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Posted on 12/06/2002 12:59:49 PM PST by walkin in a freeper wonderland
Edited on 12/06/2002 1:04:30 PM PST by Admin Moderator.
TOPICS: Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: 1234posterenomore; 125no3sir; 3beingthe3rdno; 4hrstoburythecat; a5minargument; a5minuteargument; afamoushistorian; africanoreuropean; afterthatoralsex; agoodspanking; aherring; ahole; albatross; algorbatross; algoreisnotmyprez; algoremanofwood; algoresawitch; allyourbase; allyourduthreads; allyouri; allyourlaws; allyourlupins; allyourmoney; allyoursenateseat; allyourvoters; allyourvotes; alsoalsowik; amooseoncebither; anarchosyndicalism; anchovies; andnosinging; andnow4something; anewt; anheuser; apathapathni; arebelongtous; areyouapoofter; armedwithabanana; ashrubbery; assortedminiatures; atetheminstrells; australia; australiaaustralia; baldie; bannedaccount; beavis; beenabadbadboy; beensackedagain; behindtherabbit; bettergetabucket; biggusdickus; bigpointyteeth; biteyourlegsoff; biteyourownheadoff; blimeyitshotinere; bloodypeasant; bluenoredaaiiggh; boltonisnotlob; braindonor; bravelyranaway; bravesirrobin; bridgemadeofstone; bridgeofdeath; bringmeabucket; bringoutyourdead; 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grippedbythehusk; gumby; gumbythreadposting; gummytroll; hairylegs; hairymary; haltwhogoesthere; happytrailstoyou; hausratte; haveyoufoundit; hebuggeredoff; hedoesntleave; hehadanaccident; here2daygone2day; heshistory; hesscarpered; heyheyhey; hidinginaskirt; highwankingofficer; hillaryhasballs; hillaryisaman; hisbrainhurts; hisnamesnotbruce; hitonheadlessons; holdmuhcheese; holdmuhkeyboard; holygrail; holyhand; holyhandgrenade; howdyoubecomeking; hownottobeseen; howsitgoing; hugetractsofland; huhhuhshesaidbush; iaminhaste; iamwomanhelpmewipe; iamwomanithink; ibetyouregay; idontbelieveit; idontlikespam; ifeelhappyifeel; igotbetter; ikeepsayingit; ilovespam; im37; imaromanawoman; imbeingrepressed; imnotold; imnotwearingpants; incontinentiabuttox; ineedprozac; inkpens; invisibletape; iorderu2bequiet; isaiditagain; isaiditagainaahh; isyourwifeagoer; isyourwifeasport; it; its; itsacheeseshopsir; itsafalseone; itsatemperatezone; itsjustalilbunny; itsmyrightasaman; itsveryrunnysir; itswafferthin; 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To: txflake
There's are at least 5 Lee Sisters -- you forgot Home Lee and Beast Lee
posted on
12/06/2002 5:01:25 PM PST
To: weegee
LOL -- well now.... it could have been time for her bi-annual flea-dip
posted on
12/06/2002 5:02:02 PM PST
To: DCBryan1
To: walkin in a freeper wonderland
Lol, bookmarked! this will go down in the annals of Freeperdom along with such classics as "All your base are belong to us", Moose and Cheese, and Yatta!
It's history in the making, folks.
To: Bush_Democrat
Ditto for the Zot list!
To: Admin Moderator
I think the FR software should be altered to list not just the date that a given Freeper signed up, but also the time. Then you guys can have fun seeing who's quickest on the draw nuking these little kids.
To: Admin Moderator
We are no longer the Knights who say "Ni" -- now we are the Knights who say "Ecky-ecky-ecky-ecky-pikang-zoop-boing-goodem-zu-owly-zhiv"
posted on
12/06/2002 5:13:25 PM PST
To: BraveMan
Karl Gambolputty de von Ausfern -schplenden -schlitter -crasscrenbon -fried -digger -dangle -dungle -burstein -von -knacker -thrasher -apple -banger -horowitz -ticolensic -grander -knotty -spelltinkle -grandlich -grumblemeyer -spelterwasser -kürstlich -himbleeisen -bahnwagen -gutenabend -bitte -eine -nürnburger -bratwustle -gerspurten -mit -zweimache -luber -hundsfut -gumberaber -shönendanker -kalbsfleisch -mittler -raucher von Hautkopft of Ulm
To: All
If anyone would like to respond to the author here's her email:
Emily Hofstetter.
