Posted on 01/05/2025 6:34:52 PM PST by blueplum
Turtles are allegedly being brutally beaten and butchered in San Francisco's Chinese 'wet markets', and the 'illegal' activity has now been caught on video by an animal charity.
Exclusive video obtained by showed workers cutting open turtles while their legs were still moving, part-suffocating frogs then decapitating them alive, leaving fish out of water to slowly die and bludgeoning other animals...
A reporter visited the three Chinatown markets on Christmas Eve to investigate what was uncovered in the nonprofit's footage....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Get ready for some “bat soup flu” reports out of the San Fran Chinatown wet-markets.
Better than ass mud on the sidewalk.
“It’s Chinatown, Jake.”
Turtles and frogs in San Francisco.
Dogs and squirrels in Springfield.
Ain’t Diversity Grand?
Someone said that all cultures are equal, no? Will the lefties walk that back in this case?
Last week I was in a Thailand Market, a hog had been freshly butchered. But it’s the minor leagues when compared to Cambodian markets selling dog meat.
Warning, you don’t want to see this:
That’s San Fransucko for you.
“… cutting open turtles while their legs were still moving…”
Turtles have a “swimming reflex” that moves their legs even after their brains are destroyed.
“… then decapitating them alive..”
What’s the point of decapitating them if they’re already dead?
“… leaving fish out of water to slowly die and bludgeoning other animals…”
I don’t know about the fish, but many fish have their gill arteries cut to bleed them out, and the authors obviously have never seen the bolt guns used at slaughterhouses.
Meat and seafood doesn’t come wrapped in plastic.
Why are the blowhard SF leftists permitting this animal cruelty?
They’re clowns.
Diversity is our strenght
Good question.
I bet you’d never see abortion described like this in the DM.
You mean our magic soil doesn’t work on everyone?
They don’t dare risk being called “THAT’S WAYCIST!”
I’ve seen turtles move a week after being butchered. Their metabolism is really weird.
Anyone who has gone shark or tuna fishing knows it’s common to thump them.
Frogs are really hard to kill. With their small brains, you could run an ice pick into their head repeatedly and not hit it. They die slowly too.
It isn’t a big deal the unfilleted fish was dropped.
Clearly, none of the people writing the article have ever been on a farm or hunting or fishing.
Decapitating a turtle seems to be the best way to put it down. How more humanely would one do it?
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