Posted on 11/05/2024 6:38:43 AM PST by where's_the_Outrage?
From media claims that we are a hopelessly divided country to ceaseless personal attacks on the presidential candidates’ characters and track records, it’s not surprising that most folks believe the American electorate is more polarized than ever. A closer look at the two parties’ respective platforms, however, reveals a story of a homogeneous citizenry, and a nation unified in its temperament and values.
Political polarization oscillates back and forth depending on various social and political factors, both domestic and international. Since the mid-2000s, the Democratic and Republican parties have tended in opposite directions along the political spectrum on a variety of issues. Nevertheless, in this election, we are witnessing a return of both parties and their presidential candidates towards centrist political positions.......
Despite attempts by Democrats to label the GOP as homophobic, sexist, racist, antisemitic and Islamophobic, the party has celebrated its commitment to equality and diversity. Given the libertarian spirit of many Republicans, there has been no serious attempt to overturn same-sex marriage. The final contender for the Republican presidential race was a woman, Nikki Haley, and the party convention featured a host of female speakers.
And it is hard to deploy the racism card when Trump appoints a running mate whose wife is neither white nor Christian, and proudly displays Usha Vance as a symbol of American success. Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, Harris and the Democratic Party have notably stopped employing the canard that it is racist to have a well-funded and effective police force.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Also, the left has no interest in the truth, for them it's win at any cost.
Afraid of the outcome today, Hill?
I agree - if Comrade Kommie-La succeeds in stealing the election. Her jackbooted thugs will insure 100% compliance with the party line!
The Demoncrat leaders will never stop using polization tactics, they are written into their DNA since LBJ, after which the Progressive-Fascists and Marxists took over the party.
BS, indeed. Party platforms and such mean nothing.
Very few Harris supporters will break for Trump at the last moment. And very few Trump supporters will break for Harris at the last moment. And that’s because the two candidates are worlds apart.
That’s uber-polarization.
Correct, biggest piece of BS I’ve read all day!
It will only continue to get worse.
I’ve said it many times, the coming wars in the world will redefine genocide.
The MAGA record is common sense.
The Democrat party record is tyranny, globalism and a loss of sovereignty.
I think you misidentified the source of this comedy.
It says The Hill instead of the Babylon Bee. ended at “deplorables”...”irredeemable”...and “garbage”.
“.... witnessing ... both parties and their presidential candidates towards centrist”
The current Dem candidate is a “centrist”
IS that somehwere between Lennin and Trotsky?
It wasn't all that long ago that every other car had a bumper sticker during election season. Now, you rarely see a bumper sticker. Drivers don't want to get their cars vandalized.
True 'dat.
“It wasn’t all that long ago that every other car had a bumper sticker during election season. Now, you rarely see a bumper sticker. Drivers don’t want to get their cars vandalized.”
Not True.. You can have as many Bernie/ Kamala/ Hillary stickers as you want and your car won’t be touched...
Vandalism (like Rioting) only happens one way.
The writer is delusional.
I’m from Detroit, and naturally am a big red wings hockey fan. I’ve read and heard of people getting called out wearing a red hat. A Detroit Red Wings hat...
*gasp* *wheeze*
Smells like someone already planting the seed to encourage MAGA-Republican complacency.
Just need to look at a pic of Hillary standing at DJT’s first inauguration to remember what is being faced - that smug look of knowing the evil actions being launched even then.
They’re only saying this because they believe the steal will be successful. If not…it’s back to polarization
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