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USO Canteen FReeper Style....Monday Mail Call .... October 28,2002
FRiends of the USO Canteen FReeper Style and the Troops

Posted on 10/27/2002 11:18:05 PM PST by Snow Bunny



If you know a Veteran, someone in your family,
friend of the family, neighbor, who served their
country, take a brief moment of your day to thank them.
Thank them for the sacrifice they made
for the better good of their country.

We at Free Republic, and the USO Canteen FReeper Style,
are thankful for every service member
in our military, who has served our great nation.

So, to the men and women who answered the call,
in both times of war and peace, thank you.


Message from Snow Bunny to all those who visit the Canteen.

This is how I think of the USO Canteen Freeper Style.
It is like a cottage down a road,
a place where a weary veteran can spend the night.

Since it opened, it is magical how so many
Freepers who post here, feel it too.
It has been so dear how the Freepers
kept making it a cottage - a home-type of place
that had a huge living room
for them to visit in and a dance floor, a library, etc.

Many Veterans have written to me,
saying that the Canteen is like home
to them for the first time since they served.

This is your Canteen -
a respite from our busy
and sometimes troubling world.
Make yourself at home.

The USO Canteen FReeper Style
Delivering a Touch of Home


Our troops need our support and encouragement. They are away from home, some for the first time, and usually lonely or discouraged. It is important for us to reach out and help them in the same way we would want someone to reach out to our loved ones if and when they are in the same position.
They answered their call and we are answering theirs, offering them the USO Canteen FReeper Style each day and thanking them for serving.

This is IN Coming Mail from some of those serving now.

We at the USO Canteen FReeper Style, a running thread at Free Republic, are proud to support our Military.

The mail comes in from contacting some of our Military
Bases, Marine Corps Leagues, friends and family of those serving now and the wonderful P.O.Box that 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub has made so easily available to each of us here at Free Republic.

They are writing to those that frequent the FReeper USO Canteen to thank you for your support.

ALL the mail posted on Monday Mail Call is Recent Mail from the prior week.

Please know...

Each one of you that posts back to these letters from our
troops, your message will be sent to them in a reply email at
the end of today. I do this just in case they may not have a
chance to read the entire thread to get their replies. If there
are graphics the # of the post is sent so they can enjoy your
entire answer. Thank you so much. You are all terrific !


Dear Snow Bunny

Thank you and please thank all that come to the Canteen to support us. It means a lot and I can tell how much all of you care about us. What a great place the Canteen is and I am new at finding it.

My Uncle Bert was given a business card in the parking lot. Guess that sounds funny. Here is what happened. My Uncle Bert had been to a Mail Boxes Etc. he and this guy got into a conversation about the hat my Uncle Bert had on. Uncle Bert is a Veteran from the Korean War. Well, this guy kept visiting with my Uncle as they left the store and when they got to the parking lot he handed him a business card. It said USO Canteen Freeper Style on it.

My Uncle checked it out when he got home and then sent me an email about it. He registered at Free Republic and told me the lingo, freep, freepers, posts, threads, and bump.

The guy that gave it to him was a Navy Vet also from the Korean war. I have been able to come to the Canteen now three times and I consider myself a regular already.

So from this active duty sailor, here is a bump for the most bumpenist posts and threads I am lucky enough to be a part of and see.

I love it and thank you.



I am Joe and am in the Army, sort of fits huh. LOL It sure feels good to know you are all there for us. I got the word about the Canteen from a school friend that is serving now too. He told me how you all are really there for us and he has never been wrong yet.

I love planes,and when you did the B-17 day I was in 7th heaven. Please give and extra thank you to Mr_Magoo. That day with the things he told about and then someone called SAMWolf and others all added to it. It was so great and I sent it home to my Dad. He was a tail gunner long ago. So you all made more then one of us very happy that day.

You know what gets me? The way you all can joke around, I mean totally crazy stuff that has me laughing right out loud. Then it feels like I turn a corner or something and everybody is talking about a plane down and how badly you all feel. You never let a guy down in anyway. You are all there for us in the laughs and in the tears. Thank you so much.

US Army

Dear Snow Bunny

I want to thank you and all the Canteeners. The things you all do really make my day a better one.

