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NATO’s involvement in Ukraine conflict may lead to nuclear escalation — German politician
TASS ^ | October 12, 2024 | Sahra Wagenknecht via TASS

Posted on 10/14/2024 12:06:48 AM PDT by jdt1138

If NATO becomes a party to the conflict in Ukraine, it will get to a point where Russia will carry out a strike on military facilities in NATO territory, German parliament member and leader of the BSW said.

BERLIN, October 12. /TASS/. NATO’s growing involvement in the Ukraine conflict may trigger a nuclear response from Russia, Sahra Wagenknecht, German parliament member and leader of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance - Reason and Justice party (BSW), said.

"If NATO becomes a party to the conflict in Ukraine, it will get to a point where Russia will carry out a strike on military facilities in NATO territory," she said in an interview with the Funke media group. "After that, the conflict will soon escalate into nuclear confrontation because this is the only field where Russia is equal to NATO," she argued. "This is why it is so crazy dangerous that we are allowing ourselves to be dragged deeper into the conflict," the BSW leader added.

"The Russians kept sending messages that they don’t want to see the US army near their borders. In particular, many Western politicians pointed out that Ukraine’s integration into NATO’s military structures will lead to a war," she noted. According to Wagenknecht, 4,000 NATO service members were present in Ukraine before the conflict had escalated; "12 CIA bases were located along the Russian border and joint drills were taking place in the Black Sea." "Ukraine was being rapidly dragged into the US zone of military influence," the politician stressed. In her view, this is exactly why Russia started to take certain measures "before it’s too late."

TOPICS: Germany; Russia; Ukraine
KEYWORDS: 0putinsfolly; 1putinswar; 3daywar; anotherrussianlie; bidenswar; bogusnonsense; bsw; escalation; europe; foreigntrolls; foreigntrollsonfr; killkillkillforpeace; leftist; maplesyrup; mic; nato; neoconsarefools; neoconsindenial; nuclear; pds; putinfanssad; putinsblunder; putinsupporter; rundstedtoffensive; russianlies; sahrawagenknecht; slaviccivilwar; slavictrolls; socialistpolitician; tass; tothelastukrainian; ukraine; wagenknecht; war; welfarewar; worldwariii; ww3; zeepercult; zeepersindenial
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1 posted on 10/14/2024 12:06:48 AM PDT by jdt1138
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” In particular, many Western politicians pointed out that Ukraine’s integration into NATO’s military structures will lead to a war,” she noted.”

I believe this is Zelensky’s “Victory Plan”. Join NATO before there is a peace agreement and the borders are settled. Then invoke Article 5 against Russia.

2 posted on 10/14/2024 12:27:45 AM PDT by rxh4n1 ( )
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To: jdt1138

Putin’s German agent speaks, right on cue

Russia is reeeeeally desperate to stop the arms flow to Ukraine ... which is a comment on how effective those superior Western weapons really are!

3 posted on 10/14/2024 12:31:02 AM PDT by canuck_conservative (NATO - now celebrating 75 successful years of keeping the Russian monsters out!!)
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To: jdt1138; delta7; bimboeruption; Allegra; Rocco DiPippo; aMorePerfectUnion; Kazan
Hmmm....there may be a strategy behind this article.

The US has withdrawn from further financial donations to Ukraine, has said it has no more armaments beyond the most minimal left to give, has said its decision not to allow long range US missiles to be fired deep inside Russia will not change. The US' withdrawal of support has knee-capped Ukraine's war effort.

The EU is trying to sound like it's going to follow through on a once proposed (By US/Britain) 50 million dollar loan even though the US has withdrawn, but the EU simply can't. Germany has said it doesn't have more weapons to give. An effort to co produce shells with Japan to supply the Ukraine's old Leopard 1 tanks has fallen through. The only significant weapons heading for Ukraine are some old F-16's from the Netherlands, but the Ukraine hasn't made productive use of the ones they were given. There are rumors those F-16's were destroyed on the ground in Ukraine.

All Western nations are backing away from Ukraine, and Germany pretended not to hear Zelensky's latests requests for support - they simply acted like he said nothing about it. So now the West's support has dried up, why is Germany referring to an 'increasing western presence' in Ukraine when there isn't one? Is NATO planning a false flag to portray their violent actions as Russia's, giving the lame excuse that the west simply pushed PUtin too far even though the west has left Zelensky?

