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NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Responds to Subway Safety Concerns: Crime Surge ‘Cannot Continue
Breitbart ^
| 01/05/2025
| Olivia Rondeau
Posted on 01/06/2025 5:49:54 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) has responded to the mounting criticism about how unsafe and violent New York City’s subway has gotten, saying the recent “surge” in crimes on the transit system “cannot continue.”
Touting her deployment of 1,000 National Guard members to patrol the subway and the installation of cameras in every subway car, Hochul said her methods are “helping police solve crimes even faster,” according to a Friday statement from her office.
“The recent surge in violent crimes in our public transit system cannot continue — and we need to tackle this crisis head-on,” the governor began. “Many of these horrific incidents have involved people with serious untreated mental illness, the result of a failure to get treatment to people who are living on the streets and are disconnected from our mental health care system.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: anarchotyranny; concerns; crime; dystopia; hochul; newyork; ny; safety; subway; surge
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I thought she said the subway is safe?? Talking out of both sides of her Tammy Faye Baker looking mouth.
To: ChicagoConservative27
Just shut the subways down.
It’s a Public Health Crisis.
posted on
01/06/2025 5:52:30 AM PST
To: ChicagoConservative27
Keep making the innocent more vulnerable Kathy, that’ll surely reduce crime /s
posted on
01/06/2025 5:53:59 AM PST
To: ChicagoConservative27
“recent”surge””? solving crimes? subway crime has been a problem for years and how about this, about PREVENTING crimes. there is a way.
posted on
01/06/2025 5:54:43 AM PST
(Q: know the difference between a petulant 6 y.o. and a liberal? A:age. L.Star )
To: ChicagoConservative27
Solving crimes faster doesn’t help the guy under the train.
Rudy made the subways safe. It can be done again, it’s simply a matter of will.
posted on
01/06/2025 5:55:28 AM PST
Jim Noble
(Assez de mensonges et de phrases)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Hochul said her methods are “helping police solve crimes even faster,” Small comfort for crime victims.
posted on
01/06/2025 5:56:19 AM PST
(12/14/12 - 930am -rampage begins... 12/15/12 - 1030am - Obama team scouts photo-op locations.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
the result of a failure to get treatment to people who are living on the streets and are disconnected from our mental health care system.” Yeah, Kathy. That's the ticket. More social workers and mental health professionals will stop illegals from burning people to death on the subway platforms.
posted on
01/06/2025 5:57:41 AM PST
Opinionated Blowhard
(When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Then that psycho should resign.
posted on
01/06/2025 5:57:45 AM PST
(Woke is communism and it has no place in America. Election Reform Now! Obama is an evildoer.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Sure it can.
Quit making it free for criminals to use the subway
posted on
01/06/2025 5:57:45 AM PST
(If Hitler were alive today and criticized Trump, would he still be Hitler?)
To: ChicagoConservative27
“Many of these horrific incidents have involved people with serious untreated mental illness" She fails to grasp who the actual victims are.
To: ChicagoConservative27
“”This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put.””
Per Winston Churchill quote...supposedly! Hochul could adopt it as her own.
To: ChicagoConservative27
“Cannot continue.” Your policies cannot continue. You allowed it to happen.
posted on
01/06/2025 6:03:05 AM PST
I want the USA back
(The drones. Are we supposed to just forget about them? They've dropped out of the news. )
To: ChicagoConservative27
posted on
01/06/2025 6:07:10 AM PST
Uncle Miltie
(muslims ARE INBRED IGNORAMUSES. See my "About" page for proof.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
The recent surge in violent crimes in our public transit system cannot continue — and we need to tackle this crisis head-on,” the governor began.... Sending the illegals home would be a starter.
posted on
01/06/2025 6:08:16 AM PST
stars & stripes forever
(Blessed is the nation whose GOD is the LORD. (Psalm 33:12))
To: Paladin2
>>Just shut the subways down.
>>It’s a Public Health Crisis.
Plus think of all the additional revenue from congestion pricing...
posted on
01/06/2025 6:11:57 AM PST
(chown -R us ~you/base)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Another worthless Democrat (but I repeat myself) assaulted by Captain Obvious. These folks are truly evil.
posted on
01/06/2025 6:12:52 AM PST
Da Coyote
To: ChicagoConservative27
Why can’t the crime surge continue, Hochul and her administration has done nothing to stop it, heck not even putting the criminals back on the streets has stopped it.
To: Paladin2
Better yet, allow CCW in NYC. People need to be able to protect themselves.
To: Mastador1
Responding to a crisis she and her party created.
posted on
01/06/2025 6:15:17 AM PST
(Come and take it!)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Actually, it can continue to get worse thanks to you and your criminal Party.
posted on
01/06/2025 6:20:38 AM PST
(It's not racist to be racist against races the DNC hates.)
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