You see I am a active duty Canteener. The USO is great and has been there for my Dad and Uncles over the years when they served. But I think I got the best of the deal in this new age of computers. My friend on the USS Theodore Roosevelt told me about the Canteen at Free Republic. He told me to check it out and I could have some photos he found. We like girls see and he is a scrounger of sorts. LOL

Once I saw the Canteen, I told him I owe him. ROTFL

You Canteeners tell the best jokes, that Burka Man and Magoo, HiJinx and Sam sure know what we like. I don't care how many voices Burka Man has they are all good. LOL

Here is a special message for MOJO2001, are you hot or what. I mean you are very clever and I love the Useless New Tidbits. I see that is a new thing at the Canteen and after I saw it the first time I hoped you would do it again. Then you did so I just had to write to thank you. Thank you!  I love it MOJO2001.

SAMWolf, thank you for the photos you bring. There was a group shot one day, you would not have known it was my friend, he was way in the background. Of course I had to kid him that he should have waved. LOL  His mom saw his photo right there  too. Why are people so shy about stuff like that. But I thought you might like to know.

I want to thank those of you that have served our country. You see when I see that you have already served, Canteeners like Magoo, Samwolf, HiJinx, Tomkow, Johnny Gage, Leadpenny, Zip, AFCATMret, Radix, Larry Johnson, Aomagrat, Aeronaut, Light Speed, 68-69TonkinYatchClub (that is a tuff one to type), AntiJen well it brings tears to my eyes. To know you have given to my living in a free country, the best damn country in the world. Then doing what I see you do, well you never stopped serving and I sure do look up to you in a special way. When I see you there and for me, for all of us. Damn here come the wet eyes again.

AntiJen, your trivia, I know it must take a lot of time. So I want to thank you for the work you do. I try to see how many I can get right. When I was home I loved to watch Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and Price is Right. So I love the Trivia game and do try to win. LOL Thank you AntiJen.

I learn a lot from my History lessons. Man the world sure has had a lot of good and bad happen. Thank you LindaSOG.

This is a long one and my time is almost used up on here.

Please know how much you all make my day and anyone else's too I bet, day a better one.

Thank you for your support.

And one more thing. I see those Support our Troops Rally's you have. What a great bunch of Americans you freepers are to do that. Look at that Bluesagewoman and how she tells the story of the rally. Give em hell beautiful! I am right behind you!  And then that Zip guy, I mean here he served, then he drops by the Canteen cottage to visit for all of us to show us again his support and then to top it off he busts his butt at the rallys to support us. Thank you Zip and tell those wimp peaceniks we do know about them and they make us sick. But they will never know what real freedom is because they don't appreciate those that give it to them. Users are what they are. Thanks Zip!

I got to go, see how I even hate to leave in an email. LOL

Thank you Bunny and Canteeners all.

US Navy

Dear Bunny

It is such a honor to have met people like you and Coteblance and so many others. I know I have written before and about the Canteen and Poetry Branch. But last night I was doing some heavy thinking about how it was before I found  the Canteen. How because of the Canteen I found the Poetry Branch and then all the Canteeners and poets.

A person might not think a USO and poetry go together. But what better way really. See here is how I have it figured out.

War is not pretty, nope and it is a guys heart that is serving and makes him want to serve. So you take the guys heart and the passion for his country and for freedom. Then how does he express himself, not just with a gun to keep it free, but with words too, words to express his heart and that passion for the freedom he has a gun to protect. Guess I don't make much sense, but I have a feeling of all out there, you Canteeners and poets will understand.

See I see too what you do. The fun you do, oh sure you are having fun too and that also is why it is more enjoyable for us. It is contagious, like the wild man Tonkin and his transportation of the day. That night he had given you girls the Choppers for transportation. And Kathy in Alaska, Snow Bunny, DaughterofAnIwoJimVet, Radu and some others were trying to figure out who would fly it. I laughed so hard tears had wet my face. Snow Bunny said she did not know how but how hard could it be she said. LMHO Then you all flew in your pajamas because it was so late at night. Night flying PJ crew. ROTFLMAO God I love you all.

