Posted on 04/11/2022 10:01:40 AM PDT by Nifty
.......“In addition, Defendant Wood made many fantastical and obviously false and defamatory statements about Plaintiffs, including, for instance, that they are ‘deep state’ communists being paid by nefarious actors to bring litigation against him,” the 56-page complaint states.
Since battling him in court, the ex-partners claim that they faced a “torrent of threats” from Wood. The lawsuit quotes Wood telling them that they “have now subjected [themselves] and [their] families to the fact that you all are guilty of federal crimes.” Wood told them they “are going to be ruined financially, if necessary, in civil and criminal lawsuit[s],” and “are in #@*@*ing serious criminal and civil exposure,” according to the complaint.
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That's standard Qtard policy.
Unfortunately Woods is now in the cray-cray group.
At one time Wood was a very good attorney, but somewhere along the line he seems to have gone off the rails mentally. We in the general public can’t know why unless information comes to light to explain it, but whatever the reason, his career and life are ruined.
Loon Wood deserves everything he gets.
Shark jumping just isn’t worth it.
Wood is a scumbag. And he did real damage before the Senate runoffs in Georgia.
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Deep plant?
So,conservatives can sue,the left when the left smear them with names like,white supremacists, white privilege, etc because names like that incite the left to attack white conservatives? Is that what we are coming to now?
I think just a very smart guy that got too deep in the weeds, and descended into madness.
It happens. Too bad he harmed so many on the way down.
#9. No, just losing his mind.
And here we have David Perdue, finally free from lin Wood, trailing Kemp by 37.5 points.
Right. Wood is a nut, and I believe a Democrat operative.
Mister Lin has become toxic.
What a shock!
I sometimes see very smart people as not so different from mentally ill people. Like maybe knowing some things is enough to make you crazy.
Beware the shyster political lawyers. There's a small but active contingent of such types who grab on to a heated political issue to promote their brand. People like Gloria Allred or Michael Avenetti come to mind.
They know how to manipulate people who are concerned about politics, and the media gives the voice.
he had plenty of supporters here who just refused to be reasoned with...I think some of them still support him
No he didn't. Governor Kemp and Rat Rafensberg did *ALL* the damage by refusing to correct a corrupt election.
Convince people the election is rigged, and they won't bother showing up to vote.
Kemp and Rat were the people who cost us two Senate seats. They are both scum.
He still does, sweetheart. Not all of are so easily manipulated by the deep state. I will not be told what to think. But you do you.
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