Posted on 08/10/2023 6:42:59 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
Inflation ticked up to 3.2 percent year-over-year in July and 0.2 percent from June alone, according to new consumer price data released Thursday by the Labor Department.
This marks the first increase after 13 months of falling inflation. But that doesn’t necessarily mean inflation is about to come roaring back.
The so-called “core” consumer price index (CPI), which excludes volatile food and energy prices, dropped slightly from 4.8 percent year-over-year in June to 4.7 percent in July.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I’m always so grateful that “the volatile food and energy sectors” are excluded. We wouldn’t want the official stats to actually tell us anything accurately /s
The inflation statistics coming from our government are complete garbage. Actual inflation is probably 5-10 times higher than what they report.
Inflation comes in waves. It ebbs and flows.
Just because you hit a trough, doesn’t mean the next wave isn’t coming.
Agreed. In my July power bill I was charged 16.5¢/kWh, which is up 25.8% from last July. TWENTY-FIVE POINT EIGHT PERCENT!!!!!!
Media prose is a beautiful thing to observe AND translate.
What "dropped" was the estimate of inflation. Inflation as a phenomenon did not "drop." Inflation continues.
So we need a sentence with "inflation" and "drop" in it. See how that works.
Inflation is a huge drag on the economy.
In other news, the DOW is up 400 points.
DOW seeming to move in the opposite direction one might expect, as if the market is being choreographed.
If inflation is rising again, that should equate to pressure on the FED to keep raising interest rates.
No inflation in a year ? I must be on a different planet
According to Shadowstats: price inflation in the US is currently 12%
No. Did they actually exclude those sectors?????
Heck. Why did they stop there? Surely they could look at any sector that has an inflation rate over, say, -2% and exclude those as well?
Then they could trumpet even more economic success for the megaphones of truth, such as WSJ, NYT, WAPO, and, of course, The Hill.
And there are people, lots of them, who would believe it.
What an Effing Joke.
[I’m always so grateful that “the volatile food and energy sectors” are excluded.]
Leave it to “The Hill” to rig the game to protect Joe Biden.
“This marks the first increase after 13 months of falling inflation.”
‘Falling inflation’. Prices were still increasing, just not as fast as they had been, therefore inflation is falling. Typical Pro-Biden spin from the lapdog media.
This post is for TAYLOR GIORNO.
Inflation is cumulative.
I’m surprised to see this reported by “The Hill”. Most MSM outlets have headlines such as “Workers are Beating Inflation” or “Why Feds Could Cut Rates Soon”. All to give the appearance that “Bidenomics” is fantastic so obviously it must be something YOU are doing wrong — you ungrateful peon!
How about 60% inflation over the last two years for groceries?
It’s depressing to look at my online Wal Mart shopping history. Grocery items that cost $96 in July 2021 now cost $157. These are basic items we buy regularly - ground beef, chicken breasts, milk, eggs, bananas, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, chips, peanut butter, mayonnaise, bread, dog food.
That’s not even including product shrinkage - dog food went from 50 lbs to 46 lbs while the price jumped from $19.98 to $27.48.
“Inflation is cumulative.”
So many people ignore that factor.
Related article:
“I’m always so grateful that “the volatile food and energy sectors” are excluded.”
And a hamburger has ticked up to about $13.00.
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