Thank you Tonkin for giving the Canteen ladies flowers from all of us. And about that USO Canteen Post Office, darn it anyway, how can someone not use it. You do 99% of the work to make it available and the guy that said use it or lose it is right. This is from me to those that have not written yet, please write, use it, tell about your family, your hobbies, how the weather is, what are you planning for Thanksgiving and the holidays. Tell a funny thing that happened, send a joke anything. Tell about your pets and kids. We miss home and it means a lot to hear from everyone. I bet those of us that know about the Canteen are very few in comparison to those that don't. But the email, the Post Office Box goes to so many more, think of outreach and be sure to tell them about the Canteen too. (just a request but I know your mail to those serving will mean so much). I salute you Tonkin for serving in the Coast Guard Aux. and for your work with the Canteen and the Post Office.

Thank you Bunny, your love for us shows and thanks for setting up such a unique place. The Canteen cottage is my home and I am crazy about my Canteen family.

A special hug for my Coteblanche friend.

Your friend, Smitty

Snow Bunny and Canteeners

You sure have some wonderful writers there, I always look forward to seeing their comments. Radix, AFCATMRet, MOJO2001, Mr_Magoo and of course no kidding here but the Snow Bunny, yep you too. I love how you all write straight out from your hearts.

Thank you for giving us the Canteen. Your support means everything ! Thank you for the great jokes and fun Tomkow6, Mr_Magoo and HiJInx. The new addition of the Useless news tidbits by the MOJO one is fantastic. Bunny you use that word and I know why, because it says it like it is.

Radu, you're a cutie and I love hearing about your Cat family. I am glad you got your computer and thank you and Mr. Radu for your support of us.

Bentfeather what can I say. You're beautiful and you have to be the first tank driving, beautiful woman poet that ever existed. Never change my beautiful lady l love your poetry and grace, then you get me laughing too. I love it, thank you.

DaughterofAnIwoJimVet, you are so fine and your humor is a joy too. Thank you for knowing how it is, thank you for being there for us. I salute your Dad and his service to our great land.

Linda and Mojo I had a ton of fun with the Cartoons of War day. What a blast and great stuff you shared. Thank you.

You call him Starman and my head swims when he tells me about his science and ' stuff'. You know what, he is great and I can just see him getting a kick out of what he is going to say that either sinks in or flies right over those reading his posts. LOL I love the HUH ? ROTFL Thanks Starman keep up the good job and thanks for your support.

AntiJen I got two of the trivia's and only missed one answer on each one. Not bad for a Marine. LOL Thank you for such a special  thing. I am proud to have met you at the Canteen, a fly babe and very pretty too. See I checked out Snow Bunny's page and there you were with that light up the room smile of yours and the dancing eyes. That Snow Bunny sure appreciates her friends I can tell in the care she takes to thank them at her special page.

They call me 'Talking Ted' I guess cause I'm not very quiet. LOL Heck I just like to get it out there and you can do with it what you will. Ha ha Thanks HiJinx, Aomagrat, Aeronaut, Redhead (I really like your special web page), Valin, La Diva Loca, so many I wish I had a bigger paper when I jotted names down.

The weather here is different then back home. But we are trained and can handle anything. I heard some guy back there in my country was saying we would not be up to it, compared to those that were born here. What a nut case, sorry, but with the training we have it is just something to handle and not ever going to get in our way or stop us.

Your support is what makes it a great day and I know for me I think about all of you even when I might miss a day.

Thank you Canteeners for your support.

Talkin Ted
Semper Fi

To da Bunny

What on earth have you done! You gathered together a fine group of friends and said, hey lets be a team to show our military we love and care about them. You did it!

That thing you wrote about the soldier in Nam is haunting me. Do you realize what it means that you understand, that you put us above all else. Thank you is far too little to say but that is all there is. If I could tattoo a name right on my heart it would say Snow Bunny.

