Posted on 09/26/2023 12:44:38 PM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed into law an 11 percent tax on guns and ammunition Tuesday, describing the gun control measure as a “sin tax.”
On August 23, 2023, Breitbart News reported that California Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel (D) was pushing legislation to create the 11 percent excise tax on firearm and ammunition sales in the state.
He touted the bill as means to bring nearly $160 million in annual revenue for the state government. Former Assemblyman Marc Levine (D) voiced support for Gabriel’s excise tax because California is “facing a $31.5 billion budget gap,” the Sacramento Bee noted.
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Criminals, who bring guns in through the open borders, will not be paying that tax. Non-violent citizens will pay the tax.
Their goal is to take guns from non-violent citizens while deliberately leaving them in the hands of violent criminals.
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The Reverend Newsom speaks from his bully pulpit.
The perfectly coiffed white version of Sharpton.
The income from this tax will disappear into democrat pockets.
Sounds like an infringement to the 2A to me.
If they can do this then they can tax guns at 100%, 1,000%
Is there an excise tax on free speech?
Unconstitutional. Same as a poll tax.
exactly. here in Idaho people often sell guns at yard one charges sales tax on items.
The irony is this will more quickly lead to courts, or even SCOTUS itself, stroking down ALL California gun laws as well as gun laws in the other states
Welcome to FR.
If you can tax a right at X%, then what prevents you from taxing it at 10X% or 100X%??? Nothing, because if it is permissible at a low rate, then it is also permissible at a high rate by operation of logic.
I am of the opinion that this infringes specifically on the RKBA. If it was an 11% additional tax on ALL goods, that would be one thing (and rather outrageous, but at least Constitutional, like sales taxes). But this is aimed ONLY at a specifically enumerated right, so it is likely unconstitutional.
I’m sure that someone or some pro-gun organization will challenge this in federal court. This is a “gimme” in terms of getting plaintiffs, as all you need is someone who bought a gun and paid this tax, then files a refund request and is denied; no one needs to risk jail time to do this. Frankly, EVERY SINGLE PRO-GUN ORGANIZATION should gather plaintiffs and cooperate on this suit. That way, if there’s a restraining order, it’ll apply to members of all of those organizations in California, not just a few people.
Game show host.
It’ll go to SCOTUS after an injunction against it and then overturned by appeals court.
I wonder to what extent this is just a cynical money grab, knowing that Biden’s policies are going to have guns flying off the shelves
So gruesome is saying our God Given Right to defend ourselves is now a sin. F Newsome and FJB.
Yeah, well... from your keyboard to God’s Inbox, but I’m not holding my breath.
Doofus strikes again.
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