?? You are one COOL lady, lady!

John........your million dollar two cents are always a great read!

Don't you love having a President with COURAGE??? Let the Euroweenies whine, let the RATS make fools of themselves. We have ourselves a LEADER!!

78 posted on 01/23/2003 9:04:12 AM PST by ohioWfan (Pray for President Bush!)
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To: dutchess
Good morning, dear dutchess. You have regular email, and I just say you had answered FReep mail. :)

Hope you are feeling fresh and new today!

79 posted on 01/23/2003 9:15:11 AM PST by Billie
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To: Billie; ohioWfan



80 posted on 01/23/2003 9:17:21 AM PST by Pippin (God Bless America!)
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