Posted on 01/12/2025 9:35:26 AM PST by Fzob
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced an executive order centered around rebuilding in the wake of the recent Los Angeles-area wildfires on Sunday.
“I’m worried about issues of rebuilding as it relates to scarcity, as it relates to property taxes, meaning scarcity of resources, materials, personnel. I’m worried about time to getting these projects done,” Newsom said in an interview with NBC News’s Jacob Soboroff on “Meet the Press.”
Included in the executive order are actions halting environmental regulation in relation “to projects to repair, restore, demolish, or replace property or facilities substantially damaged or destroyed as a result of this emergency” and targeting price gouging.
“California leads the nation in environmental stewardship. I’m not gonna give that up. But one thing I won’t give into is delay. Delay is denial for people: lifes, traditions, places torn [apart,] torn asunder. Families, schools, community centers, churches, you’ve seen it,” Newsom said in his “Meet the Press” interview.
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15-minute cities/prisons, here we come!
Only because the houses that burned down are his mega mega millionaire donor friends . But in the past they were very stringent and difficult for a middle income or lower income people to build anything. How inconvenient… I hope the people see right through it. RESIGN YOU POS GREASEBALL!!!
The first step towards rebuilding, of course, is for applicants to file lengthy environmental impact statements detailing how any proposed improvements will affect the charcoal, cinders, and ashes that they would propose to be altering.
We are going to keep all of the red tape but we promise it won’t slow things down. Just exactly how is this doubling down going to alter the predicted results the people have been enduring?
Here comes Carbon Tax to fix weather change. That’s the ticket.
Then there's "Save the MInnow".
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Require that in the burnt out area only single family homes are zoned for where they were before. That would make it difficult for the wokies to construct apartments and condominiums
Burdensome regulations are totally necessary to save the planet...unless they hurt my presidential aspirations.
Middle income or lower-income people probably don’t have fire insurance anymore due to the idiotic regulations imposed, so a streamlined regulatory environment means nothing if you have no resources to rebuild.
Of course rich donors won’t have that problem
Building Permits, actually. Which in CA means months if not years of delay. Watch the Mayor throw more DEI bodies at the problem only to make it take even longer because they’ll be incompetent. Not to mention the shortage of contractors and workers - for sure there won’t be any early morning crowds in the Home Depot parking lot for years to come.
Wait til the elites who lost their homes find out it doesn’t matter “who they are”...
The biggest obstacle toward rebuilding will be bureaucratic red tape.
Just like Maui, the developers will pick the bones of the unfortunate owners without means. The developer donors will make billions and Newsom will benefit
The places that will recover the quickest will be the trailer courts.
You know..the places where all the trailer trash lives according to the snooty.
I would suspect that these places are grandfathered aside of abusive zoning requirements.
But then again. Its Kalipornia. So who knows.
Just what I want to hear from a leader, “I’m worried.” Newsom, Trudeau - birds of a feather.
Exactly what I was thinking. Leftists have wanted to crowd everybody into inner city ghetto high rises for decades. They keep changing their plan’s name (Buffalo Commons, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Great Reset, “Smart” cities). Frequent name changes for the same idea or product mean the People aren’t buying it!
First, you must obtain a permit from the Coastal Commission, which, when received, will allow you to build. Your new homes - if the CC allows you to build it - will follow our new, very strict & green building codes.
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