See I see it almost everyday, what I do is read the whole day. I can do it because the duties I have leave me a certain amount of free computer time. So the Tonkin vehicles, the wild ride on the helicopter with Kathy, Radu, Bunny, Daughtersofaniwojimavet, the Useless News Tidbits (a new item by MOJO I really like this), the Trivia by Jen, the history of the day thanks to Linda, the Magoo planes, and ships by Aomagrat, the burka man running around with his voices telling jokes and the great pictures, I am right there. Samwolf you ARE the best scrounger! I am glad you got off that Milk Carton and came home from your camping trip, HiJinx had his camping trip too. Thanks for sharing about it, I love camping and when I get back plan on doing some again.

This is my first time to write, so I kept some notes so I would make sure to say some things. But I guess the most important thing I wanted to make sure you Canteeners know. YOU ARE PART OF WHAT WE DO!  NEVER FORGET THAT! And thank you for being the BEST PART !

Thank you and God bless you all. And that Chaplain you have, he rocks. Thank you sir for being the Canteen Chaplain. Thanks for your prayers too.


Dear Snow Bunny and Canteeners

My jaw dropped and so did Martys, Al's and Joe's when we saw our poem we submitted at the Poetry Branch. It felt like we were published even though we did not write it. (grins all around)

I wrote my Mom about it and she said, you see son what a good influence the Canteen people are on you. Moms have to say things like that it is part of their job. I think she is still concerned about my scrounging getting me in trouble someday but heck as long as I do it for some of the biggies I should be fine. ROTFL Besides I am only following in the footsteps of the famous SAMWolf, right Sam? LMHO Ya gotta love that guy.

Hey that, no I will say it to her here, Hey MOJO love the Useless News Tidbits and Jen the trivia. We the Pirates all vote for these new items. I messed up on the trivia and have yet to get them all, Al did great though you can be proud of him.

Magoo, sorry about your car, what a bummer. You know I like the way we get to hear normal conversations like we would have if back home. That is one of the things we miss here, things like how the animals are,  cars needing to be taken in and the normal daily life. Then you add in all the jokes and fun and serious stuff too and you sure have a winner. I know you don't plan some of this stuff but it sure works, thanks.

Insert one of those IMO here only as in OUR opinion and you know what, all those things and everything else is what makes it the Canteen cottage a place to us.  Thank you for the cottage and all that dwell there, we promise not to leave a mess.  Pirates can be a little sloppy sometimes. HeH HeH

Love to all of you and thank you,

Marty, Joe, Al and me Scully

Scully and the Pirates

Hi Bunny

It has been awhile since I have written. I have  been pretty busy, but I do get to catch the Canteen about 4 days a week. That means a lot to me and so I just want to thank you and the Canteeners again.

I had to write right away on this one, a beautiful girl jumping out of a perfectly good plane deserves a high five and a hug. {{ hug }} Linda you're nuts and I love it, thanks for telling about your experience. I hope you get a chance to do it again and the next time  you can yell my name on the way down. BiiiiG Reeeed ( Big Red). LOL  Yell it out babe and I will hear you over here and throw you a kiss.

Thanks for the Canteen, I had a few days of bad news from back home and I headed right to the Canteen for my medicine. It is my drug of choice, my tall cold beer, my home. Thank you.

Tom " Big Red"

Dear Snow Bunny

I am writing to thank you for giving us a place to come to. A home away from home. The cottage you have is so pretty and I keep it in my mind a lot when I am thinking about things.

Please use this for Monday Mail Call if you like. I am serving in the Army and am so proud of my country for our response to the terrorists. We have more to do and will soon be taking on more things I know you and the Canteeners know what I mean. I am so proud of our men serving, our fighting men. Thank you Snow Bunny and Canteeners for knowing it takes all of us and all of YOU to do this job of defending our Nation.  I work in Supply and appreciate those that are putting their lives in danger for me too.

I love how Yatch Man has the Post Office and how he gives you and me too flowers everyday. What a special thing that is and they are so beautiful. I have not had a bouquet of flowers in a long time but I do get them with you from Yatch Man and I can almost smell them. giggle Those dolls are such fun, if you find one for Army I would love one. I know you are very busy but if you ever have an extra one I could maybe share with you it would mean a lot to me. I write to my daughter and husband back home. He is Navy but right now based at home. They would get such a kick out of it. I am Black, black hair and black eyes, my height is 5'8" if that is important. There is no rush please and if you are busy I will understand. You all do so much for us I am shy about asking but I think my daughter too will just love it. Thank you ahead of time so much.