4 posted on 10/14/2024 12:38:07 AM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: jdt1138
And from a Western source, before you are attacked for referencing TASS:

Russia Nuclear War Warning Issued by NATO Ally Politician Newsweek, 13 October 2024

It is fascinating to watch two women -- Weidel of the "far right" AfD and Wagenknecht of her own Leftist party -- agree on the issue of Scholz' rubber stamp agreement with the EU Commission and the Biden administration.

I expect the Scholz-Habeck government to weaken further as the energy prices in Germany continue to rise beyond ordinary Germans' ability to afford the energy inflation.

5 posted on 10/14/2024 12:39:32 AM PDT by Worldtraveler once upon a time (Degrow government)
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To: Worldtraveler once upon a time
as the energy prices in Germany continue to rise

WTH are you talking about?

Oil peaked at $120/bbl. in June 2022, and has been fairly stable (about $80) for the last 2 years

Put down the crack pipe, and give the Russian propaganda a rest

6 posted on 10/14/2024 1:01:19 AM PDT by canuck_conservative (NATO - now celebrating 75 successful years of keeping the Russian monsters out!!)
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To: jdt1138

This auricle is sot on and reflects both current Russian military doctrine and how they have structured their weapons systems

7 posted on 10/14/2024 1:11:39 AM PDT by rdcbn1
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To: rdcbn1

This article is spot on and reflects both current Russian military doctrine and how they have structured their weapons systems

8 posted on 10/14/2024 1:15:50 AM PDT by rdcbn1
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To: canuck_conservative
Putin’s German agent speaks, right on cue

Neocon losers doing what they do best, lose, right on cue. I noticed you failed to LOL.

9 posted on 10/14/2024 2:11:29 AM PDT by BlackbirdSST (Trump or Bust! Long live the Republic.)
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To: jdt1138

Germany gets it. I’m still betting that Germany makes some kind of deal with Russia to reopen the one Nord Stream line that could furnish gas to Germany.

10 posted on 10/14/2024 2:15:19 AM PDT by Sacajaweau (mY)
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To: jdt1138

11 posted on 10/14/2024 2:51:21 AM PDT by McGruff (Ask everyone, Are you better off than you were four years ago?)
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To: jdt1138

Was biden/harris “SELECTED” to perform population control ?

12 posted on 10/14/2024 2:54:40 AM PDT by no-to-illegals (The enemy has US surrounded. May God have mercy on them.)
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To: BlackbirdSST

Nothing funny about clumsy Russian attempts to play us with lies

13 posted on 10/14/2024 3:13:55 AM PDT by canuck_conservative (NATO - now celebrating 75 successful years of keeping the Russian monsters out!!)
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To: jdt1138; kiryandil; bimboeruption; Allegra; aMorePerfectUnion
Democrat Joe Biden and Democrat Kamala Harris DO NOT care about America, Americans nor America's Borders.

Here comes The Great Reset

14 posted on 10/14/2024 3:36:35 AM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: rxh4n1
rxh4n1: "I believe this is Zelensky’s “Victory Plan”.
Join NATO before there is a peace agreement and the borders are settled.
Then invoke Article 5 against Russia."

That can't happen, but what will happen has already happened -- Ukraine is already a NATO partner, and for practical purposes a NATO member.
But Ukraine cannot become an official member until the war with Russia is settled, and in such a settlement, there's no way NATO will agree to neutralize Ukraine.
Nor will Ukraine ever agree to recognize Russian control of Ukrainian territories.

So, the settlement would be in the distant future, long after the current generation of leaders has passed away.
Can Pres. Trump negotiate a permanent peace?
Maybe, he certainly thinks he can, and we have to wish him all the best in that.

But I doubt if it will prove as easy or quick as he hopes.

We'll see... hopefully in less than a month.

15 posted on 10/14/2024 4:15:37 AM PDT by BroJoeK (future DDG 134 -- we remember)
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To: canuck_conservative
Nothing funny about clumsy Russian attempts to play us with lies

You neocon idiots suck up lies like a sponge. It's your life blood. That makes your objections lol funny!

16 posted on 10/14/2024 4:22:10 AM PDT by BlackbirdSST (Trump or Bust! Long live the Republic.)
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To: canuck_conservative

Germany Electricity increased 58.85 EUR/MWh or 363.72% since the beginning of 2024, according to the latest spot benchmarks offered by sellers to buyers priced in megawatt hour (MWh). Historically, the Germany Electricity Price reached an all time high of 699.44 in August of 2022. source: EEX

17 posted on 10/14/2024 5:10:07 AM PDT by enduserindy
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To: canuck_conservative
Hi, poor, sad Canuck,

Inflation is a multi-year phenomenon, while picking a short window and then calling that proof of something is a neo-lib game. Like the global warming scam.

