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Early Outspoken Opponents of Abortion - all women
Susan B Anthony Web Site ^
Posted on 11/23/2001 9:19:59 PM PST by AgThorn
The namesake of the Susan B. Anthony List was an outspoken opponent of abortion, referring to it as "child murder." Anthony's colleagues were united with her in this position.
"Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who...drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!" -The Revolution, 1869 |
Susan B. Anthony |
"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton in a letter to Julia Ward Howe, October 16, 1873. Recorded in Howe's diary at Harvard University Library. |
Elizabeth Cady Stanton |
"Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women." -Alice Paul is the author of the original Equal Rights Amendment (1923) |
Alice Paul |
"Every woman knows that if she were free, she would never think of murdering a child before its birth." -Victoria Woodhull was America's first female presidential candidate. Wheeling, West Virginia Evening Standard November 17, 1875 |
Victoria Woodhull |
Since Roe V. Wade, there have been 28 million
abortions in this country.
This is an atrocity. We believe a crucial part to ending abortion is to have women speaking out AGAINST abortion. The media and the pro-abortion lobby have created the perception that ALL women are "pro-choice," and that abortion is a "Women's Issue." This is ridiculous.
Poll after poll shows that women are more pro-life than "pro-choice." |
Illegal or "Stricter Limits" for all age groups |
Illegal or "Stricter Limits" for 18-29 year old women |
January 1998 Nationwide New York Times/CBS News Poll 63% of women felt abortion should be illegal or available only under "stricter limits." Of 18-29 year old women, the percentage was 70%.
Illegal in all cases or with "stricter limits" |
Legal at any time |
Legal in 1st Trimester |
Legal in 2nd trimester |
Undecided |
Bacelice & Associates June 1998 54% of women felt abortion should be illegal in ALL cases or only allowed for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Women who felt abortion should be legal at any time 10%, legal in the 1st Trimester 25%, legal in the 2nd Trimester 5%.
Gallup 1998 - 23% of women say abortion should be legal in all circumstances. (Down from 36% in 1995) |
We all know women are uniquely connected to this issue. The pro-abortion forces have used this to their advantage. We must counter their efforts and have women in public office who will stand up on the floors of the House and Senate and say enough is enough, women want abortion stopped.
Currently there are 72 women in Congress and only 7 of these women are pro-life, that is less than 10%! When bills come before Congress to restrict abortions, radical pro-abortion Congresswomen and Senators dominate the debate. This is just not acceptable. We are determined to change this.
In addition, we need women to act as a grassroots lobbying force and as messengers contacting Congress and state legislatures.
When a woman speaks out against abortion, her voice is listened to she can make a great difference.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: abortionlist; catholiclist; christianlist; christianpersecutio; michaeldobbs
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To: AgThorn
posted on
11/24/2001 2:16:31 AM PST
To: AgThorn
Outstanding work here. I have used quotes from these women to great avail in past encounters with pro-aborts. Well, maybe some avail; if they don't change their minds, at least they shut up because they don't have an answer. The Holy Spirit has to do the rest.
posted on
11/24/2001 2:47:36 AM PST
To: Old Professer; WhyisaTexasgirlinPA; LadyX; Snow Bunny; Hillary's Lovely Legs; Billie; abner...
"I am going to take a page out of Sungirl's book and ask: What about all of those abused and helpless animals suffering every day, when did you last rescue a poor dog or cat or salamander from the pound?" Sungirl and her PETA pals have the intelligence of a dying petunia.
Comparing saving the lives of animals to saving the lives of our unborn is like comparing an anthill to Mount Everest.
Thank you for the bump, AgThorn, and thanks for your work on this.
I'll do everything I can for this cause.
posted on
11/24/2001 4:15:10 AM PST
To: AgThorn
This is a fantastic thread you've put together. Consider it bumped and bookmarked.
I especially like this quote which, I think would drive a lot of feminists today absolutely crazy.
"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton in a letter to Julia Ward Howe, October 16, 1873. Recorded in Howe's diary at Harvard University Library.
To: AgThorn; All
Please sign the petition.
And please check the other issues which are so dear to our hearts. Thank you.
posted on
11/24/2001 4:47:42 AM PST
To: COB1; AgThorn
Thanks for the ping and a great thread!
Comment #27 Removed by Moderator
To: AgThorn
Thanks for this informative post. In my dreams I picture pro-infanticide ( <<< calling abortion what it REALLY IS, the murder of an infant) addict explaining to God the sick reasoning or excuses she or he uses to support such an evil act. That would be a good one. Don't think abortionists and those who would abort a child really believe in the sanctity of life, nor do I believe they hold a love for our Father in heaven in their hearts. Thou shalt not kill is one of the ten commandments-a biggie in the most precious book we know.
posted on
11/24/2001 6:51:29 AM PST
To: AgThorn
Seems the heart of America is against partial birth abortion. I am thankful for this information. Your post is informative and maddening. It shows how once again, special interest groups over-ride the majority. Sad.
posted on
11/24/2001 6:53:19 AM PST
To: Old Professer
Yes....good question....but not a question that should be brought up in this thread.....apples and oranges.
posted on
11/24/2001 10:17:58 AM PST
Comment #31 Removed by Moderator
To: COB1
Abortion might be a quick and
safe procedure and over in a matter of minutes. But the memories last a lifetime.
"Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who...drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!" -The Revolution, 1869
posted on
11/24/2001 10:33:36 AM PST
To: Sungirl
Hang in there SG. Flames come and go, but those of us that have been posting long enough know to not take third party innuendo too seriously ...
Your opinions on this topic are greatly encouraged.
posted on
11/24/2001 10:40:31 AM PST
To: Old Professer
As if the two are exclusive? I am pro-life and also an animal-loving whacko. Does that make me a mixture matter and anti-matter? Can I exist in a vacuum? How many of me can dance on the head of a pin?
Dave, Dave..."Dave's not here." - Chong
"Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?" - Hal
Will I explode because I have marched in pro-life rallies and participated in an abortuary rescue, but the same year marched to protest useless animal experimentation?
Only pro-abort zealots adopt puppies from the ASPCA?
Oh, I just wanted to post a reply that I was bookmarking this page, but my alter-ego who loves animals took over and this is the result. Bookmarked.
posted on
11/24/2001 10:52:28 AM PST
To: Sungirl
Before you trash someone....find out some facts. LOL! That would leave many posters at FR with very little to say.
posted on
11/24/2001 10:56:22 AM PST
Comment #36 Removed by Moderator
To: Skooz
.....Oh, I just wanted to post a reply that I was bookmarking this page, but my alter-ego who loves animals took over and this is the result.
ROFL ... just want to say thanks for posting the delimna (if I can spell it right) that you found yourself with regarding being pro-life and pro-puppy at the same time. Hang in there! I will stand with you in both picket lines!!! ;-)
posted on
11/24/2001 11:25:08 AM PST
To: Easy_Shark; dpa5923
Bump and ping all at the same time!
posted on
11/24/2001 11:30:11 AM PST
To: AgThorn
Does the Susan B. Anthony site have photos of dead fetuses?
To: my_pointy_head_is_sharp
No, it does not ....
posted on
11/24/2001 12:09:06 PM PST
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