I want to thank you for the wonderful jokes, the beautiful graphics and the natural flowing fun that each one of you bring each day. How I love your hearts and kindness toward us, I can feel it, it shows.

Bunny your vision and passion is amazing to me. You never let us down and I thank you with all my heart.

Kathy, DaughterofIwoJimaVet, Radu and Bunny  you had me laughing so hard the night of the helicopter ride. I swear you are such wild and crazy fun loving people. Thank you.

Tomkow I want to hug you so much. Your enthusiasm is contagious and I adore you. I better hug you from afar I have heard tales of the fragrance of the Burka's. MHO

Thank you Bad Boys. I love to see the Bad Boys grow and more and more join up. You add a much needed part of my life.

Militiaman, how I love you and your Eagles. Your humor is so special and I love your heart. The night you had the flasher on I laughed so hard my eyes were crying.  YOU sir are a Bad Boy for sure. ROTFLMHO

Magoo and Aomagrat thank you for your daily planes and ships. I am learning so much about the history of areas I knew so little about. And high falling Linda, my gosh girlfriend, you are very brave! I loved reading about your jump with goosebumps too right down the back of my head. You better be sure to add that to your fabulous history or else I will. LOL Thank you for the History of the Day Linda.

MOJO you are wild, those photos you post to Linda, I about die. ROTFL I mean I am not dead yet, married but not dead and those hunks ----- well ! HUGE SMILE !

I am looking forward to the Halloween bash. My daughter wants to be a princesses with wings. So my mom is making her wings with wire and mesh. I miss them all very much.

Thank you Canteeners, each one of you make my life happy. Each one of you show me how you care each day, everyday of every week and I thank you with all I am or could be.

God bless you all and God bless the Chappy Swank, I love him already.

Your friend and family member of the Canteen cottage

US Army

Dear Snow Bunny and the Wild Riders of the Night

A-hem, now here I am over here, how am I supposed to protect you girls. When you go fly a chopper in the middle of the night. Yatch Man you are one crazy guy and my buddy! You get these girls to do the craziest things ! ROTFL

Kathy you know I will protect you always. I was laughing so hard because I had written before about having Jen fly us in one of those planes while we had lunch in the sky. LOL

Then Yatch Man goes and gives you a chopper no one could fly and Jen was away that night. HELP Jen, don't let them to that again. You better give them strict orders no flying unless you are around.  Bunny you almost split my side laughing when you said you didn't know how but how hard could it be since you have ridden in them so often. ROTFLMAO.  Kathy you are such a doll, I loved the way you gathered everyone together and organized it. But BE CAREFUL!  LOL

The Cartoons of War was fun too. And you must know the Tanks are a favorite of mine. Tank Babes is right, gotta love em ! big ole leatherneck smile.

Bunny the day you did Let the Eagles Soar was a favorite. Thank you so much !

Have a great day my Canteen family. Thank you for my home!

Special hug for Kathy.

Leatherneck Jody

Hi Snow Bunny

I want to thank you for the USO Canteen cottage to come to. My mom was given a USO Canteen Freeper Style business card with the address on it for Free Republic and the Canteen. She has since registered and I got an email from her telling me all about it and then the Canteen too. Whoever gave it to her thank you!

Now we are both happy to find a place like Free Republic and the Canteen. She said she is going to take a class in computers and typing so she can learn how to type and be a part of the FR  group. All because of that Canteen business card. Thank you.

For me I have a home I can come to 24/7 or actually when I can get online I should say. Thank you so much. To know you all, Bunny and the Canteeners are there for me whenever I can get there means a lot. Thank you for the support you give us in such a special way.



There's a scramble in the barracks
When our mail call time arrives,
And we hit the stair at double-time,
And our interest has revived.

We assemble in a circle
While some sergeant reads the list
Of addresses on the envelopes
Lest our letters should be missed.

There are many disappointments
When our letters do not come,
And we hit our bunks again
Feeling blue and looking glum.

But the man who gets a letter
Wears a smile so bright and gay,
Like the glimmer of the summer sun
When the clouds have passed away.