My wife and I were legal residents of Germany for decades before returning home to the United States, and our experience is proof enough that 1) energy prices have been rising for some time, 2) German subsidies are skewing the markets as the Scholz-Habeck lunacy teeters, 3) a number of German businesses have already outsourced their work because of rising prices, and 4) gas at the pump for the average German today is about 7 USD (when liter and Euro prices are converted to US measures), whereas a decade ago it was far, far lower.

--- "Put down the crack pipe, and give the Russian propaganda a rest" is about as limp an argument as can be constructed.

I served in the US Army, active duty and in the reserves. Which army did you serve in?

My wife and U are voting for Trump in 2024. Which candidate are you voting for? Poor, sad and angry Canuck.

18 posted on 10/14/2024 6:04:57 AM PDT by Worldtraveler once upon a time (Degrow government)
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To: Worldtraveler once upon a time
--- Typo correction: My wife and U I are voting for Trump in 2024. Which candidate are you voting for? Poor, sad and angry Canuck.
19 posted on 10/14/2024 6:07:02 AM PDT by Worldtraveler once upon a time (Degrow government)
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To: ransomnote
ransomnote: "The US has withdrawn from further financial donations to Ukraine, has said it has no more armaments beyond the most minimal left to give, has said its decision not to allow long range US missiles to be fired deep inside Russia will not change.
The US' withdrawal of support has knee-capped Ukraine's war effort."

  1. It appears that all of the financial/humanitarian aid approved in the $61 billion April 2024 package has been delivered and there are no new proposals in Congress.
    What will happen in November & December is anyone's guess.

  2. Most of the military aid approved in April has been delivered, but some, perhaps 1/3, remains in the logistical pipeline.

  3. Biden's commitment to Ukraine was only ever to help them keep fighting, never to help them win.
    That is just the nature of our Democrats, and will not change until there's a Republican administration able to decide whether to fish or cut-bait.

  4. Ukraine's war effort is no more "knee-capped" today than it was four years ago, especially with the development of its own long-range missile-drones.
ransomnote: "The EU is trying to sound like it's going to follow through on a once proposed (By US/Britain) 50 million dollar loan even though the US has withdrawn, but the EU simply can't. "

The original plan was for delivery of $54 billion over four years, and so far they've delivered just under 1/3 of the total, so as of today, they are on schedule.
Future deliveries, to be determined.

ransomnote: "An effort to co produce shells with Japan to supply the Ukraine's old Leopard 1 tanks has fallen through."

I've seen no suggestions of problems in supplying the 105mm ammo Leopard I tanks use.

ransomnote: "The only significant weapons heading for Ukraine are some old F-16's from the Netherlands, but the Ukraine hasn't made productive use of the ones they were given.
There are rumors those F-16's were destroyed on the ground in Ukraine."

So far, only about six F-16s were delivered, and of those six, one was lost, under circumstances strange enough to get Ukraine's Airforce chief fired.
Some have suggested the F-16 was shot down by a Patriot missile under the Airforce chief's command.

More recently some Russians have said an F-16 shot down a Russian Su-34, though that is not yet confirmed, last time I checked.

Russians claimed to shoot down this F-16,
it was actually a 2019 crash in California:

Also not confirmed are multiple Russian claims to have destroyed F-16s on the ground.

ransomnote: "All Western nations are backing away from Ukraine, and Germany pretended not to hear Zelensky's latest requests for support - they simply acted like he said nothing about it."

Germans have always been afraid of supporting Ukraine -- back in the 2008 NATO Bucharest Summit, Germans and French were instrumental in killing Ukraine's admission to NATO then, though the compromise reached was an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO but with no timeline or schedule.

Germans have also supported the $54 billion in humanitarian aid committed by the EU to Ukraine, and that is currently on schedule as originally announced.

ransomnote: "So now the West's support has dried up, why is Germany referring to an 'increasing western presence' in Ukraine when there isn't one?
Is NATO planning a false flag to portray their violent actions as Russia's, giving the lame excuse that the west simply pushed PUtin too far even though the west has left Zelensky?"

Do you not understand that those words make no sense?
To a normal person they sound like Russian vodka induced paranoia, divorced from any contact with reality, incomprehensible to a sober mind.

20 posted on 10/14/2024 6:11:07 AM PDT by BroJoeK (future DDG 134 -- we remember)
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