But sadly it looks like Emily might of spent all her money on Burma Shave and anti-itch cream because her server has gone down at May be her email too.
Here she is having an "Indigo Girls" moment:
In "B. Steisand" fashion she sent her article to 2,500 of her closest friends. Here is an article I found about her and fuzy wuzy:
Hofstetter, whose site focuses on women working in the Internet industry, conceived of the protest in her own shower,as she mused upon the recent election shenanigans. As her e-mail -- which she sent to about 2,500 people -- explains: "There in the shower I began softly chanting 'no more bush, no more bush, no more bush' over and over again until I was in a mantra/trance-like state. I reached for the Lady Schick, a slick bar of handmade soap, and before I knew it, there was no more bush. Completely shaven, I stood in the shower laughing. I laughed until I cried and then it hit me: Women are probably going to be the most affected by this recent faux-lection. Why then don't we do something that will at least show our disapproval for the recent decision. The way I see it: ONE CLOSE SHAVE DESERVES ANOTHER!"
In response to the thin margin that decided the recent presidential election, Hofstetter exhorts other women to follow her lead -- to shave themselves as an act of protest and "save the clippings, bag them and send them to our clown prince president for his inauguration. Better still, let's all go to the inauguration and throw the 'bush clippings' at our new president like confetti at a ticker tape parade!"
Does Hofstetter really expect throngs of disgruntled women to shave it off? Well, not exactly. As her e-mail has been forwarded around the Net, most of the reactions she's received have been "right ons" from both men and women. Still, she hopes to inspire others to take their own forms of action: "I was hoping that it would mean a lot of things to other people. This is protest in its most simple and most naked form," she said.
Hofstetter will be traveling to Washington for the inauguration and vows, "I am prepared to stay completely shaved for four years. You think that Bush is the name of our president? I say that Bush is something that I have between my legs and I can get rid of it if I want to."
To: avg_freeper
a slick bar of handmade soap I don't know why -- but the "handmade soap" bit just cracks me up -- somehow it's soooooo PC and "center your chakra" -- I'll bet she has patchouli incense too
posted on
12/06/2002 5:47:11 PM PST
To: Admin Moderator
To: twyn1
I shall say "Ni!" to you again unless you appease us.
You must find the biggest tree in the forrest and cut it down with .....
To: Admin Moderator
'Tis sad times when passing ruffians (admin moderators) say "nee" at will to old Freepers!Nuff said
To: DCBryan1
Arthur:We shall do no such thing!
Knight: Oh Please !
Arthur: Cut down a tree with a herring? -- It can't be done.
posted on
12/06/2002 6:05:46 PM PST
To: twyn1
I'll bet she has patchouli incense too Placed in a burner that was hand made by vegan Ecuadorian "resistance fighters" from recycled Birkenstocks harvested from a local coffee/poetry house.
To: twyn1
Dont say the sacred word!
It hurts!
I said it again!
I said "it" again!
To: avg_freeper
Does this wacko always use her female anatomy to make a point?
Is she a nymph with no friends?
How do we know she wasn't just doing a "trim" and it's always been shaved?
Is it proper "protest etiquette" if she sculps a little heart or maybe a flower and shaves the rest?
Is this a team protest? :-)
It would be interesting also to delve into her previous whinnings and find the pattern!! :-)
(criss-cross, left-right{ouch], checkerboard?)
If I shave my butt and mail her the clippings is extra postage required for offensive odors?
To: avg_freeper
ROFL -- but of course -- and all profits from the sale of the incense burners were to go to the "Save the Endangered Delhi Sands Fly" (SEDSF) fund
posted on
12/06/2002 6:14:37 PM PST
To: DCBryan1
How can we not say the word if you don't tell us what it is?
posted on
12/06/2002 6:15:18 PM PST
To: walkin in a freeper wonderland
What a sad pathetic person.
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