So you true and loyal civilians,
If you want to do your part,
Why not write a card or letter
To delight some soldier's heart!

Sir Lancelot


TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: monacofreetedmaher; usocanteen
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
Wow you took the best parts of my favorite comedian of all time. That is cool. "Say the secret word, divide a hundred dollars."
101 posted on 10/28/2002 11:56:25 AM PST by Radix
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 77 | View Replies]

To: LindaSOG; Snow Bunny; Victoria Delsoul; radu; AntiJen; Kathy in Alaska; WVNan; SassyMom; redhead; ..

An angel of truth and a dream of fiction,
A woman is a bundle of contradiction,
She's afraid of a wasp, will scream at a mouse,
But will tackle her boyfriend alone in the house.
Sour as vinegar, sweet as a rose,
She'll kiss you one minute, then turn up her nose,
She'll win you in rage, enchant you in silk,
She'll be stronger than brandy, milder than milk,
At times she'll be vengeful, merry and sad,
She'll hate you like poison and love you like mad.

102 posted on 10/28/2002 12:00:37 PM PST by tomkow6
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To: Mr_Magoo
B-47 Stratojet Bump!

"Cold War Warriors"

B-47 'Stratojets', the first modern bombers of the Strategic Air Command.

"Stratojet Shakedown"

The B-47 Stratojet bomber was the most immediate answer for the dawning jet age and the strategic air defence of the United States. Paul W. Tibbets, pilot of the Red Gremlin and Enola Gay during World War II, served as the B-47 project officer and Air Force test pilot.

The first B-47E was flown on January 30,1953. This version is powered by six J47-GE-25A jets with 6,000 pounds of thrust, or 7,200 pounds using water injection. Two radar directed 20 mm cannon were mounted in the tail cone as sole defense since the speed of modern jet bombers makes conventional forward armament useless. Maximum bomb capacity is 20,000 pounds with a range of 1,600 miles, which can be extended by inflight refueling. Top speed is Mach 0.65, or 630 mph, at 10,000 feet, cruising at 495 mph. Empty weight is approximately 80,000 pounds and normal loaded weight is 175,000 pounds. Fuel capacity exceeds 17,000 gallons. Dimensions are typical of the series; span, 116 feet; length, 109 feet 10 inches; height, 27 feet 11 inches; wing area, 1,428 square feet.

The Stratojet was the first production bomber to utilize the unique "bicycle" type landing gear, although not the first aircraft to be so equipped.

Other variations of the B-47 include the reconnaissance and weather-photo types as the RB-47E and RB-47K. The ERB-47H is a radar loaded Stratojet which carries a crew of five instead of the normal three.

As B-47s were being phased out of active service, many of them are being converted to QB-47 radio-control drones for use in missile evaluation tests.

103 posted on 10/28/2002 12:01:59 PM PST by SAMWolf
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Comment #104 Removed by Moderator

To: Snow Bunny; All
Keith- USN and Tim - USAF
Welcome to the Canteen and thanks for serving.
I know you guys just made Tomkow's day. Those business cards where his idea and I know he has to be thrilled to hear that they are having and affect out there.

Joe - US Army
I love your taste in planes. Next time you write your dad, thank him for his service. I had a tour in a B-17 once and I'm amazed that they could get anyone into the Tail position kneeling there for hours on end during a mission.

Alex - USN
We thank you for your service, the torch of Liberty has been passed to you as it was passed to us. You guys are making us proud. Thanks for letting Blue and Zip know how you feel and that you're aware of what they're doing. I know they apperciate it.

Smitty - USMC
Thanks for writing and letting us know how much Tonk and the Post Office mean to you. As you noticed, Tonk is also in charge of Flowers, Fireplaces and Transportation. It keeps him pretty busy but he has never failed to come through.

Talkin Ted - USMC
Yep. You're a Marine. You must have mentioned every girl at the Canteen. LOL!
Don't tell the girls, but I'm trying to convince Starman to give a test on the material he's covered in his Science Posts.

