Posted on 01/05/2025 4:12:11 PM PST by george76
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. The Left doesn’t get it. They’d rather mainline whatever sludge CNN or MSNBC spews on the airwaves, but there’s no escaping this anymore: Donald J. Trump won the 2024 election. He won the Electoral College. He won the popular vote. He beat the lawfare and the media smear campaigns. He’s unstoppable, invincible, and it’s about time Democrats realize they cannot beat him.
So, when you have these clown threads on Twitter claiming how Trump didn’t win the popular vote—look no further than Nate Silver, of all people, to annihilate the premise with one tweet.
John Podhorzer, a former top AFL-CIO operative and fellow at the Center for American Progress, had a lengthy tweet about how Trump didn’t win the popular vote.
here’s what Silver had to say:
“Trump went from 63 million votes in 2016 to 74.2 million in 2020 to 77.3 million in 2024. I don’t know but seems like he's getting more popular!
Mr. Silver has given both sides equal bouts of agita, but you can’t flub the numbers: Trump got more Electoral College and popular votes than Kamala Harris. It’s Orwellian to think otherwise. This debate here is like arguing 2+2=5.
And you know this is a dead argument when Silver, who isn’t a conservative, can fillet this entire thread in a sentence.
Democrats have not yet undergone a period of accountability or self-reflection, and I don’t think they will.
And if Kalifornia hadn’t spent 3 weeks “curing” ballots DJT probably would have gotten 80 million.
I voted for Trump six times. Almost sounds illegal.
3 weeks? They were cheating almost to Xmas. Time for the DOJ to arrest people in that state for civil rights violations.
It sure does.
That’s right.
I don't think they will either, most are still foaming at the mouth over Trump's win.
“ Time for the DOJ to arrest people in that state for civil rights violations.”
Which Federal civil right do you think would be involved in this California election for the choice of the California legislature’s electors?
Most Rats are still foaming at the mouth over Trump’s FIRST win.
Because the Democrats cannot accept their defeat, their party will not change, which means WE WILL HAVE Republican CONGRESSES AND PRESIDENCIES FOR THE NEXT 3 CYCLES.
Celebrate their stupidity.
Shut up Nate Silver.....let them be.
“The Left doesn’t get it. They’d rather mainline whatever sludge CNN or MSNBC spews on the airwaves”
That’s a keeper.
Salt cured or Smoke cured?
Knowing the Democrats I am guessing smoke.
It’s always smoke and mirrors with the Democrats.
The rats are such crybabies.
Absolutely. Fraudulent elections are a violation of Article IV, Section 4
Article IV, Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
Accountability is most often forced on an individual and is difficult to force on a large organization other than by force of law. That is not going to happen to the Democrats.
Self-reflection is personal and requires honesty.
Honesty is rare in Democrats.
The only way to that Self-reflection is to be forced on the Democrats is repeated failure at the ballot box. And as long as ballot fraud is open to them that is not going to happen.
I agree with your take and add: Many liberals are stuck in a feedback loop and can’t change. They are practicing a religion, not playing politics.
Counting illegal votes in CA dilutes the votes of legal voters and thus could be a violation of their civil rights.
It would have to be tested in Court I think, since I cannot find any time such a legal challenge was tried.
The Federal Government has oversite of Federal Elections. There could be a “voter fairness act”, in the same way Congress once passed a “Voters Right Act”, that could require that all States follow required uniform standards how how Federal votes are to be handled.
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