David - USMC
I'm glad there is so much you like about the Canteen. We all come and add a little bit to the Canteen hoping that somewhere, some Service Person will find it interesting or that we will bring them a laugh or a feeling of being appreciated.

Scully and the Pirates - USN
I hear your and your crew are doing great at scrounging! (I have spies everywhere). MoJo's Tidbits sure are funny aren't they? It's nice to hear some news with "conservative" slant put on it isn't it?
Good hearing from you guys again.

Tom "Big Red" - USMC
Sorry to hear you had bad news from home. I hope it all worked out. You let us know what beer you like and the Canteen will make sure we stock it and I'll draw an ice cold one from the tap anytime you want.

Carol - USN
Welcome to the Canteen Carol. Did Militiaman pay you to "mention" he's a Bad Boy? That's twice now in Mail Call someone said he's Bad. Definately "brownie points" in his favor, if the Troops start mentioning it. I think you'll have a Doll
shortly, we've got some of the best scroungers or Doll makers around. Keep your eyes open.

Leatherneck Jody - USMC
The night of the Hopticopter ride was pretty wild. If you think women make bad drivers, you should see them at the controls of a hopticopter! I think that's why Tonk went to bump-em cars and boats. Safer for everyone all around.

105 posted on 10/28/2002 12:05:26 PM PST by SAMWolf
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To: LindaSOG
How will I ever live up to that?

Ahhh - no sweat! You're awesome!

106 posted on 10/28/2002 12:12:56 PM PST by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
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To: Radix
Radix, that's a real bathtub duck, you know! You can get him here. I really do have the James Brown one. I confess!
107 posted on 10/28/2002 12:15:26 PM PST by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
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To: Snow Bunny; coteblanche; AntiJen; Kathy in Alaska; bluesagewoman; GatorGirl; MoJo2001; radu; ...

On October 1948, the Provisional Council for the State of Israel adopted the yale blue and white colors with the Shield of David as the official flag of Israel. This flag was unveiled on May 11, 1949, at Lake Success in New York when Israel became the 59th member of the United Nations.

The design of the Israel flag is the same as that of the Zionist flag which was used at the First Zionist Congress held in Basle in 1897. The major role in figuring out the design was David Wolfsohn, the distinguished Zionist leader who, in 1905, succeeded Theodor Herzl as president of the World Zionist Organization. Here is Wolfsohn's own account of the birth of the Zionist flag: "At the behest of our leader Herzl, I came to Basle to make preparations for the Zionist Congress, to assure its success and to avoid any opening for detractors. Among the many problems that occupied me then was one which contained something of the essence of the Jewish problem: What flag would we hang in the Congress Hall? Then an idea struck me. We have a flag - and it is blue and white. The tallit (prayer-shawl) which we wrap ourselves when we pray: that is our symbol. Let us take this tallif from its bag and unroll it before the eyes of Israel and the eyes of all nations. So I ordered a blue and white flag with the Shield of David painted upon on it. That is how our national flag, that flew over Congress Hall came into being. And no one expressed any surprise or asked whence it came, or how."

The emblem of the State of Israel was adopted in 1949, is the menorah or candelabrum, the ancient symbol of the Jewish people. In the form seen in relief on the Arch of Titus in Rome. The menorah is surrounded by two olive branches, linked at the bottom by the inscription "Israel" in Hebrew. The olive branches represents the ancient yearning of the Jewish people for peace. The olive branch itself has been synonymous with peace since the dove sent to find dry land brought one back to Noah's Ark (Genesis 8:11)

108 posted on 10/28/2002 12:22:17 PM PST by SAMWolf
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
Those are beautiful. You really should post them here.

Your link, therefore you are responsible for posting those quotes.
109 posted on 10/28/2002 12:27:11 PM PST by Radix
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To: SAMWolf; Snow Bunny; FallGuy; Victoria Delsoul; radu; AntiJen; Kathy in Alaska; WVNan; SassyMom; ...
I'm having a bad, rough day.

I got up this morning, put on a shirt
and a button fell off.

I picked up my briefcase and the handle
came off.

Now I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.........
110 posted on 10/28/2002 12:29:45 PM PST by tomkow6
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To: Radix
Okay. You twisted my arm ; ) (here's a partial list of Groucho quotes):

Here's to our wives and girlfriends... may they never meet!

How do you feel about women's rights?
I like either side of them.

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

We in the industry know that behind every successful screenwriter stands a woman. And behind her stands his wife.

I sent the club a wire stating, "Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member."

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.

Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot.

Now there's a man with an open mind - you can feel the breeze from here!

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.

Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.

I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it.

Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.

It isn't necessary to have relatives in Kansas City in order to be unhappy.

There is only one way to find out if a man is honest...ask him. If he says 'yes', you know he is crooked.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing..if you can fake that, you've got it made.

I'd horsewhip you if I had a horse.

Go, and never darken my towels again.

She got her good looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon.

Time wounds all heels.

Why should I care about posterity? What's posterity ever done for me?

My mother loved children ... she would have given anything if I had been one.

Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.

No one is completely unhappy at the failure of his best friend.

There is no sweeter sound than the crumbling of one's fellow man.

I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty.

I don't have a photograph, but you can have my footprints. They're upstairs in my socks.

Remember men you are fighting for the ladies honour, which is probably more than she ever did.

111 posted on 10/28/2002 12:35:48 PM PST by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
GO to the LINKS in #46...

NOW!!...actually, that's just a suggestion, not an order...

But it's a good suggestion. ;^)

112 posted on 10/28/2002 12:36:38 PM PST by headsonpikes
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To: tomkow6
I had to read that three times before I realized what you meant. (I'm not only slow, I'm naive, too - BAD combination.)

Now, you leave me no choice but to SWAT you! Consider yourself SWATTED!

113 posted on 10/28/2002 12:41:17 PM PST by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
Swat me again, PLEASE, but HARDER?
114 posted on 10/28/2002 12:43:01 PM PST by tomkow6
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To: Snow Bunny; coteblanche; AntiJen; Kathy in Alaska; bluesagewoman; GatorGirl; MoJo2001; radu; ...

U.S. airman technician Sgt. Shai M. Barfield of Phoenix, Ariz., checks the tail rotor of the Black Hawk helicopter at the air base in Bagram, Afghanistan, 55 kilometerss (34 miles) north of Kabul, Monday, Oct. 28, 2002. The presence of a 21-nation peacekeeping force has helped bring security to the Afghan capital after 23 years of conflict. (AP Photo/Amel Emric)

115 posted on 10/28/2002 12:43:15 PM PST by SAMWolf
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To: coteblanche; Snow Bunny; All

116 posted on 10/28/2002 12:57:43 PM PST by SAMWolf
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; radu; coteblanche; Snow Bunny; AntiJen; MoJo2001; redhead; bentfeather; ..
OH MY GAWD, Girlz, check it out!!! Ok, Jen, you're the Air Force specialist. Do you know how to drive this thing? Or know someone who does? Or, since we did so well with a manual and Duchess reading the directions as we went along the last time we didn't have a driver, I guess we could drive it ourselves. Radu, here's your Dramamine.

117 posted on 10/28/2002 1:01:09 PM PST by Kathy in Alaska
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To: tomkow6
Swat me again, PLEASE, but HARDER?

Okay, that's really weird. ; ) (Beg me. LOL)

118 posted on 10/28/2002 1:07:06 PM PST by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
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To: Snow Bunny
Monday Mail Call..Bump !!

Death To all Tyrant's !!

Snuff Saddam, NOW !!

The RATS Are In Disarray...Eradicate The Rodents !!

Fire Democrats, Hire Republicans !!

GWB Is The Man !!

The Second Amendment...
America's Original Homeland Security !!

Freedom Is Worth Fighting For !!

Let's Roll !!

Molon Labe !!

119 posted on 10/28/2002 1:10:14 PM PST by blackie
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To: Kathy in Alaska; RadioAstronomer
Canteen Girlz, we have a problem! I'm cyber rated to fly anything with wings, but, uhhhhhhhhh, that thing has NO wings. I think this is a task for our Starman!

Starman, are you rated on this aircraft? Or do you have any 'friends' who can pilot this thing for us Girlz today??? ;-)

120 posted on 10/28/2002 1:16:41 PM PST by Jen
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